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It's been a couple months since everything went down and alenadria has been rebuilt from the fires. I'm starting to show a lot in my stomach and my birthday in tomorrow making me officially turning 17. Rick had disappeared and michonne left to find him. Judith had also gotten so much bigger.

I walk downstairs holding my stomach groaning as I see Daryl walk in.
"You good" Daryl asks.
Um I don't know my stomach hurts like he'll.
"Do you think your due?" Daryl asks helping me sit down.
I'm only 6 months Daryl.
"Well I don't know much about babies" Daryl says.
I groan even more with tears building up in my eyes.
I feel something wet under me.
"What do you mean" Daryl asks.
I stand up and notice the chair is wet.
"Holy shit did your water break" Daryl says with worry.
I-it couldn't have I'm only 6 months.
I say groaning even more as daryl helps me to a car to get me to hiptop.
Wait I need Carl Daryl.
"I know just wait here" Daryl says running into the house getting Carl. I see Daryl running back out of the house with Carl. I'm in the backseat so I can lay down.
The back seat car door opens and Carl's right there.
"Hey, breathe, are you okay" Carl says with worry.
I shake my head and groan even more with tears running down my face.
"Hey wait, your bleeding down there.." Carl says as he pools st the seat.
I start crying even more as Carl gets in the back seat and puts my head on his lap.
"Daryl hurry!"Carl yells.

We get to hiltop and I'm rushed in by 2 new doctors. A woman and a man.
Maggie, I need Maggie.
I manage to yell out.
Daryl goes and gets Maggie as Maggie runs into the room with Daryl behind her. Carl and Maggie on each side of me holding my hand.
"Hey look at me, your going to be okay, some babies are premature meaning that they are born really early, your baby might just be really small but we can make the baby better and healthy okay" Maggie says trying to calm me down.
I start screaming and pushing trying to push this baby out of me.
"One more push hun and it will all be better" Maggie says.
I can't, I can't.
I say between crys and deep breaths.
"One more you got this" Maggie says gripping my hand tight.
I then push harder as the baby is finally out of me. I gasp and breath really heavily as Carl is wiping sweat off of my face.
"Your okay, your okay" Carl repeats to me.
"Your baby is not breathing I'm so sorry she is to small and you lost your baby about an hour ago I would say when you left cause you were bleeding down there" the doctor says.
W-wait she?
I say hesitantly.
"Yes" the doctor says.
I start crying even more with my head back and Carl holding my hand really tight.
"I-im so sorry this happened ana.." Carl says starting to cry.
Don't cry it's okay.
I say wiping his tears and mine. "Oh my god ana I'm so sorry" Maggie says as she looks at the baby.
Just get me out of here please, I want to go home.
I say trying to sit up but it hurts to much down there.
I gasp and lean over the table.
Holy shit, why does it hurt this fucking bad..
"Because your ripped tissue down there giving birth so it's going to hurt a lot for a while while I mean even just standing it might hurt bad" Maggie says.
"We can get you medicine for the pain but we just don't have it right now, we would need someone to go and find the medicine about 30 miles out" the doctor says.
"I can do it" Carl says.
No you are not fucking leaving my side grimes.
I say while groaning.
"I've got it don't worry, just write down what medicine it is and I will grab it" Daryl says as the doctor writes it down and hands Daryl the paper.
L-let me see my daughter..
The doctor hands me my daughter as I manage to sit up.
I hold her there in my arms staring at her face and just looking at how much she looks like Carl.
Wait she's breathing.
I say panicky as I hand her to the doctor.
"That's impossible" the doctor says checking her heartbeat and blood.
"She's good" the doctor says with a smile.
"She just needs to have breathing aquitment since she's so tiny to breathe on her own but over time she will get bigger" the doctor says.
"What about names" Carl says happy as he looks at me.
I have no idea.
"What about paige" Carl asks as he looks at me.
I love that.
I smile and kiss him as he kisses back.
Daryl you better go get me that shit now before I fucking freak out.
I say groaning.
"Got it, congrats kid" Daryl says before running out the door making me smile.
Wait last name though.
"I mean we can do either one, hathway or grimes it really doesn't matter" Carl states.
Let's just do grimes cause I mean I might be a Mrs soon.
I say smiling as I look at Maggie who laughs.
"Maybe" Carl says with a smile.
"Paige grimes, I like it its gotta little ring to it" Maggie says.
Is she going to be okay though.
"I can't promise anything, let's just hope the the tube and breathing aquitment work" the doctor says.
I nod my head and get off of the table groaning as Carl helps me walk but instead just picks me up like I'm a piece of paper.

We get into our room for now that Maggie prepared and Carl sets me down carefully. Carl kneels down in front of me and grabs my hands kissing them.
"We are parents ana"carl says with a smile.
I was so scared that she wasn't going to make it.
"I know but God knew she was in the right place" Carl says.
Oh so your religious now.
I say smiling.
"No but I had a few words with Gabriel to pray for you and our little girl yesterday actually" Carl says.
Oh so that's why you came home late.
"Yea" Carl says
I love you my cowboy.
"I love you to my samauri" Carl says.
"Yea because of the katana, and because your tough and loyal" Carl says.
That's so sweet, if only I had a better name other then cowboy.
"Hey, I like the name cowboy, it suits me just like samauri suits you" Carl states with a smile making me smile. Carl sits up on the bed and pulls me in for a kiss.
"Your going to be the best mom ever, I know you will" Carl says letting go of the kiss.
You think so?
"Oh I know so" Carl says before the door opens and Maggie comes in with our baby.
"Doctor says she can be with you guys for about 20 minutes before being put back on the breathing aquitment" Maggie says handing her to carl. Carl holds her tight and looks at her face.
"Wow she really looks like me doesn't she" Carl says.
Yea but don't get to used to it. In a couple years she will look like me just watch.
Carl laughs as he watches his daughters breathing making sure he's careful with her since she's so tiny and fragile.
Do you think it's okay I gave birth at only 6 months.
"Probably not but there's not much that we can really do about it now" Carl says while handing me her.
I rub my fingers on her bare skin feeling how cold she is.
She's beautiful.
"I know just like you" Carl says making me smile.
I know we're only 17 but being parents is making me feel old now, we never had that teenage life and she won't either.
"We will do for her what we couldn't just so she's happy ana" Carl says kissing my cheek.

Carl Grimes x Ana HathwayWhere stories live. Discover now