Confused! Le Fay Pendragon 🧹 (Fluff)

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Le Fay Pendragon was confused. When she saw Kuroka wearing practically nothing while trying to get Vali Lucifer to have kids with her, Le Fay felt a weird feeling in her chest. So when Serenity Fujakante showed up and had somehow got Vali to adore her, Le Fay wondered if she actually liked girls and not Vali. Kuroka was hanging off of Serenity's arm and Vali was brushing her tails. They had moved in to Kuoh and Le Fay was hanging out with Serenity. The prince of the Incubi, Nora Nathanial Nekobauki, was playing the violin in another room. Malakai Nekobauki was sleeping in his wolf form, next to Serenity. He had gotten hit with magic and was stuck in his wolf form much to his dismay. Serenity petted Malakai and scratched behind his ear. Malakai let out a huff of breath through his nose. "Serenity-sama."

"What is it?"

"I'm going to see Issei."

"Malakai." The wolf sat up. "Escort Le Fay to the Hyoudou residence."

"Oh no I don't need help."

"I insist. There's a rapist going around, Malakai looks like a dog to humans with our magic thanks to Azazel." Serenity said. Malakai trotted over and licked Le Fay's hand. "Besides, he's getting antsy." Serenity got up. "Don't worry Malakai another week and you'll be back to normal." Malakai huffed again. "I'll make werewolf stew." With that sentence a chain reaction started. Nora poofed in here and Malakai's and Kuroka's tails were wagging excitedly. Vali got up from what he was doing and his eyes lit up. "Oh my, it seems everyone wants my special werewolf stew." Werewolf stew is a specialty among werewolves. It was a simple recipe that evolved from the years. Werewolves tended to kill an animal and bring it back to their territory and made a stew out of the meat and ingredients from around the forests of Okinawa. The meat was mostly likely to come from fowl, rabbit, squirrel, and deer. Most of the time it was a fowl but Malakai had brought a deer home. Serenity went to the kitchen and Malakai and Le Fay set off.


Le Fay and Malakai made it to the Hyoudou residence and Mrs. Hyoudou opened the door. "Ah... Le Fay, Issei is upstairs." Malakai growled at her incoming hand.

"Kai doesn't like strangers touching him. He's Serenity's dog."

"Oh! Wait here Kai, I have some meat that is about to expire if you want it." Malakai's tail wagged and there was a bowl placed in front of him. He devoured the chicken breasts and barked at Le Fay.

"I'm staying here tonight so you can hurry back towards Serenity." Le Fay said. She took the bowl inside and watched Malakai run towards the Fujakante residence. Le Fay closed the door and went towards Issei.

"Hello Le Fay." Issei said.

"Hello Issei-sama. I have a question."

"Go on."

"I find Serenity and Kuroka attractive. But I really don't find boys attractive." Le Fay said.

"Ok." Issei hummed.

"How do you confess your feelings?"

"Who are you confessing to?"




Serenity hummed as she stirred the pot of stew. Malakai was already home and his tail was wagging. "You eager fuck." Serenity said. "You can wait." Malakai whined. She jumped as arms wrapped around her waist. There was a familiar chuckle and Serenity frowned. Malakai was back to being human and he was completely naked.

"Little Wolf, I missed you." Vali walked in and frowned.

"Great, you're back to normal... Which means get the fuck dressed." Vali said. Malakai groaned and went upstairs. Serenity heard a knock on the door and went to open it.

"Hmm, Le Fay I thought you were staying the night at Isseis?" Serenity let the younger girl in. Le Fay shoved a bouquet of flowers in front of Serenity's face.

"I have a crush on you!" Le Fay shouted. Serenity was confused and Vali had dropped his phone in surprise. "I know that you have a harem and I know I'm too young to join but please leave a space for me when I get older!" Serenity set the flowers down. Le Fay saw Serenity smile.

"Of course." She patted the blonde's head. "Make yourself at home." Serenity went and tended to the food. Vali came in after her.

"Are you sure about this?" Vali asked in a low voice. Le Fay could be heard squealing throughout the house. "Le Fay is a human."

"I know. But I'm entertaining her." Serenity muttered back. "Malakai will live longer with the piece inside him. Thanks to Nathan Nekobauki, Malakai was thankfully brought back to life. Guaranteed it was for sex demons and now I have two sex demons on my tail. She might get bored when she finds out she can't give me kids. Hell Aki will live as long as I will. The only ones who will be alive when I die will be Daemon. Yasaka is only twenty two." Serenity said. Serenity and Vali had the same lifespan. "Nora will kill himself when I die and Malakai will too. Kuroka will live for a while longer but get heartbroken and either find a new mate or kill herself as well." Vali sighed.

"I love you."

"I love you too. Besides, by the time we die the Fujakante and Lucifer Bloodline should be well off." Serenity had a duty as princess of the werewolves to give birth to an heir. Vali hummed and sat down. Serenity finished cooking and called for everyone. She grabbed bowls and a ladle. She scooped enough for everyone. Everyone sat down and she set out the bowls. Everyone happily dug in and she was glad she made a big pot of it because she didn't even have a chance to sit down and eat her food, before they pounced for seconds.

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