58. Spa day

671 37 23

Song of the chapter
Dust by Seventeen


~🩵Joshua POV💙

"One week without each other?!" Me and Seokmin said at the same time

"Yeah! It's exciting and it is suspenseful." Jeonghan said

"Suspenseful?" I questioned

"Sounds great doesn't it?" Seungkwan said

"No...It doesn't." I said

"Come on, you guys lived without each other for 6 years, y'all are fine." Minghao said

"Not even texting and calling?" Seokmin said

"Nope." Seungkwan said with a pop "We will confiscate your phones." He said

"Like I said a great surprise and suspense." Jeonghan said

For the past 4 months we've been planning this wedding like maniacs, mostly the boys they are in charge of everything, they decide the place, the month, the color, the invitation, me and Seokmin decided on the people who will be there and who will be out best man and man of honor, the food and cake, also in these four months we officially are parents of two kids making the second baby Minji

Oh yeah they even decided on our honeymoon place with the list we gave of course I would not like to go to some random place

"What about the kids?" I asked

"You guys can take turns on them, and we can take care of them." Soonyoung said

"Not you taking care of them, but yes other people." Jihoon said next to him

"Look we are a week away from the special day." Mingyu said

"Can we talk about it just both of us?" Seokmin said he pulled me to our bedroom closing it behind him

"So." I said

"So you up for this?" Seokmin asked

"I mean sure, but not seeing you." I said

He holds both of my hands

"Baby after our wedding we will always be together no matter what it's only seven days." He said

"Yeah, you're right." I said

We leave the room and go to the boys

"Okay, we'll do it." We said in the union

"Wonderful." all of them said

All the 11 boys had something in charge
Jihoon/Seungcheol we're in charge of the songs
Minghao was making all of our outfits
Mingyu all the food
Me, Seungkwan, Jeonghan, and Jihoon had a plan for a surprise for Seokmin
And Seokmin had something for me too
Chan was in charge of the invitation
Jun, Wonwoo is in charge of high decorations
Soonyoung in charge of the surprise Seokmin was going to do
And Hansol is in charge of calling my American friends to come which is also an invitation

We would be staying in separate houses, Seokmin in the Jeongcheol house and me in the Verkwan house

"So how many people are going?" Hansol asked

"214." I said giving my phone to Jeonghan

"Holy fuck that's a lot." Seungkwan said

"I had more in mine." Jeonghan said

I roll my eyes

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