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Daryl, Tara, rosita, rick, michonne, Aaron, and Carl and I meet up at the apparently called garbage peoples home.
"You need to prove you worthy" the female says with weird looking short hair with micro bangs.
"And how can we prove to you we are, let's make a deal, you get guns lots and lots of guns alright and we get Gabriel back, while you also fight with us" Rick says.
"Prove your worthy then maybe deal" the female says then looking at me as I give her a weird look next to Carl.
"You" the female says pointing at me.
"Yes, you will prove worthy and if you prove not worthy then no deal and we keep man" the female says.
"No not her" Carl says standing in front of me.
Carl I'm fine I can do whatever they want remember i don't always need help.
"Yea but I said I'm going to protect you and that is what I'm going to do"carl says.
I push him out of my way.
If you need me to prove we're worthy or this then let's do it.
"Fucking god ana" Carl says from behind me.
"Follow" the female says.
I follow onto loads of trash as I then get pushed down with a walkers with spikes on its head and hands. I don't have any weapon and there is just trash down here. When I fell I cut my leg maybe needing stitches. I try to grab stuff throwing it at the walker moving around and I look through a whole seeing michonne Rick and Carl looking at me as the walker then comes my way and I go to put it away forgetting about the spikes and it goes right through my hand making me scream. I find a lamp and start beating the walker with it. I take off the spiked helmet and start bashing its head in.
I throw the helmet on the ground and look up at the female.
"There I proved we were worthy now get me out of this shithole now" I yelled before a ripe was thrown down and I use my one arm pulling myself up.

I walk down seeing everyone. I'm limping over as michonne hugs me and I can tell Carl is pissed so I roll my eyes. Rick pulls me in for a hug looking at my hand and rips some of his shirt off and wraps it, same with my leg.
"You did good kid" Daryl says patting my shoulder.
I nodd at him with a smile.
"She proved worthy so deal is deal" the woman says.
"Good" Rick says getting Gabriel and heading to the van.
"60" the female says behind Rick.
"60 guns" she repeats.
"50" Rick says.
"60" she says again.
"40"rick says.
"50, say yes" she finally says.
Rick gives her a little look before shaking his head and giving an answer.
"Yes" Rick finally says before walking to the van and leaves with us all in it.
All of a sudden a horrid pain in my lower stomach.
I lean over in the van holdung my stomach groaning getting everyone's attention.
I yelled out.
"What's wrong" Carl says looking worried.
My lower stomach hurts so fucking bad.
I yell again starting to cry.
The baby Carl the baby...
I whisper having sobs come out.
"Dad we have to get her to hiltop" Carl says with a shaky voice.
"Don't worry we will" Rick says.
Daryl all of a sudden moves closer.
"Kid don't worry your baby and you will be fine. Your tough you can handle it and your kid will be to alright, Maggie had the same problem and everything was fine" Daryl says rubbing my back as I'm still sobbing with Carl kneeling in front of my with my head in his chest.
I try taking deep breaths as my leg and hand pain is getting worse.
My leg my leg and hand.
I called out leaning back up with my head back against the window.
Carl taking the half of Rick's shirt off the hand and leg seeing her bleed out.
"Dad please go faster" Carl yells.
"Carl I'm going as fast as this vehicle goes" Rick yells back.
Carl takes him flannel off and rips it making it tighter around the hand and leg.
"Your going to be fine don't worry" Carl says making me look at him. I nodd my head as my eyes start dosing off.
"Hey ana come on wake up" Carl says shaking me as I start waking up again.
"Daryl holding my one hand and rubbing my back with the other.
I have to puke..
"OK ok" Carl says helping me up into the bathroom that's on the van/trailer. I get on my knees leaning over the toilet. Carl holding my hair back for me as I throw up.

We get to hilltop and the doctor gives me some medicine to take and tells me to just relax and don't anything crazy for a while and that the baby is fine.
I walk outside and see Carl so I go to hug him as he hugs me back.
"Did he check ur hand and leg to" Carl says moving away from the hug.
Yea there both wrapped.
I turn around and see Rick talking to Tara so I go up to him.
Thank you for getting me here dad.
"Of course, i had to do it with Maggie to but it was worse so good thing it wasn't for like 10 hours that u had to deal with the pain" Rick says making a small joke making me also smile.
"You should stay here with them in case it happens again" Rick says.
I should but I'm not going to. You guys need me back at home and I'm not leaving you guys.
"Ana you need to keep an eye on that little one in case it happens again" Rick says.
Did it happen to Maggie a second time.
"No but still just to make sure that's why she stayed here" Rick explains.
Rick I'm not staying here, I'm nit leaving you,michonne,Daryl or Carl, you guys are my only family that I really trust.
Rick shakes his head with his hands on his hips.
"Fine you can come with but if something happens we're coming back and your staying here until that baby is born and healthy" Rick says.
Yes sir.
I smile walking away to carl.

We are on our way home but minchonne realizes something wrong with the walkers, they are walking in circles and something looks off but ignores it.

Carl Grimes x Ana HathwayWhere stories live. Discover now