Part 24

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From: Roko Jurcevic 

To: Kruno Matas 

Destination: Remetinec prison, Zagreb, Croatia 

February 10th 

My dear love, 

Did you realize it's been four years since we first met? The day you first visited me in prison, it was exactly four years ago. And we've been married for almost that same time. Time flies, indeed. A lot of things have happened, but I am glad we fought hard and crossed all the obstacles that were in the way to our happiness. You are my one and only; you will always be. My husband, my love, my shelter. 

I can't believe we've been together all this time. I never thought I could actually enjoy my time in prison. All those little day-to-day troubles were so much easier to bear with you by my side. And I can't believe we spent almost four years in this cell that we call our loving nest.We loved each other in that cell. Cuddled together on the winter nights. Read books together. We were even fighting there, because we are both two stubborn jackasses who always think they are the ones who are in the right. But especially, we made love in this cell. Even during day, while the guards were crossing our cell, then we would just cover ourselves with the blanket and continue where we left off. 

Even the other prisoners respected us. Almost all of them were supporting of our marriage, with a few exceptions that are not worth mentioning. And do you know why was that so? Because we love each other. 

And they felt the strength that was lying behind our union. They knew they couldn't touch us as long as we are together, always there one for another. Some of them tried separating us for the very same reason. They were trying to seduce either you or me, in order to break us apart. And they failed. They will always fail. 

Even now when... when the state decided to transfer me to another prison. 

I don't know who is behind this decision. Because I did nothing wrong to be moved to another place. I did nothing to be separated from you. 

They informed me about my transfer half an hour ago. I have just fifteen minutes to pack my things and leave. Without saying goodbye to you. They used the fact you're in the library, doing your chores.That's why I'm writing you this letter. But they are naive if they think they could separate us so easily. I am willing to escape from prison with you. We have no time to wait! We either do it while I'm still here or we don't do it.They said they would still keep me here for a week or two before they finish doing the paperwork. But in a different cell. And then I am leaving for good. 

Please try reaching me as soon as you read this letter. I am waiting to see how you feel about us getting the fuck out of here! 

Your loving husband, 


LETTERS TO MY BELOVED PRISONERWhere stories live. Discover now