54. Date

711 41 24

Song of the chapter
Hug by Seventeen


~💙Seokmin POV🩵

I was walking hand in hand with the love of my life under a beautiful weather, he was mesmerized by the fair, selling fresh food, fruits and all other goodies, we left Heeseung with Jeonghan, the Jeongcheol couple would be going to a water park so that was a good opportunity to go on a date and leave the child with our best friend, we weren't in Seoul we were in a nearby town

"Honey." Joshua said getting my attention

"Yes love?" I said

"Could we have stew today?" He asked

"Sure, I miss the stew from this fair actually." I said, Joshua starts swinging our hands and I laugh

We sit down in a tent and order out stews, I ordered soybean paste stew and Joshua ordered soft tofu stew, Joshua got a message from Jeonghan, a photo of Heeseung and Beomgyu with their swim trunks smiling

"He's having a blast huh?" I asked

"Yeah, I hope so." He said

"Do you want to try some of mine?" I asked referring to my stew

"Yeah." He said, opening his mouth, I put the spoon on his mouth "hmm! It's so good, now I get it why it's your favorite." He said smiling

I smile

We continue eating, after we finish we continue walking

"Baby, isn't it crazy that we are parents." I said

"Hmm." He hums in response "Come." He said

He stops in front of a tent selling cups of fresh strawberry with chocolate

"Hello would you like a cup?" The worker asked

"Yes please." Joshua said

Me and Joshua sit in a bench

"Here." He said giving me a strawberry with chocolate, the summer breeze and the spring ending

"Wow- I don't eat those in such a long time." I said

We continue eating and later we buy some clothes, fresh fruits and vegetables, we go to the hotel I got for the night and he drops himself in the bed

"Ah." He said "Just us for once." He said, I chuckled and pull his legs making him come closer to me, I lift his chin up and pull him for a kiss, he closes his eyes feeling our lips, the heat connection, he leans back and I top him my knee between his legs, his hands tracing my strong arms

I deepen the kiss licking him lower lip asking for entrance, he opens his mouth giving me entrance I slip my tongue exploring the heat of his mouth out tongues intertwining into each other, we separate, his swollen lips slightly open his yes opening slowly, I smile with this vision of him

"I missed this." He said cupping my cheeks

"Me too baby, me too." I said laying next to him and bringing him closer to me


It's night Joshua was eating a cup of tanghulu, watching the dancing artists play with fire, he wouldn't take his eyes off the dancers, the male dancers were with out shirts sweating like crazy

What's so special about these sweaty man?

His eyes would move with the dancers and at the same time lick and bite the tanghulu, I roll my eyes and leave for a bit Joshua not even noticing my presence being gone

I go to the food truck and get a water, I pay the worker and I lean on the food truck eyeing the dancer finishing their dance and my eyes go to Joshua mesmerized, after about one minute of eyeing I see one of the dancers talking to my boyfriend and they are laughing

"Hey~ you alone pretty guy?" A girl came up to me

"Hm? No actually, im here with my boyfriend." I said not caring of what this girl has to say, the girl rolls her eyes and goes away, I look back at my boyfriend seeing this shirtless guy touching him and my blood boils

What is this creeper doing? Fuck off

I immediately walk their way, I slap his hand away from Joshua

"Take your hands off" I said pulling Joshua and holding him by the waist

The guys looks annoyed but it's not like a give a damn shit about it

"Who are you?" The man asked

"Tsk...his boyfriend." I said

"Boyfriend?" He said eyeing Joshua and I pull him more behind me

"You got a problem with that?" I asked

"No, not at all." He said turning away. "But if you leave pretty boys like him around we won't hold back." My grip tightened on Joshua and start collecting our stuff

"Kyeom- stop it's hurting me." He said getting off my grip "We were just talking." He said

"If I remember talking doesn't involve touching." I said "or flirting."

"I was just asking him a question." He said

I ignore him

He tries to say something but he is hesitant but he looks down and follows me, we walk to our hotel, no one talked, before I could open our hotel room door with the key card Joshua stops me

"Kyeom- can we not do this today, please, I'm sorry." He said looking at me, I open the room and enter it Joshua closing it behind e me "I'm sorry." He said entering the bathroom

I sit in the bed, my arms in my leg and my hand in my hands, I hear the bathroom door being opened revealing a fresh out of the shower Joshua, I get up and enter the bathroom

I take a hot shower thinking of what did Joshua see in that man

Am I not enough? Am I a bad boyfriend? A bad dad?!

I get out of the shower and go to our room, Joshua eyeing my bare chest, I but on shorts and go to the bed, I lay down and sleep

~🩵Joshua POV💙

Does he think I'm going to cheat on him? I was just asking how they did that stuff with the fire, I didn't know what was the dancer's intention with me though.

I lay down next to him, I admire his sleeping face, relaxed and beautiful, his tan skin, his defined chest and strong arms, but most important, how well he treats me, he worries, he's loyal and how an amazing dad he is

I could never replace him


Hello people
Happy Monday
Thanksgiving week (at least for me)

I know you guys hate when I make seoksoo have a discussion or fighting, but they are still boyfriends and it's normal for boyfriends girlfriends to have fights because it makes them understand their partner better or eventually them don't understand and break up


It's not the case in this story 😉

The song of the chapters don't really matter at this point

Thank you carats 💎
~Anyone 🩷

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