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It's been about 2 weeks and I'm somewhat feeling better and paige has gotten a little bigger which is really good. Carl and u are sitting on the sofa as paige is sleeping in my arms.
"I bet she's gonna be like you" Carl says.
What do you mean.
"Taking nobody's shit, badass, good with the katana, sensitive, but also very angry a lot" Carl says smiling.
I'm not always angry.
"Sometimes" Carl says.
Well I'm gonna give paige to the doctor cause I wanna go with Daryl to look for shit.
"Alright, I will go with then" Carl says.
I get up with paige slowly since I'm still kind of hurting.
I bring her to the doctors and hand her over.
"Paige is getting bigger and better, within a week she won't need to be on the treatment anymore" the doctor says.
Okay that's good thank you.
The doctor nods as Carl and I walk out.
"Ana, I was able to fix your old dirt bike if you want to ride that" Daryl says walking up to us.
Really! Oh my god yes I would love to ride it, oh and Carl is coming with.
"Alright that's fine, he can sit on the back of your dirt bike" Daryl says walking off to his dirt bike getting ready.
Okay come on cowboy.
I say smiling while grabbing his hand and pulling him over to my dirtbike.
I start the dirtbike and get on holding the throttle as Carl gets on the back.
I tie my hair up so my hair doesn't fly in Carl's face while he wraps his hands around my waist making sure he's close to me.
Ready cowboy.
"Yup" Carl says.
Daryl when your ready.
Daryl nods and starts riding as I'm behind him riding. I speed up eventually keeping up with him.
"There's a house on that corner street" Daryl yells so I hear him.
I nod my head and make that turn to see a big white house.
Daryl and I stop our bikes and get off with Carl behind. I take my katana and keep it by my side while walking behind Daryl as he opens the door. We walk in and each go into separate rooms looking for any stuff that we could grab.
All of a sudden walkers come in from everywhere and I'm trapped downstairs into a basement where there's water pouring in from these small window. I try to get brooms or anything that I find in the basement to close off the door cause I'm only one and there are hundreds of walkers. Soon the floor is flooded up to maybe my knees and I can't do anything.
Shit..think ana think.
I say walking around in the water. There's a table so I stand up in that as the water gets taller and taller. I look at the door realising it isn't holding then millions of walkers start storming in. I take my katana and start killing Any that come near me in the table. All of a sudden my foot is grabbed and I'm dragged in the water. I kill the walker that dragged me into the water as I get pushed down into the water fully dropping my katana not knowing where it went. While I'm under the water I tey to feel around for my katana out of breath as I finally find it and kill the walker coming up for air as I try to get past the walkers to get up the stairs so I start swimming for the stairs as more walkers are coming in so I stab each one having them go over the ledge. I make it out of the basement and notice Daryl and Carl killing walkers.
"Shit why the hell are you all wet, did you go swimming and not invite us" Daryl says killing a walker.
Yea sure that's what happened, no the basement was starting to flood and I couldn't do anything other then get attacked.
"Your not bit right" Carl asks looking at me before he swings at a walker.
No I'm fine what about you boys.
They both look at me nodding there head which makes me smile a little.
Alright well let's go.
I run out of the house starting my bike and so does Daryl. Carl gets on the back of my bike again holding on to me.
"Holy shit your fucking soaked" Carl says laughing.
Yea it's all funny untill your the one pushed under the water with 100s of walkers.
I say while start riding back home.

We get back to hiltop and get off of the bikes.
"Well that was a total shit show" Daryl says.
Yea you think, well I need to get changed cause I'm cold as fuck with these wet clothes on.
I walk back to the room we are staying in and grab some new clothes to put on.  I get new clothes on and look at my wet hair and how it's all tangly so I find a brush and brush my wet hair out as it becomes straight but my hair is way to long for me now.
I go downstairs and go into the doctors room and see paige sleeping and find scissors so I grab them and go back to our room and go in the bathroom with the mirror and start seeing where I wanna cut my hair. But then Maggie walks in.
Hey what's up.
"Nothing just wanted to see what you were doing" Maggie asks standing next to me.
I'm gonna cut my hair but I really wanna go short, could you help me cut it so I don't end up going bald.
I say with a laugh.
"Yea of course, how short" Maggie asks.
I think maybe right above my shoulders.
"Oh wow so your going really short now" Maggie says splitting my hair up to do separate parts.
Yea I need it, I'm a mom now and things are getting harder with my long ass hair.
"Yea I get that but my hair never was this long, I never let it get to that long before I cut it" Maggie says chopping a peice of the sections off.
Maggie finishes my hair and then cuts whatever is not straight. My hair is now dry by now so I look in the mirror with a smile flipping my hair onto the side looking at how cute it is.
Thank you Maggie.
"Of course, you look happier now but let's go see what your future husband has to say" Maggie says with a smile as we walk downstairs.
We walk outside talking as I see Daryl coming up to me.
"Hey I like the hair but Carl went to alexandria" Daryl says.
Why, I thought he wasn't leaving me here with paige.
"Yea I thought that to but he wanted visit" Daryl says.
Oh well okay, I'm going to go see paige.
I walk away and go to see paige. I pick her up and hold her as she sleeps in my arms.
Your so beautiful my little girl.
I kiss her head still being careful as she is still so small.
The door opens and it's Carl who walks up to me and sits down next to me.
"Holy shit, so you really went down for the chop, it looks amazing, you look really pretty ana" Carl says with a smile.
I look at him and smile as he cups the side of face bringing me in for a long passionate kiss.
"I love you so much and there is this one place I wanna show you, so let's go on a quick run alright" Carl says with a smile.
I love you to and alright.
I look down at paige and give her one last kiss on the head before putting her back.

I follow Carl out and we get in a car. Carl takes us back to Alexandria.
Why are we here, is Alexandria finally doing better.
"Well I mean yea it's getting better but not yet" Carl says.
We both get out of the Carl but I notice Carl had been putting his hand in his pocket a lot. We get into Alexandria walking as we come across Gabriel's old church with flower all around the entrance as there's a walkway to walk on. I look at Carl and smile as we get to the door and Carl opens it revealing flowers everywhere and lights hung up that he must have found.
"Ana Hathway, we have been with eachother since almost 2 years and I wanna live with you through the rest of life that we have together, I could die tomorrow, next week, or in a year and I want you to be there with me along the way, we have shared many memories and have been there for eachother every single day, we even had a beautiful child. I wanna be with you when maybe this world gets better and isn't shit, you made me learn what really love is about. You are a goddess a beautiful Greek goddess. I want to express my love with you for the rest of my life. So in that case"
Carl says as he gets down on one knee.
"Will you marry me and make me the happiest man ever"
Carl says crying and making me cry as he pulls out the most beautiful ring ever.
I nod my head crying as he stands up and puts the ring on my finger and pulls me in for a hug before letting go and kissing me hard.
God I love you so much Carl.
"I love you so much to ana" Carl says leaning his head against mine.
"Listen I don't really want to have a proper marriage, I just want to be your husband and you my wife with the ring, no alter or anything if that is okay" Carl says.
Yes that's perfectly fine, just getting to the point and being officially married.
I start jumping up and down really happy as I jump into his arms and he picks me up.
Shit I forgot how bad it hurts.
I say laughing and crying at the same time.

Carl Grimes x Ana HathwayWhere stories live. Discover now