pt. 9

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I wake up to Carl not being there so I get changed into a little bit of baggy jeans and a tank top with a flannel over it. I put my shoes on and walk down stairs seeing Daryl and Carl sitting down next to each other while Michonne is in the kitchen feeding judith. I walk over to Michonne offering to hold judith and feed her. Michonne hands me her and the bottle. I feed Judith the bottle only paying attention to her as I feel hands around my waist pulling me closer which gets me startled and turn around seeing its just Carl, I turn back around as he hugs me from behind with his chin on my shoulder.
"You would be a great mom" Carl whispers which makes me smile as I stay looking down on Judith. The door opens and then Rick comes in looking angry with a cut hand and a cut leg.
"Holy shit dad what happened" Carl says walking over to Rick.
"Don't worry about it were getting help to kill the saviors" Rick says while walking up the stairs. Daryl comes over from the couch and walks over to me pulling me in for a side hug and whispers.
"I'm sorry I couldn't help you I tried my best kid" Daryl says then kisses the top of my head.
I look up at him and smile still feeding judith. I look down to see the milk is gone so I put the bottle down and go to sit down in the couch and cross my legs as she then starts playing with my fingers and sucking on my pinky which makes me giggle.
Daryl was now outside with Carl while Rick came back downstairs all fixed up.
Oh hey dad can u grab the Binky on the table for me please I forgotten to grab it.
Rick nods his head and grabs it then walks over sitting next to you as u take your pinky out of her mouth and putting the Binky in instead.
I wipe my pinky on my pants from the wetness.
"She's never done that" Rick says which makes me look up at him.
Suck your pinky?
"Yea she's never done that" Rick says with a little smile.
I smile back as I look at her slowly falling asleep.
"But um hey you guys came home late last night is everything alright" Rick asks.
Um yea we got some food and blankets and stuff so we're all good.
"Alright that's good" Rick says getting up and patting my shoulder.
"Stay out of trouble ana" Rick says with a little smile looking back at me before walking out of the house. I smile as I get up and being Judith upstairs just rocking her back and forth a little untill she's fully asleep. I put her in the crib and kiss her head as I go to turn around seeing Carl just standing there smiling leaning on the doorframe with his hat lowered a little bit. I walk up to him moving the hat so I can see his eyes a little better.
Stalking me grimes.
"Oh you wish" Carl says.
I giggle before he pulls me in for a kiss with his hands on my waist and my arms around his neck.
I stop the kiss just to go on my tippy toes and hug him for a long minute.
"Are you okay from last night" Carl says quietly.
I nodded my head in the hug.
Yea, yea I'm okay.
I say backing up holding his hands.
"Alright good" Carl says kissing my head and walking out of the room with me following behind. We walk down stairs out of the house and see the men that Daryl and I came across the other night.
I walk backwards to go back inside just to end up into the same guy who touched me.
"Well hello again sweetheart" the guy says touching my hair with a smile.
I turn around and slap him before he pushes me back into the ground holding me down.
Carl turns around and aims his gun at the guys head and tilts his head with a look on his face.
"Touch her again and I will kill you" Carl states making the man giggle.
"You mean like this" the man says unbuttoning my pants and starting to pull them down as I lift my knee up hitting him in the dick really hard having him grab his dick and falling over to the side groaning. I get up and take my knife out getting ready to stab him but Carl shoots him. I back away from the gun shot and cover my ears for a second since it has just startled me coming out of nowhere. I look down and buckle back up my pants before looking back at Carl and run up hugging him tight.
"I'm so sorry, men are dicks" Carl says hugging me back.
Yes but you arent.
I pull away from the hug. Before walking over to Rick and Daryl.
"Oh look it's the pretty one from the other night" one of the males say.
Rick and Daryl look at me seeing me walk over.
"Watch it" Rick says.
"Listen we arrived and now we claimed so it's ours" the man says.
"Not how it works, we were here first and we have been here first so you ain't claiming nothing" daryl says.
"Just leave cause you are not getting anything" Rick says.
"Uh I think we're good we might just make our self's comfy" the man says going to walk off but Rick stops them.
"Don't make us have to kill you all" Rick says loudly making the men stop their pace to turn around back to Rick. Carl and I walk behind them where they can't see us and take our guns to the heads.
"You guys leave and then those two kids won't blow ur heads off" Rick says holding his gun in front of him.
"Well we aren't leavi-" the man was cut off by Carl and I shooting 2 of his men.
"Do we need to explain our selves anymore to say that you guys are leaving right now, just walk out and we won't kill ya" Rick says.
"Ok fine we will leave" the man says having the last 3 of his men follow him out of alexandria. Carl and I are still having our guns aimed at them as they walk out.
Fucking cowards.
I said quietly but still being able to hear.
"What was that" the man questioned right outside the gates.
I said you all are fucking cowards.
"Say that to my face sweetheart" the man says.
I just did.
All of a sudden the man was shot in the face and so were his friends. I look at Carl who had just shot the one and Rick who had shot the other ones.
I smile at them before putting my gun away.  I close the gate before walking over to them and Rick pulling me in for a hug and kissing the top of my head.
"Don't worry kid we always got ur back all of us, you and Michonne might just be the only toughest females here right now since Sasha, Rosita, and Maggie are at hilltop" Daryl says as Rick let's go.
I smile as I look at Carl who is also smiling at me. I turn around seeing an somewhat old lady with short hair walk in with a taller black man.
I turn back around and look at Rick confused.
Who's that.
"Carol and Morgan" Rick says walking over and pulling Carol in a hug then Morgan.
Carl puts his hand on my shoulder and nodding his head letting me know it's fine.
I walk over waving saying hi. I go to put my hand out to shake carols but she just walks past me to hug Carl. I put my hand down and give her a look as she walks away so I greet Morgan.
Hi I'm ana.
"Nice to meet you I'm Morgan" Morgan says shaking my hand. I smile knowing at least one of them are nice.
"Don't worry kid she will warm up to ya" Daryl says putting his arm around my shoulder. I look up to him and smile.
Yea maybe.

