PT. 1

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I slowly pull out my Katana as I walk up behind the Walker and bring my Katana to its neck slicing it and stabbing its head. I back up from it watching it fall to the ground, blood spilling out of its head soaking into the dry grass. I start to put away my Katana as I hear footsteps behind me so I turn around making sure I'm paying attention to any of my surroundings as I get pulled from behind and pinned to a tree. I grunt as my back hits the tree and my Katana dropping out of my hands with a boy around my ages arm is right along my neck with his other hand along my stomach with a knife.
"Who are you and what is your name" he whispers quietly trying not to make much noise.
M-my name is Ana..
"Where is the rest of your crew"
I don't have one I've been on my own since the awakening..
"Are you lying to me? "
No I'm serious, my name is Ana hathway and I'm 16, I've been walking alone this entire time.
He slowly backs away and picks up my Katana for me as I bend over with my hand on my knees gasping for air.
"Sorry about that, we just like to be aware of our surroundings"
Yea I could very much tell.
I roll my eyes at him as I take back my Katana and put it away.
Um I never caught your name!
"Carl, Carl Grimes"
Nice to meet you Carl.
We both turn to the left as we hear walking and gurgles coming from a Hurd of walkers, I start panicking as Carl grabs my hands and Starks running the opposite way as there is a tree with a big opening enough for two people to fit in but not enough space.
He goes into the tree as I follow in with him, our chests touching and him keeping a look out with his hand still in mine and his knife in the other.
"Don't worry alright, I'm starting to think that within the 9 years that's its started you have never seen a Hurd? "
I have its just I haven't been such close to them to really be scared and have to kill all of them by myself-
I get caught off by Carl putting his hand over my mouth and shaking his head so I know not to make a noise, my breathing gets heavier and we get closer with his hand over my mouth.
I close my eyes tight just hoping that everything went back to the way it was and that it wasn't all killing and walkers taking over the world.
"Are you okay" he whispers into my ear so that way the walkers don't hear us but the vibrations of his voice trembled down my body sending shivers throughout myself.
I nodded my head looking up at him as he is taller then me.
He peaks his head out of the tree as their is no more noise and just sounds of knifes cutting through them.
"Everything is fine that is just my dad Rick"
So we can get out of the tree now?
He gets out first then grabs my hand helping me get out as I trip getting out but he catches me as he giggles at me for falling but helps me up.
"So I guess your a clumsy one" he says chuckling but not loud
It's not like I can help it
I complain with my hands on my sides.
I turn around taking my Katana out quick as I hear footsteps but Carl putting his hand on my shoulder smiling and nodding his head to put the Katana down.
"It's fine that's just my dad"
Oh I'm so sorry it's just my instincts whenever I hear noises
I put my Katana away as I awkwardly smile at his dad.
"Its all good, what's your name" Carl's dad asks.
Um I'm Ana hathway.
"Nice to meet you hun"
"Dad do u think maybe she could join us since she's all alone"
"Well you remember the 3 questions right?"
"Yes so Ana how many walkers have you killed"
About over 700+
" how many people have you killed"
Maybe about 4
"Why did u kill them"
...because they kidnapped me and sexually assaulted me, forced me to do things so I just snapped and killed them..
I see Carl look at his father and his dad nod his head.
Carl looks back at me and smiles.
"Your apart of the group" Carl says smiling.
I smile and hug Carl wrapping my arms around his neck as I let go and jump up and down. 

⪻ ⪼

We go back to the place that they are staying at now that look like actual homes and it's wondeeful cause it actually feels like home.
"Well here we are"
Oh my god this is amazing
"Yea and normally they would take the weapons but we keep them on us at all times"
Okay so where would I be staying?
"Well there really isn't anywhere else to stay so u can share a room with me"
Okay that's fine.

⪻ ⪼

I check the time on my watch that I have had since this whole stupid apocalypse has happened and read the time. I get up wanting to take a walk and I go outside realising that someone had left the gate open so I run open and close it. I get attacked from behind and fall over with a walkers on top of me so I try and push it off since I don't have my Katana with me so I push the walker off and run over to the side and grab a rock running back over and bash the walkers head non stop as blood goes everywhere on the ground and on my hands my face and shirt. I throw the rock to the ground and fall to the ground breathing heavily as I hear my footsteps coming my way I look over and see Rick and Carl running over.
"What happened" Rick asks while helping me up
Someone left the gate open so k closed it and then this little shit attacked me from behind.
"Did you get bit" Rick asks again while making sure I am okay.
No I didn't get bit.
Carl gives me a side hug and wipes the blood off of my face and tries to get most of it off of my shirt.  I push Carl off and back up turning around taking my Katana that Carl had brought out for me and slicing more of the walkers coming around. I back up holding the Katana in front of me with worry on my face as Rick and Carl come up next to me and there guns out as another man with a cross bow starts shooting at them.
"Daryl behind you" Carl yells to the man with crossbow as he turns around and falls to the ground. I run over and grab one of the walkers by the neck and slice there head as blood splatters everywhere and even on Daryl. The man with the crossbow takes one of his crossbows and stabs a walkers in the head with it as he gets up from the ground wiping his pants.
"Thank you" the man says
Of course, I'm Ana and I'm guessing your Daryl.
"Yup nice to meet you Ana"
I smile as I see Rick and Carl shooting realising that they are going to run out of bullets soon so I run over with Daryl into the Hurd slicing most of them as daryl gets some with his crossbow and Carl shooting at something that are surrounding him and same with rick I start running and clapping to make noise and have the walkers follow me as I open the gate and run out making noises.
"ANA DON'T DO THAT YOU WILL GET KILLED" Carl yells out to me.
I exit the gate and yell for Carl to close the gate when the Hurd exits.  he closes the gate as I'm still running trying to get the Hurd far away as possible.
After running for about 20 minutes away getting the Hurd away from the gate and entrance I take my katana and slice most of them coming my way, blood going everywhere and splattering. I kill all of them and make my way back towards the gate which took about and hour seeing that I walked and didn't run so I find something to use that I can get over the gate with knowing we can't open the gate just in case so I find stuff that I can climb over with and set it up before getting to the gate, two big sticks and string. I tie them together in a weird shape and make my way towards the gate placing it on the gate and climbing over, I grunt as I make my way over the tall fence and push the piece that I made over onto the ground and I jump off of the other side onto the ground landing on my back as I look back groaning in pain and see Carl,rick,and Daryl all making their way towards me.
"Holy shit there is no way you managed to do that ana" Carl says  running over and leaning down on his knee to reach my height.
Ye but maybe help me up.
Carl grabs my hand helping me up as I wrap my arm around his shoulder with his hand holding my arm over his and his other hand holding me up by my waist so I don't fall back down.
"So what did u do with them"rick asks.
I just ran as far as I could and killed those bitches.
"Well that was really clever and you just saved our asses so thank you" Rick says
Of course I mean I'm apart of the group now so why wouldn't I help you guys out.

Carl Grimes x Ana HathwayWhere stories live. Discover now