pt. 5

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I walk around limping to see that there is a hole in the fence but not small and not too big but big enough for the walkers to get in through.
I lean over to look out the hope but then I get pulled from my arm seeing a walker and I don't have my Katana with me so I try to get out of its arms trying not to get bit so I take whatever I can find bashing it's head a couple times catching a break as it falls on me and then I drop whatever was in my hands closing my eyes with my head still on the ground.  I breathe really heavily trying to get the Walker off of me having trouble getting up.  I soon get up holding on to the fence making my way back through the hole  and finding wood to put up again and nailing it in.
Rick sees me and walks up to me.
"What's this" he asks.
It was a hole, how the walkers got in.
"Oh alright are you okay you got some blood on you" he asks concerning
Oh yea I'm fine a Walker just attacked me out of the hole but I'm good now.
"Alright you weren't bit? "
Nope I'm all good.
He nods his head with a little smile going back to what ever he was doing.

I finish nailing the wood into the fence and I walk back still limping. I see Carl so I smile a little walking over to him.
"Hey ana" Carl says also smiling.
I walk over as he holds on to me knowing my leg hurts.
"What were you doing over there" he questions.
Oh there was a hole where most walkers were able to get through so I got wood and nailed them there.
"Oh alright" he says with a little smirk right before he kisses my cheek. I smile before hugging him with my arms around his neck.
Rick comes over and has us go inside the house behind him and Michonne.
Carl helps me inside and sits me on the couch with him next to me.
"So me and Michonne are going on a little trip to see if there is any other backup food, weapons, and other things we might need" Rick says while sitting down in the seat in front of us.
"How long are you going to be gone for" Carl asks.
"A couple of days so I'm making it so that you and ana are in charge meanwhile Daryl to" Rick says.
What if you don't come back.
"Don't worry we will be" Rick says smiling at us a little
I nod as him and Michonne walk away. 
This is gonna be a lot to handle.
I turn my head to Carl.
"It's alright we will have Daryl to also help us"
I know but what if something happens and were on our own.
"Don't worry nothing will happen"
Carl says pulling me in for our first actual kiss. I kiss back as he puts a hand on my waist and one of my neck pulling me in closer. We both let go and smile a little. All of a sudden we were blindfolded and gassed.
The mask getting pulled off then I'm pushed to my knees as I see Carl, Michonne, Eugene, Maggie, Daryl, Rosita, Sasha, and Rick all on their knees.
I look to my left as I see someone push me over on my stomach next to Carl. 
"Hey darling" negan says from behind me.
I sit up not acknowledging him.
He walks in front of all of us with his bat but limping from earlier.
"So do you guys know why you are here" negan states.
"Welll you precious little girl ana over here fucked things up by shooting me and we'll ya know you killed a lot of my guys Rick" negan says swinging his bat around.
I look at him like I'm ready to kill him. 
"That, don't look at me like that" negan says pointing his bat to me.
Don't tell me what to do.
"Oh so now she speaks isn't that just great" negan says chuckling.
I stare at the ground then back at him with anger. He kneels in front of me grabbing my face hard.
"You listen to what I tell you, I tell you to eat shit, for gods sake you eat shit, I own you ana and you must have not understood that from before since your new but I own you and you do whatever I want you to do" negan says in my face.
I spit on the ground then give him a dirty look.
He grabs my arm lifting me up and throwing me into the ground hard as I roll over coughing.
"You speak when you're chosen to and you respond to me, it's called respect and you might not know what that means but you will understand what it means" negan says.
I get up standing in front of him staring up at him since he's much taller and I turn my head slightly.
"Excuse me" negan says with a smile.
"Ana stop and just leave it please" Carl says.
"I DID NOT SAY YOU COULD TALK KID" negan yells at Carl making me Flinch.
"You will listen to me" negan says.
I said no...
He then slaps me hard making me grab my face and fall over with my hair in front of me.
I look over at all of them to see Michonne and Maggie crying.
I get back up face to face with negan.
"Oh you are such a badass" negan says laughing a little.
I gag as I turn around and throw up.
"Aw is someone not feeling too good" negan says grabbing my hair and pulling me back as I land on my back.
All of a sudden Daryl gets up running to hit negan but gets hit and pulled back.
"See that's a example of what not to do" negan says.
"But I will let you all go home if only this little one just respects me which she obviously seems to not do"
Fuck you..
All of a sudden I get punched right in the face by this girl who is probably a little older then me so I get up to her height and punch her back making her fall backwards.
"Uh oh pussy fight" negan says laughing.
She gets up trying to swing as I dodge and hit her right in the stomach making her choke and fall backwards passed out.
"Well I might as well give you a break, you all are free to go home now" negan says winking at me as he and all the saviors leave. I fall to my knees staring at the ground as Carl crawls over to me pulling me in for a hug. Daryl and Rick walk over to us as Rick holds out his hand for me. I grab it and he pulls me in for a hug also making sure I'm alright. He let's go kissing my head as Daryl pulls me in for a side hug.
Can we just go home...
"Yea don't worry they left our camper so we can get home" Rick says.

We get in the camper and I sit next to Carl with my legs to my chest and my head on his shoulder.
"Are you okay, he threw you around a couple times" Carl whispers.
Yea I just feel sick to my stomach.
Carl moves and I lay my head on his lap closing my eyes as he rubs my back and moves my hair out of my face leaning over and kissing my head.

We arrive at home so Carl wakes me up and helps me out of the camper into Alexandria.  We start walking but get stopped by Daryl and Rick.
"Ana you gotta be careful with negan he could kill you whenever he wants to" Rick says with worry.
Well he would be doing me a favor..
I let go of Carl walking back to our house with my Katana on my back.
"ANA WATCH OUT" Carl yells then all of a sudden the girl that tried to fight me tackles me to the ground punching me. I get her off of me by hitting my knee into her stomach rlly hard flipping her over. I get up breathing heavily.
Who the fuck do you think you are I didn't do shit to you Blondie.
"I think I'm going to kill you"
I stand there shocked so I take my Katana out right before she takes her gun out so I dodge it.
Oh you fucking cunt.
I kick the gun out of hand grabbing her hair pulling her back then slicing her neck blood going everywhere. I breathe rlly head letting go over her as I try to catch my breath falling over catching myself before I lay on my back. Everyone running over to make sure I was alright.
"Are you okay ana" Carl says really worried while helping me up.
I nodd my head before passing out in his arms.

I wake up in Carl and i's room next to Carl sleeping. I sit up as Carl is still sleeping so I wake him up.
"Hm, hey your up" he says with a little smile.
Yea um what happened.
"You passed out so my dad carried you in here figures you were just stressed out" Carl says sitting up moving hair out from my face.
"Your beautiful ana" Carl says staring at me.. I smile a little before kissing him, he kisses back and I end up on top of him just making out with his hands on my waist moving under my shirt just sitting there. He breaks the kiss leaning his head on mine as I'm just sitting there on him hoping I'm not to heavy for him.
"Ana, I uh I think I love you.. "Carl says quietly.
I smile showing my teeth right before I kiss him again.
I love you to carl.

Carl Grimes x Ana Hathwayحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن