49. Welcome Home

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Song of the chapter
All my love by Seventeen


~🩵Joshua POV💙

I was painting the walls a dark beige color, Seokmin was holding the bed, we decided that we would wait about a week to bring Heeseung home, because we want him to come home with a warm welcome and he can enjoy some of the last days with some of kids

"Baby can you pass be the dril please?" Seokmin asked

I grab the dril and hand to him, we already put a small table so he can draw, build legos and more stuff we will put a carpet so he can play around and a shelf, in his closet we organized and bought some clothes already

"Honey do you think he will like it?" I asked

"He will love it baby." Seokmin said kissing the top of my head


It was the day me and Seokmin were going to pick Heeseung up, and he finally can come home

"Baby don't be nervous every thing is gonna be okay." He said holding my hand and smiling

"Yeah you are right." I said

We park the car in front of the orphanage and open the door, when we do we see Heeseung with the clothes kids use when they are adopted, he lifts his head a runs to me

"Joshy..." He starts to cry

"Hee, what happened." I asked

"I was adopted-I'm really gonna miss you." He said hugging me tightly

I look over at Seokmin he was smiling

"Hee..." I said pulling his hard up so he looks at me "We are your parents." I said

He makes a confused face and looks between me and Seokmin

"You...parents, my parents?" He asked

"Yeah Hee, we are your parents now." I said, Seokmin crouches next to us

"You guys adopted me." He said tears forming in his eyes

"Yeah." Seokmin said

He starts crying, he hugs both of us

"Are you happy?" I asked

I feel him nodding

"So..." he lifts his head up "I can call you appa and dad?" He asked a little shy

"Of course you can." I said smiling

He turns around and sees Jeongin and Jimin, he runs to them and hugs them

"Don't worry me and Gyu will always come here, and you guys will be adopted soon I know it." Heeseung said

They say their last goodbye, but truly they would still see each other

"Hee." Seokmin called him

"Yeah?" He questioned

"We are going to have a little welcoming dinner, would you like that?" Seokmin asked

"Yeah...is Beomgyu gonna be there?" Heeseung asked

"He will." I said

We continue our way to our house and park the car, we open the house door

"Welcome home Heeseung." Seokmin said

Heeseung walks inside the house in small steps taking everything in, Mel comes running at him

"You guys have a puppy?" Heeseung asked

"Hee, it's our puppy, Mel is yours too." I said

"Hi Mel." He said rubbing her caramel fur

Even though Mel being a small dog, she jumped on Heeseung making him fall backwards and started licking his face

"Mel- I can't breathe." Heeseung said between laughs

Mel and Heeseung plays for a bit, while we organize some stuff

"Hee, do you want to see your room?" I asked

"Yeah!" He said getting up and Mel following him

We go upstairs and I open Heeseung's bedroom door , his room was one of the old guest bedrooms, there was medium sized window in the middle, his bed in the right corner and the closet in the left corner, with a small table next to the door and a fluffy carpet in the middle, and a shelf next to the bed, some new toys around the room

"This is mine?" He asked

"Yeah." I said

He opens the closet, different coats, pants, shirts, shoes and other things inside the closet

"Can I change?" He asked

"Yeah, but take a shower first, do you need help?" I asked

"Umm yeah." He said

I help Heeseung out with taking a shower and chose his clothes, he sits in the bed while I put his towel on the door

"Um appa?" He said stopping I turn around a bit surprised

"Yeah?" I asked

"Can...can you brush my hair?" He asked

He sits in the bed and I behind him, I gently brush his hair, it wasn't long but it wasn't short, I grab a little elastic hair tie and make a braid in the side, he looks himself in the mirror

"Thank you appa." He said smiling

"You're welcome Hee." I said kissing the top of his head

He runs downstairs with Mel following behind, I didn't tell the boys about Heeseung yet so it's going to be a little surprise, I hear a knock on the door and I answer it, Jeonghan holding Beomgyu's hand and Seungcheol with a happy Jungwon in his arms

"Hello~" I said

"Hi Shua." Jeonghan said

They come in and stop Heeseung in the couch with Mel

"Heeseung!" Beomgyu runs to him

"Beomgyu!" They hug each other tightly

"Shua did you guys..." he said trailing off

"Hey accepted, yeah." I said

"Oh my god, yessss." Jeonghan said jumping around

I laugh

I invited the other guys but they were all busy, we sit in the table and Seokmin brings the food

"Seokmin how's being a dad?" Seungcheol asked

"Great, but it's my first day so I can't really answer that but overall great." He said

"Dad can you pass me a napkin please." Heeseung asked

"Yeah here you go." Seokmin said

"I'm glad you guys adopted Heeseung, it even sounds great The Lee Family." Jeonghan said

"Yeah it does." I said

"You just got to marry for you to be come one." Jeonghan said smirking

I blush and Seokmin grins

"Do you want that baby, to become a Lee?" Seokmin asked

"Yeah." I said in a quiets whisper

"What did you say I didn't hear you?" He asked again

"I want to become a Lee." I said a louder so he can hear

"Good to know." He said and continued eating

Good to know?


Chapter is finally out

I don't really have a schedule for posting but I'm thinking Mondays and Fridays

Thank you carats 💎
~Anyone 🩷

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