We're chilling on the couch as I have Daryl and Carl next to me on each side and Rick and Carol sitting on the other single seat, Rick and Michonne standing.  I rest my head on Carl as they are all just talking about random things. I put my leg over Carl's leg and he rests his hand on my thigh rubbing it with his thumb. "Aww look at you two" Michonne says getting a camera she had found to take a photo of us making us both smile. I look at the camera laughing a little as Carl is just staring at me with a smile.
Carol just giving a weird look at us. Michonne had already taken the photo as it came out and she handed it to us and Carl grabbed it and smiled more.
"See you look so cute" Carl teases.
"Yea so cute" Carol says with a little look and attitude.
Listen Carol you make it seem like you don't like me and I can't change that but being a asshole in a happy moment fucks shit up so how about you are actually polite and aren't a dick just like you couldn't even say hi to me and you walked right past, at least Morgan actually said hi.
Everything was all of a sudden silent not hearing a sound of anyone.
"Ana.. " Michonne says breaking the silence.
No I'm tired of it, if you don't like me Carol that's fine just don't be a bitch.
I get up off from the couch and grab my Katana and gun walking out of the house.
Gabriel open the gate please.
Gabriel nods his head before opening the gate then closing it for me as I walk out grabbing my Katana to just have out I'm front of me. I start walking out for a while.

  Carl's pov:

"No I'm tired of it, if you don't like me Carol that's fine just don't be a bitch" ana says right before she grabs her things and walks out, I get up to go follow her but Carol grabs my arm and pulls me back.
"It's fine just let her be, a girl is always gonna need her space" Carol says.
Like you would know, you haven't even been here a hour and you are being rude Carol why.
"Cause I don't know her her and I don't know if I can trust her" she states out.
Yea but that's you not us, we all trust her and she's my girlfriend at least show some respect. I pull away from her grab walking out to no sign of ana so I walk over to Gabriel to see if he had saw her.
Hey did you see ana.
"Yes she asked for me to open the gate for her" Gabriel said.
Alright thank you Gabriel.
He nods his head as I walk back home going inside and grabbing my gun and knife.
"Carl where are you going" Rick says loud.
Out to find ana.
"No she can handle herself she is strong Carl" Rick says.
Dad I need to anything could happen whether she's strong or not, I want to be there to help her, always, she shouldn't be getting disrespected for no reason and be touched dad, I want to protect her, I'm never leaving her side, I want to get older with her maybe start another family of ours, maybe even marry her, you need to let me go and find her please dad..
Everything is silent once again with Michonne tearing up. Michonne comes up and hugs me.
"Oh boy you better go and get your girl before she's long gone and find a ring on your go cause you never know you might just need it" Michonne says kissing my head and pushing me to go.
I smile and run out of the house.

Anas pov:

Im walking through woods close to home but not to close taking deep breathes. I sit against a tree leaning my head back as I feel drops onto my face so I look up seeing a walker hanging from the tree with blood dripping so I wipe some off my face seeing the blood and I sit up and stab it. I back up with my hair all up in my face since my hair got caught on a branch earlier and it broke. It starts raining which makes me smile and giggle but then I start getting really cold and start walking back but it starts to get freezing out and really foggy to the point where you can barely see.  I squint my eyes trying to see as I see something and hear snarling and growing coming from my right so I turn grabbing the walking and stabbing it's head. 
I mumble.
I can't see and it's freezing out so I try walking more on a road as I'm now out of the woods. I hear distance yelling as it's not to far but not to close. Then the sound starts getting louder and more clearer.
I hear yelling over and over again but not getting a very clear shot of who it could be so I walk more tripping over something and falling, my hand cutting right through something making me scream in pain and attracting walkers.  Soon I hear rustling and moaning sounds all around me and notice multiple walkers coming my way. I give up, there's nothing to live for anymore other then just Carl and my family, I love them.
I just lay there on the ground on my back feeling the rain drops on my face cleaning the blood off. I take my flannel off quick before the walkers get any more closer and tie it around the palm of my hand. I go to get up but I have no more energy. I'm drained. I see walkers getting closer so I just accept my fate and let it happen.

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