Alpha! Knight! Malakai 🐺 (Smut)

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Serenity sighed as she laid in her bed. The hybrid was in heat and she was under house arrest. She was stuck in her room for the entire season and she hated it. She grumbled and she heard the door open. She saw Katarina, her mother, come in. "Mother! I want to go out to the garden!"

"I know sweetie. But you don't have a mate. Besides even your father is avoiding you." Serenity huffed as her mothers fox ears twitched. Katarina smiled softly. "I know it would be so much better if your heat was in the winter like mine."

"Mother? Why aren't you in heat?" The girl asked her mother.

"That's because I have your Father." Katarina hummed as she started to brush Serenity's tails. Unlike her mother's ten fluffy fox tails, Serenity had her father's wolf features.

"That's disgusting." Serenity hissed as Katarina brushed the knots out of her fur.

"That's because you don't have your own mate."

"But what about Malakai?" Serenity hummed as she let her mother brush her hair. "He's an Alpha, why can't I mate with him? He's only two years older than me."

"I know and your father knows too that Malakai would be the perfect mate for you. We've tried to get him to mate with you. He refuses everytime we try to get him in your room." Katarina sighed as she remembered the black haired werewolf that adamantly refused to be anywhere near Serenity. With that the hybrid under her huffed as she got up to go to her knight. Katarina sighed as she watched her daughter stomp off towards the knight's room. She saw her mate come up and he ran his hands through his brown hair.

"Honestly that girl needs to have patience." Zak muttered as he leaned against the wall, his blue eyes tiredly looking at where his beloved daughter ran off too.

"I wonder where she gets it from." Katarina retorted as the King of the Werewolves straightened up. Serenity came storming back and put her hands on her hips.

"No sex in my room! Only I can have sex in my room!" With that the hybrid was off again. Zak and Katarina shook their heads and left the room.

"I feel bad for Malakai." Zak muttered under his breath. "She's stubborn like her mother." With that he got smacked upside the head.

"Shush it!" Katarina sighed as she rubbed her hands along the scar that was on her stomach. "Besides, Malakai needs to take his chance before it's too late. She needs to have an heir because she's the only one. I hate to put that duty on her." Zak frowned as he saw his mate depressed. Katarina suffered a dangerous blow to her stomach and she would never be able to have kids again.

"Malakai! Let me in!" Serenity banged on the bedroom door. She huffed and stomped her foot down. She saw Dvalin coming down the hall and he sighed at the sight.

"Lady Fujakante, Malakai isn't here."

"Tell me where he went, Dvalin." Serenity growled. With that Dvalin pointed down the hall.

"He's in the bathroom." He watched as his princess ran down the hall. "You better take that chance Malakai and make her yours."

"I finally fucking found you, you little bitch!" Serenity slammed open the door to the showers. Malakai jumped as he saw his princess panting heavily and glaring at him. She closed the door and locked the two of them in there. Malakai took a step back as he smelled how wet she was. She smelled delicious and it took him everything not to pounce on her, even with the clothing she was wearing.

"Lady Fujakante, you shouldn't be in here." Malakai bowed and she scoffed.

"Don't tell me what to do!" She noticed he was wearing a towel around his waist and body reeked of sweat. His blue eyes looked at her in concern and she could see them darken in lust. With that she made a stupid decision, one that she wouldn't normally take if she wasn't so fucking horny.

Serenity X High School DXD Characters (Girl X Girl, Girl X Boy Oneshots)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum