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I walk into our room at Alexandria getting ready to to go hiptop to see my daughter as a knock is heard on the door downstairs so I head down to check who it is seeing that it's Daryl.
Hey what's up.
"We gotta problem" Daryl says with his usual raspy and untoned voice.
What do you mean, what happened.
"Just follow me" Daryl says as I follow behind him closing the door. Walking to the gate he brings me up to look down at the sudden walkers walking in circles  but seems like they are talking.
I look at Daryl confused as I look back down noticing their hands and how they have knifes and are human like.
Those aren't walkers Daryl.
"What do you mean"
There's hands, they have weapons and there human like, there's no possible way that walkers would walk in a circle and sound like the talking cause all we ever hear is just groaning all the time.
"Shit your right but what do we do"
I don't know but I need to get to hiltop and Carl, I can't leave if they are there in front of the building unless we kill them but we need to talk to Aaron and Gabriel and everyone else.
"Alright sounds like a plan" Daryl says as we walk back down the ladder.
Talk to everyone and I'm going to go get through and see if they do anything because maybe they are trouble.
"Alright gotcha, see ya later Mrs. Grimes." Daryl says making me smile.
I walk to a car with my katana on my back and my gun and knife in my 2 holsters. I start the car as someone opens the gate letting me eave as I get to a certain part of where the walkers are and see how they move out the way as how some walkers follow.  I step out of the car killed the walkers as I see the others trying to walk away so I stab one of them from behind and one of them tries to tackle me to the ground as I punch them having their masks come off so I take my katana and slicing their head off.
Back up! All of you. Who the fuck are you people.
None of them respond and just continue to try and fight me as I fight back pinning one to the ground with my body strength and folding them down with my body as the last one comes in front of me trying to stab me and I take my long katana slicing right through them then slicing right through the person's face that I'm on top of. I get off of the person and putting my katana back and wipe my face seeing a little blood on my hand realizing that I might have a little cut but that's fine.

I walk into hiltop into the doctors trailer.
"Hey what happened there" the doctor says pointing to my face.
Um walkers.
"Alrighty let me get that patched up" the doctor says as he cleans it and puts a peice of gause over it with some skin tape.
How's paige doing.
"So much better, she's with Carl right now in your extra room here"
I nod my head with a smile before walking out and into the building finding Carl in our room.
Hey cowboy.
"Hey samauri or mrs.grimes" Carl says with a smile holding paige.
Where Judith.
She's with Maggie.
I sit down next to Carl and look at paige who had gotten so much bigger to actual baby weight.
"What happened there" Carl says acknowledging my face.
Um well there something wrong with the walkers, or well I should say humans. They disguise themselves as walkers by wearing there skin and walking around. I noticed by there hands and how they had weapons so we have to be more careful now.
"They fought you?"
Yea well they tried but I killed them.
"Look at my wife being all badass but it's good your not hurt" Carl says kissing my cheek.
I smile at him and kiss paiges head. 
I missed you.
"I missed you to" Carl says looking at me and admiring my face and moving my hair behind my ear out of my face.
"Your so gorgeous ana" Carl says making me smile and get up to walk into the bathroom in the room and look in the mirror. I take the gause off looking at the cut since I didn't see it and see that it at least stopped bleeding now.  I throw the gause out and looking at ot realising that it might become a small scar on my face. Feeling my stomach I list up my shirt just looking at my ribs and stomach and how negan practically abused me with his bat to my stomach. Looking at my hand to seeing scars all within it from the amount of time I've hurt it. I sigh right before Carl comes in and puts his hands around my waist and kissing my shoulder.
"Are you okay"
Yea just..thinking.
"About what"
About how I have so many scars on my from getting hurt from people because I don't keep myself away. I just like to protect my family and I throw it all away by putting my self in that position of getting hurt making sure they don't.
Carl looks at me in the mirror with a little frown before turning me around to where I'm still leaning against the counter but my arms are wrapped around his neck and he's holding around my waist.
"You have those scars to prove that you did something and to prove that you do care about your family and others, kinda like battle scars" Carl says admiring my face again making me smile.
He cups my face with his right hand and pulling me in for a kiss which I kiss back.
He stops the kiss by pulling me in for a hug with his hands still around my waist having me on my tippytoes to reach up to him.
"I love you okay" Carl says in my ear quietly.
I love you to.
I say letting go of the hug and just looking at his blue eyes making me smile so I kiss his cheek before going to walk away but he grabbed me pulling me in for an actual kiss.
"How many times are you going to kiss my cheek then walk away thinking I'm not going to get an actual kiss Mrs. Grimes" Carl says making me laugh.
Depends how long we live but until then I will do it until I'm dead.
I say making him smile.
"God I just hope that isn't to soon" Carl says worridly as he kiss my head and pulls me in for a hug again.

I'm walking outside with Paige in my arms as the gate opens and Daryl walks in coming up to me.
Hey so those 'Walkers' from this morning pulled a move on me after I killed there friend, there had to be more of them because there is no way that there were only like 4 of them.
"Yea they came across aaron and killed Jesus" Daryl says with his hands on hips and looking down.
What! Jesus is dead..
Holy shit oh my god.
I hand Paige to Daryl as I run over to the trailer really quick and grab my Katana putting it over my back.
Let me go get Carl to watch Paige and we can go on a run and check it out again.

We are walking onto this bridge with walkers as Daryl shoots his arrow on the arm making the masked walker scream and his other walker friends trying to walk away so I walk up to one and grab their neck as they turn around trying to swing their knife at me making me back up and shoot them in the head but then I get pulled to the ground slammed onto my back really hard with my hands pinned to the ground.
"You 2 killed our people"
"Let her go and I won't kill you" Daryl says pointing his arrow at the girl.
The girl then pushes me over as Daryl kills the last person standing other then the girl.
I gasp for air since I hit my back really hard loosing air for a minute. I sit up and stand up grabbing her neck and pushing her to the wall of the bridge with my knife to her neck.
"I'm sorry please don't kill me"
"How many more of you are there" Daryl asks.
"It's just me me I swear, I'm the last one"
"I'm not lying, I'm the last I swear"
Well your coming with us.
I throw her to the ground and punching her right in the face really hard having her pass out before dragging her.

We get back and Daryl had already taken her into a cell at hilltop.
I groan as I sit down into my bed there with Carl as he sits next to me.
"What's wrong" Carl asks.
My back just hurts so bad like I got thrown to the grown.
"Oh I'm sorry" Carl says looking at me.
It's okay I mean I love a good fight don't get me wrong but I just feel like with Paige I have to do it more.
Carl looks at me with a confused but like he knows what I'm talking about type of look.
"Yes I understand, it's different now that we're parents but so young"  Carl says moving my short hair out of my face.
"Your the most beautiful woman ever" Carl says moving so he's hovering over me making me smile. He starts to kiss me neck pulling my shirt off showing old scars. I take his shirt off which pulls his hat off pulling him into a kiss.
"I love you so much" Carl says in between kisses.
I love you to Carl.
I smile at him before pulling him back into a kiss.

Carl Grimes x Ana HathwayWhere stories live. Discover now