pt. 7

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We're walking in the woods a couple days later and rick and Michonne are obviously back with us. We're looking for more food and supplies when we come across a boy around carl and i's age carl holds me back to walk behind him. All of a sudden the kid was gone and we all look confused as I get grabbed and I take my katanna taking it to the boys neck who grabbed my arm.
"Well its nice to meet you I'm Nick"
I give the kid a weird look pushing him against a tree with the Katana still pressed against his neck.
"Chill I was just gonna ask who you were cutie" the boy says winking.
I gag in disgust as he looks over at Carl.
"Oh I'm sorry man I didn't realise this was your girlfriend, you should see the look on your boyfriends face he looks pissed and hey do you only have one eye, thats hilarious" the boy says with a little chuckle.
I close my eyes for a second because I'm stressed out and I take my Katana slicing his neck getting blood all over my hands and arms.
His body drops as I take deep breathes grabbing my stomach slightly since it still hurts. I turn around and walk back over to them.
It's not funny Carl alright, don't listen to what anyone says about your eye, they give you shit then fucking kill em.
I say while I walk even further with them following me.
Carl and Rick give a look at eachother then just continue to follow.

We get to Alexandria and Gabriel opens the gate then closes it.
"Hey ya good" Carl asks
Yea sorry about earlier I was just in a pissy mood.
"It's all good I mean I would to with a man trying to flirt with me and with a Katana against my neck" Carl says laughing a little bit which makes me chuckle a little.
"I might just have to carry that advise with me from now on" Carl says as we both stop and he looks at me.
I smile, hes so pretty in like feminine and masculine way. I give him a kiss on the cheek and try to walk away but he grabs me pulling me closer and kissing me with a hand on my waist and one on my neck.
I kiss back then pull away hugging him with my arms around his waist so my head digs in his chest.
"Well aren't you guys just the cutest" Michonne says while walking past and laughing.
We get embarrassed and laugh it off as we go inside.
"So how are your ribs" Rick asks
Still really bruised and hurts.
I pull up my shirt a little showing the bruises off then pull it down.
"Yea it will be better within like 2 weekend kiddo" Rick says with a sad and protective tone.
Rick can I talk to you and Michonne really quick.
"Yea let's go" Rick says taking me into the other room as I tell Carl I will be right back.

"So what's up"Michonne asks.
I know I havent known you guys for that long and I love your son so much Rick. You guys have treated me like I'm your own daughter yourself and I was wondering if I would be able to call you mom and dad.
The both look at each other then back at me with wide smiles on there face as they pull me in for a hug.
"Of course you can sweetheart, Ive always wanted a girl" Michonne says cracking up a joke.
I laughed.
You don't think its gonna be weird since I'm dating your son and calling u dad?
"No not at all cause if u married Carl you would call me dad anyway" Rick says with a smile.
I smile again before taking another hug from them both. We walk back out as I sit down and put my legs over Carl's as I put my head on a pillow, he grabs a blanket and puts it over me.
"So what did you guys talk about" Carl asks confused.
Rick explains the situation.
Carl smiles a little and rube my back as I fall as sleep.
I yawn getting up and moving to my head on his lap instead.
"You good" Carl asks.
I mumble yes with w tired tone if voice.
Carl's eyes widen a little and smiles with a little laugh.
I mumble again.
"Nothing your just cute tired" Carl says playing with my hair and fixing the blanket.
I smile a tiny bit.
I know.
They all laugh a little.
"Were gonna go up to bed since its late" Rick says.
"Alright goodnight dad, goodnight Michonne" Carl says.
Night mom, night dad.
I mumble again but more clearer.
They both smile while heading up the stairs.
Carl picks me up with the blanket on top of me and brings me to our room laying me on the bed taking my shoes off and laying next to me, I move back into him my back against him feeling how he's kind of hard. I ignore it and just close my eyes but I get fidgety so I changed positions with my leg over his and my head on his chest finally falling asleep.

Carl Grimes x Ana HathwayWhere stories live. Discover now