pt. 6

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I wake up next to Carl with him reading a comic book so I sit up getting ready to get off the bed but trip and fall on Carl's legs, we both giggle as I get up off of him and sit next to him with my head on his shoulder.
We are going to have to do so much work today.
"Like what"
First deal with negan probably since Rick and Michonne are gonna be gone for a couple days getting shit for him, and we have to take care of our people now getting food for us now and supplies.
"Yea you're right"
I get up and grab clothes right before Carl grabs my arm turning me around and kissing me as I kiss back, he kisses my neck a couple times before then kisses my lips again.
I smile as he also does and I walk out the room going into the bathroom and change. I look at myself in the mirror in the bathroom looking at how long my hair is and how I have so many bruises and cuts all over me. I find scissors in one of the drawers and cut a couple inches off but not to the point where it is really short but that it still almost reaches my butt but also cause my hair doesn't look healthy. I find a hair tye pulling my hair up into a ponytail with a few strands falling in my face.

I walk outside and see Carl holding Judith and Daryl fixing the motorcycle he found me. I walk over to Carl and sit next to him and offer to hold Judith as he hands me her. I make silly faces making her laugh. Carl and I smiling at her little laugh.

Daryl comes running over telling us to put Judith away because negan is coming so I nodd my head bringing Judith inside into her room then hearing gunshots so I flinch holding Judith, I put her in her crib and run outside where I see most of negans men on the ground with Carl holding his gun up at negan getting ready to shoot him.
I run over slapping the gun out of his hand making it go off shooting my foot.
Because if we shoot him do you understand how many more of his men would kill us.
"Shit your right"
You already killed half his men Carl.
I stand up leaning on Carl holding my foot up bleeding out.
"Smart choice kid otherwise I would kill you" negan says laughing
I'm not doing this for you I'm doing this for our sake and so we don't die you dumb fuck.
"Be careful who you talk to like that, I will slice you open" negan says proudly.
I roll my eyes as Carl helps me over to the infirmary to take the bullet out of my foot and wrap it up.

"You've got to stop getting hurt" Carl says.
I know but it just happens but it's nice to see that you care about me.
I smile right before I go to kiss him but then Daryl walks in.
I look away embarrassed as Carl just looks awkward.
Daryl smiles as he walks over to me.
"So how ya doing kid" Daryl asks looking at the gun wound covered up.
Good I guess I mean I'm gonna have a lot more trouble walking on it now but it will be fine.
"Alright, we need to kill negan, we need a plan, we need to fight and I'm going to get Rick and Michonne on board and help out" Daryl says.
"Yea we could get the hilltop to help to" Carl says.
"Oh yea whatever happened to Enid going there, she ever coming back" daryl asks.
Who's Enid?
"Um an old friend" carl says giving daryl a look.
I catch on so I sit up off the bed grabbing something to walk on so I don't walk on the one foot.
"Where are you going" carl asks.
Our house.
I open the door walking outside to it raining outside and being all muddy. I sit their for a second smiling since there's finally rain. All of a sudden I get attacked from behind with my mouth covered.
"You try to kill negans men I should just kill you now"
My eyes expand as I hear a gun shot then the person who tackled me falls over onto the Mudd as I sit up crying a little. Carl helps me up and hugs me tight getting covered in Mudd because of me.
"It's okay, your okay" Carl says rubbing my head as my head just sits right in the crook of his neck with his long hair draping over my face.
I move my head to look at him and lean my head against his as he rubs the side of my face kissing my head. Carl picks me up bridal style walking slowly to the house so he doesn't slip in the Mudd.
He places me on the couch with my foot up on the table in front of us.
Daryl walks in with his arrow placing it on the counter because grabbing a water.
I take Carl's hat off putting it on as I giggle looking at him as he sits next to me. He smiles before kissing my cheek and taking his hat back which used to be ricks.
So who's Enid again?
"She's an old friend who left to go to hilltop" Carl says.
And when will I be able to meet her.
"Yea um you probably wont"
And why is that.
"Because she's more on that jealous side and I don't want anything happening"
What do you mean why would she be jealous.
"Because her and I had a little thing and kissed like once but she likes me and ya know it's hard to explain"
Yea I get it.
I didn't get it what does he mean, so he has another girl that he knows likes him and he kissed her, I can't help but to be the one jealous although a shouldn't cause he treats me well and everything, he protects me and I protect him to.
"You are soaking wet from the rain ana" Carl says giggling.
I laugh a little as go to stand up forgetting my foot.
I lean over on to the table sitting back down.
"Shit are you okay" Carl asks.
I nod my head as I take deep breaths.
I will be right back I gotta go pee.
I go to the bathroom slowly and use it then wash my hands. I walk out then Carl scares me so I yell and punch him in the face. I gasp covering my mouth as Daryl runs over confused.
Oh my god Carl I'm so sorry you scared me, I didn't know it was you.
"It's okay don't worry" Carl says with a little chuckle holding his jaw.
"What happened are you kids alright" Daryl asks.
Yea he just scared me it's all good.
Daryl nods then walks away as I giggle a little then hugging Carl with my arms around his waist and his arms above me swinging me around with my head in his chest. He kisses my head.
"I love you"
I love you to.
I pull away from the hug before grabbing his face and kissing him. He picks me up lightly and walking to our room as he lays be on the bed then laying next to me.
We gotta go search for food.
"Not in your shape were not" Carl adds with a little sass.
I give him a weird look because of the sass.
Well then how are we gonna search for supplies and food Carl.
"Daryl, Sasha, and Tobin will go"
Okay I guess but why don't you go.
"Because you need someone here to protect you"
What you think I can't protect myself.
"Not in your shape right now ana, u have bruises everywhere and a wounded foot and I'm pretty sure a fucked up knee" Carl says with a little laugh.
I giggle.
Yeahhh your right I do have a lot of cuts but a kiss can make them all better.
I laugh a little before leaning up to kiss Carl as he kisses back taking off his hat and placing it on the nightstand near the bed.
We continue to make out as I end up on top of him moving back and forth slowly.
He makes a few groans in the kiss.
I move my arms around his neck and his hands on my waist.
He stops the kiss then moving to my neck kissing then sucking leaving marks that are visible for anyone and everyone to see.
I make a slight noise feeling how hard Carl is getting by sitting on his lap.
He moves me to under him slowly moving back into the kiss before he takes his flannel off and mine. He then takes off our Mudd filthed shirts off and throws them on the ground. We both take deep breathes before he starts to unbuckle his pants.
"I-is this okay, I have never done this yet" Carl says quietly and embarrassed.
Yes it's fine I haven't done it either.
He nods his head before taking the belt off and sliding my pants off to reveal my panties. He then takes his pants off leaving him in his boxers. He pulls it out and moves my panties to the side slowly going in as I grip onto him as it's only both of our first times. He thrusts in and out slowly groaning and digging his head into the crook of my neck.
"A-are you okay" Carl says in between breathes.
I breathe heavily as he starts to go faster a little bit making me moan but he covers my mouth so I'm not load.

After that he pulls his boxers back up and fixes my panties as we both just sit there embarrassed.
"So um we both just took each other's virginity" Carl says making the situation more awkward.
Ye and we both didn't know what we were doing but it felt great Carl.
I say trying to make the situation better then what it was.
He smiles and kisses me but then realises the marks he left on my neck.
"Holy shit no way I did that" Carl says with a giggle.
Did what.
"Go look in the mirror"
I throw my top on and shorts walking over slowly realising my neck.
Holy shit Carl.
"I'm sorry" Carl says.
It's okay let's just go to bed.
I walk slowly back over to the bed and lay down next to Carl falling asleep as he already changed.

I wake up in a room I've never seen and then see someone standing there with a gun.
"Boss she's awake"
The guy says into the walkie talkie then all of a sudden the door opens and negans right there.
"Hey sweetheart"
I give him a dirty look.
What the fuck. You kidnapped me like litterlly kidnapped me.
"Oh you will get over it, get changed into that outfit on the chair now" negan says pointing to the chair and walking out.
The guy with the gun turns around so I can change.
I get up slowly to see my foot looking and feeling better so I stand up and it doesn't hurt. I grab the dress that was there and it's a nice short black dress with silver heels.

I put it on and same with the heels walking slowly since I don't know how to walk in heels, I walk to the bathroom in the room and look at my hair and find a brush to brush my straight brown hair out

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I put it on and same with the heels walking slowly since I don't know how to walk in heels, I walk to the bathroom in the room and look at my hair and find a brush to brush my straight brown hair out.

I walk out and say im done so the guy comes behind me and pushes me to the door.
Hey watch it man, I don't know how to walk in these.
He rolls his eyes and continues to push me before I get to these big doors and hear a lot of people on the other side so the guy opens it and then these bright lights flash onto me. I clear my vision so I can see and I see hundreds of negans men and Carl, Daryl, Michonne, Rick, Maggie, and Sasha sitting in front row with there hands and legs tied.
What the fuck, get us out of here now negan.
"No can do sweetheart and look at you, your beautiful" he grabs my arm spinning me around and kissing my hand as I gag and pull it back.
Do not touch me.
He pushes me to the ground as I cover myself cause I'm in a dress.
Negan grabs a chair and pulls it to the middle and grabs me throwing me onto the chair.
I grunt as I hit the back of the chair hard.
Fuck you negan.
"Well you will be doing that soon" he says laughing.
I look and see rick, Daryl and Carl giving negan a death stare.
"Aw what's wrong, are you mad you can't do anything about it" he teases the boys.
All of a sudden a swing of his bat is right in my guts as I fall over on the ground crying hovering over.
"A lot of shit kid" negan speaks.
I start panicking not being able to breath cause getting hit to the guys whether you believe it or not hurts like a fucking bitch really bad.
"Can you not handle it pretty" negan says with sarcasm grabbing my hair and pulling it back to see my face as I smile with tears coming down my face.
"See she's fine, she's happy"
You will regret this..
I take my time slowly trying to get up as he hits me again in the ribs this time with his bat making me fall over again.
I start crying even more not being able to breathe.
Rick and Carl crying.
"Negan please stop she can't breathe" Carl says.
"You guys are just no fun as he picks me up and throws me to the front of where everyone is.
"Someone untie there ropes around there hands and legs" Negan says.
Everyone of them gets untied as Negan gives them all a sign to leave and as he walks away.
I'm still crying as Carl is the first to get to me lifting me up into him as I hold my stomach and rubs.
Rick and Daryl just sitting there zonig out probably coming up with an idea to kill Negan.
"It's okay just breathe" Carl says moving my hair out of my face.
I-i c-cant.
"Shh it's okay" Carl says lifting up the dress so only he can see the bruises and cuts on my ribs and stomach now.
"Let's go were going home" Carl says angry as he picks me up slowly and walking me to the camper that Negan had took again.

Carl Grimes x Ana HathwayWhere stories live. Discover now