Chapter 16- All I can see is her

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Two days later Kai was awoken to uniform and breakfast on the table, Yeonjun smiling as he tied Kai's tie.

"I didn't think you would be so quick with getting me into school" Kai remarked, eyes avoiding those of the older.

"I care about you baby, school is one of the important things in life. Believe me I know, becoming a doctor isn't easy" Yeonjun responded, his voice laced with kindness.

It was the sort of kindness that left you lost. You don't know why you were receiving it or why it even existed in the first place.

"Baby?" Kai repeated questioningly.

"Call it force of habit" Yeonjun responded, finishing with Kai's tie.

"You said the other day you wouldn't call it a habit" Kai queried, confused by the contradiction.

Yeonjun's brows raised as if he were oddly pleased.

"I never said that," he remarked, picking up his keys and his phone, dismissing the topic as quickly as it started.

"Yes you did, on the roof, I'm sure you did" Kai retorted, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

Yeonjun's face didn't fall, but it was hard to explain the exact expression plastering his face. His face nearly never looked natural, the expression often looking forced and faked, sometimes as if he were wearing a mask that didn't move correctly.

"I definitely didn't, maybe you were distracted by smoking for the first time in a while. Darling, I promise you, I would never lie to someone as important to me as you" Yeonjun assured, stroking Kai's hair gently.

Kai was convinced that Yeonjun had said that but now that he thought back to it, perhaps it really was the daze of smoking again that made him hear wrong. Thinking again in response to Kai's initial question that night, the response he thought he was given didn't make much sense.

"I guess so, sorry for arguing, I must have remembered wrong" Kai apologised, bowing his head in respect.

"It's alright. I will always understand you" Yeonun said, walking out the front door, rolling his eyes slightly as Kai followed behind him.

It was an early winter morning, the sky a dark blue as the sun refused to peer over the mountains and trees. The drive towards Kai's new school was quiet, Yeonjun suddenly failing his usual conversation starting.

"I guess I'll see you at home later" Kai smiled nervously, grabbing his bag as he shuffled in his seat, awkward as he couldn't figure out how to say goodbye or even if he should.

"For sure, have a good day my love" Yeonjun smiled, brushing Kai's hair behind his ear in some form of endearing manner.

Kai felt his heart starting to race. Whether it was because he was nervous to be back at school or because of Yeonjun was debatable.

He quickly opened the car door and stepped out, waving at Yeonjun's smiling face once more before he drove off, the black car soon fading into the distance.

Reality hit Kai harder than his father ever did.

He had no friends, no idea where he was going, no sense of belonging.

"Hello?" a voice asked from behind.

Kai jumped, turning around to be met with the faces of a girl and a boy.

The boy looked nervous, bleach blonde hair shadowing his eyes and hands hiding in his sleeves.

The girl on the other hand looked much brighter. She almost looked like...his sister but at the same time she looked nothing like her at all.

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