pt. 10

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All of a sudden I hear multiple shots being made from a distance making me flinch but not much. I look back not seeing much but seeing an outline of a hat and just know that it's my cowboy.
All the walkers were killed as Carl runs over.
"Oh my god ana are you okay" Carl says going to his knees and lifting me up taking his hat off to cover my face from the rain as I smirk a tiny bit.
Just take me home cowboy.
He smiles before helping me and moving so my arm is over his shoulder and neck and so that his arm is holding it up while his other arm is around waist keeping me up and holding my balance.

We get home as it's still raining. We get into the house while Carl just lays me down on the couch. Rick and Michonne being the only ones in the house now.
"What happened Carl" Rick says running over to us.
"I- I don't know she just seems drained or something but her hand has a deep cut in it, it's going to need stitches" Carl says getting a towel and wiping the water off my face.
"Alr I will get the doctor, can she walk" Rick asks.
"A little bit" Carl says worried as he stands up from kneeling over.
Rick walks over lifting me up bridal style with no ease and walks out of the house running over to get me help. He knocks on Denise's door as she opens it. He walks in just setting me on the table.

The doctor checks me out and looks at my hand and everything.
"So it seems that she might have a concussion and the hand we can just stitch up, she broke a lot of skin but that can easily be fixed" Denise says.
Carl nods his head and smiles at Denise as he walks over and sits next to me holding my hand as I'm still conscious.
"So she should be fine soon" Rick asks.
"I mean yes other then the hand and concussion, but she shouldn't be moving around and using her hand a lot and just try not to confuse her, also she just needs to sit and rest for a while" Denise says in a sad tone.
But I don't want to rest.
I say having all three of them look at me.
"You have got to ana" Rick says.
I roll my eyes sitting back against the table.
Rick giving me a look and Carl just sitting there in silent giving a "oh my god" type of look to Denise as she does the same back.
"Well she can at least do some things as long as it's not crazy right and doesn't have anything to do with her hand" Carl asks.
"Yes that's perfectly fine" Denise says.
I get up and start walking slowly with Rick and Carl behind me. Rick nodded at Denise as a thank you.
We walk out to there being no rain.

We get into the house in Carl and i's room laying on the bed. I sit on Carl's lap with my arms around his neck and my eyes closed as I play with his hair.
I love you..
I look back at him.
"I love you to ana" Carl says quietly before putting his hand on my chin pulling me in for a kiss making me kiss back turning his head to make the kiss deeper. I pull away smiling a little and continue to lay my head in his shoulder and play with his hair.
Shortly I start to dose off but feel hands just roaming my waist and kisses on my neck so I look at Carl with really tired eyes as he moves my hair behind my ear.
"I'm never leaving you ana, you need to know that" Carl says.
I nod my head.
I do, I do know that.
I move so I'm no longer on him but laying curled up in a ball as I feel Carl pulling me in closer with our body's touching pressed against each other. His hands going under my shirt and his thumb just going in circles rubbing my stomach. Which soon we both end up falling asleep.

I wake up in the middle of the night not feeling great so I get up hoping to not wake Carl up. I grab a jacket and shoes going downstairs seeing the door open so I walk outside seeing Daryl sitting down smoking a cigarette.  I walk over sitting next to him.
"What you doin up" Daryl says blowing smoke out.
I don't feel that great.
He looks down as I lay my head on his shoulder.
"You good" Daryl asks.
Yes I guess my head just really hurts and so does my hand.
"Yea you gotta watch out since the concussion" Daryl says throwing his cigarette on the ground and stomping on it.
Yea yea I know don't worry.
"Well I gotta worry I'm your uncle now right" Daryl says looking at me with a little smile as I lift my head up.
He kisses my head as he grabs my good hand and pulls me with him softly bringing me into the watch building to see the sun come up.
"You can see everything from here even the sun rise" Daryl states.
Yea it's beautiful.
I lean on the wall looking out the opening window to see the sun coming up with bright oranges, pinks, and purples around it making me smile.
"Well I'm going back to bed you should to, you need it" daryl says walking away.

I stay there untill the sun is up just watching over how some people are coming out of there hiuses. I see Rick who wakes up early so I come down and say hi.
"What were you doing up there?" Rick asks.
Oh I woke up last night with a bad headache so I came out here and talked with Daryl then he showed me that and I didn't want to leave cause the sunrise was so pretty.
"So you didn't sleep" Rick questions.
No not really.
"You need sleep ana and you need to rest" dick says worridly.
Yes I know. 

I start hearing ringing really loud in my ears and I guess Rick didnt.  I can see that Rick is trying to say something and shake me but I can't hear anything other then just ringing.
All of a sudden I was pushed to the ground and knocked out.

I wake up in this dark small room tied to a chair not being able to move with dry blood from my nose. I groan trying to move but can't.
I scream as someone comes in.
"No can do, listen here, you killed negan 'ana' and now we will kill you but we're going to make it more fun by torturing you first"
I look at the ground with tears in my eyes.

Carl Grimes x Ana HathwayWhere stories live. Discover now