12. Orphanage

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Song of the chapter
Oh my! by Seventeen


~🩵Joshua POV💙

I went running to the parking lot, tears still strolling down my cheeks

Why do you always fight with him, Joshua?

"Shua! JOSHUA!" I heard Jeonghan scream, I didn't even notice I was in their car already.

"Oh hi." I said wiping my tears quickly.

"You're telling me what's going on after." He said with a stern voice

I got in the car and Seungcheol drove to the orphanage, when we got there I got out of the car.

"Text me so I can pick you up, you're not sleeping at Seokmin's." He said and drove off

I turned around and saw the big orphanage, but it didn't look like those old and creepy ones in movies. This one had fresh paint and a beautiful garden in front with a black gate surrounding it. I open the gate and walk through the garden. I knock on the big front door. I hear a lot of screaming through the door. An old woman but not that old around her 40s opens the door.

"You must be Joshua." She said smiling

"Yeah, that's me." I said

"Come in." She said giving me space to walk in.

The moment I walk in it's like I joined some children's book because the orphanage wasn't in crazy color but crazy enough for kids to believe they are in Wonderland or something.

"Hello." A little girl probably 3 years old

It's when the other kids noticed I was there and that all came around me. There weren't so many kids, but in one place that was considered a lot.

"Hi" I said back.

"Are you here to adopt?" A little tall boy with bunny teeth and super cute dimples said

"Um well not yet." I said.

"Why?" A little girl with adorable eyes and next to her, her twin brother?

"Well, I'm still a student and it's better if I finish college first than take care of a child." I said

"Makes sense." A super cute boy said.

I chuckled

"So what are you here for." Another little boy asked

"There was a job offer so, I came here to get interviewed." I said crouching.

They got closer and closer then a little girl cupped my cheeks

"Hi my name is Chaewon." She said all cute

"Hi Chaewon." I said with a soft voice.

"What's your name?" A boy with long hair asked

"My name is Joshua or Jisoo." I said

"Are you American?" A girl with glasses asked

"Yeah, I am." I said laughing because her glasses were a little tilted.

I got closer to her and fixed it, she got all shy.

They are all so adorable

"Mr. Hong why don't you go to the kitchen to make the babies milk." The woman said.

"Babies?" I asked.

"We have a nursery that professional nurses take care of." The woman said "Oh I'm so rude, my name is Kim Yunhee." She said

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