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I wake up and grab my katana and put it into place while I go downstairs and see people outside trying to get some of the walkers that were killed in side of the barrier out by picking up one by one and putting them into a wheel barrel and tossing them over the fence if they get high enough. I go outside and a wave of heat comes swarming around me like it's the first day of summer but if everything went wrong. I turn to my left and see Carl with a hose and and watering his head so I walk over to him.
Hey lemme see that.
I take the hose from him and start spraying him with the water as we are both laughing and giggling. He chases me and grabs the hose from me and sprays me back.
Okay okay i get it I shouldn't mess with you 'carl'
I say rolling my eyes while still laughing.
"Yea your right you shouldn't" Carl says turning the hose off and putting it away. I giggle while looking over to my right seeing a motorcycle.
Oh my god who's is that.
"Thats Daryls but he won't let anyone use it"
Well that must suck cause I wanna ride it.
I smile while running over to it and running my hand through the seat of the bike and taking a seat on it kicking the kick stand up and starting it.
Can you open the gate Carl.
"Ana Daryl will kill you if he finds out your on that please don't do it"
Carl I will be fine just open the gate.
"Ana we can't risk any walkers coming back"
If anything happens I will have my katana with me so it will be fine.
"I'm really not trusting this ana"
Then trust me.
Carl shakes his head and opens the gate as I start driving outside with my hair whipping in my face and just feeling the breeze. Suddenly I came to a stop seeing a big black truck that looks like a tank and start heading back as soon as I can and yelling for Carl to open the gate.
Carl opens the gate then closes it quick, I get off of the motorcycle and turn it off.
There's a big black truck that's like built like a tank coming our way.
"Shit, DAD" Carl yells while running around to find his dad.
His dad comes around the corner with daryl.
"What happened" Rick asks confused.
"He's here" Carl says nervously
"Okay just make sure to stay behind me and if anything happens stay behind me at all times no matter what" Rick says looking at Carl and I
We both nodded as we walk over to the gate having daryl opening the gate and this one man surely tall with a black fit going on with a small beard growing out.
I stand close to Carl as he looks at me and smiles a little bit but just letting me know that everything will be okay.
"Well, well, well, so anything new yet" the stranger said while looking around then noticing me.
"Nope nothing new yet negan" Rick exclaims while looking him dead on the eye.
"Then who is that, she sure is new" the stranger says while giving me a creepy smile which sent shivers down my spine but I still stayed close to carl knowing that I'm safe.
"That's Ana don't touch her" Rick says to negan.
"Well who said anything about touching her I just want to meet the beautiful young lady" negan says gesturing for me to come over there.
Rick turns to me and shakes him head as Carl looks at me and squeezes my hand.
" listen I'm not gonna ask twice, come here sweetheart and let me see you" negan says with a loud tone of voice.
I let go of Carl and slowly walk over as everyone is just watching carefully.
"So 'ana' how did u end up here" negan says getting close up to my face and moving my hair out of it.
I'm not telling you.
Negan pushes me into the ground hard and gets to my level looking me in the eye.
"Yo, you touch her again and I will cut your fucking hand off and shove it down your throat you worthless piece of shit" Carl says walking up a little farther with his gun up to negan which sets his other friends to put up his guns at negan but negans friends aiming at them.
"Well look who's talking now, Carl the badass with the no eye aint that right" negan says getting up and smiling at Carl but Carl giving him a death stare.
"Don't touch her" Carl says again.
"And what happens if I do kid, you won't do anything because you all are afraid of me, I will cut each and every one of your limbs off and feed you to the walkers do you understand, so kid if you talk to me like that again whatch what happens" negan says with no longer a smile on his face.
I look up at Carl with fear on my face as he just stares at negan walking back over to me.
"So as I was saying sweetheart, how did you end up here" negan says desperately wanting an answer.
Like I said, I'm not telling you, cause there's nothing to say.
Negan groans.
"I'M NOT GOING TO ASK AGAIN, SO HOW DID U END UP HERE" Negan yells which makes me flinch and my eyes tear up.
They just found me in the woods, I've been on my own since this shit started...
"Now was it that hard to answer a fucking question" Negan says shaking his head as he tells his people to put the guns down.
"Well I will be leaving, it was nice to meet you Ana.. " Negan says as he kneels down and takes my hand kissing it on the front of it. I look at him in disgust while him and his people leave and they shut the gate.
"I'm so sorry Ana are you okay" Carl says helping me up and giving me a hug.
Yea I'm fine thank you for sticking up for me though.
"Of course, ur apart of our family now and ur a friend to me of course I would help you" Carl says smiling at me.
Friend, right of course.. Well I'm going to meet other people I will talk to you later.
I walk away from carl while he looks confused but just ignores it and walks over to his father before Daryl stops me.
"We're you on my motorcycle and don't lie to me kid" Daryl asks.
Yes I'm sorry it's just I haven't road one in years since this shit started and I was just so happy to actually see one and ride it, I promise it won't happen again.
"It's fine just next time ask me first and I will maybe say yes ok" Daryl says while patting my shoulder.
I giggle it off and nodd my head while walking away again and realise I must have scraped my left from when Negan pushed me so I go back into ricks house where I am staying and look for a wet cloth and wipe off some of the little blood off and clean it with alcohol as I see someone walk down the stairs.
"Hi you must be ana" a lady with dark skin says that also has a Katana.
Yup that's me.
"Nice to meet you I'm Michonne" she says with a smile on her face.
You to michonne.
"How did that happen? " she asks walking over to me.
A man Negan came and I guess is a threat towards us, I don't know the whole story yet.
"He put his hands on you! " she says with no longer a smile on her face but looks at the door as we both hear someone walk in but is just carl and he walks into the kitchen where michonne and I are both at.
Um yea he did.
"Did he hurt you" she asks.
No he just shoved me to the ground and I just realized that I was bleeding a little.
I take a band aid and put it on the scrape after cleaning it.
"I hate that man so much, our lives would be so much easier without him well other then the walkers but you know what I mean michonne" carl adds to the conversation.
"He needs to die" michonne says.
I look at carl then michonne who are both just staring at me with a curious look on their face like they are both thinking the same thing.
What, why are you both staring at me like that.
"You need to kill him" michonne says.
What! Me, yea no not happening.
"No ana listen, he wants you and everyone can tell that he wants you for his own but like not in a weird way or maybe I don't know but u can tell that he likes you, your fiesty towards him and a lot of people, that's what he likes and wants, so you have to be the one to do it" carl says while getting closer to me and staring into my eyes.
He's beautiful and I could probably never say no to him I mean he's perfect in every way.
I-i don't know.
"Please you are our only hope" carl says with a sad look on his face which is to precious to decline to.
Fine I will do it..
"Oh my god thank you" carl says while michonne just smiles, I giggle a little while carl wraps his arms around me and gives me a huge hug which I haven't felt in a while but that I needed.
But if I'm going to do this you guys have to let me come up with the plan.
"Fine but you better not screw this up" Michonne says as carl let's go.
Trust me I never screw it up. I smile at them while I tie my shoes that came undone and walk back outside. I see Rick and go up to him.
So um who's that?
"Negan? " Rick asks.
"Oh.. A horrible person okay but whatever he tells you to do you do it and u never disobey him understand" Rick says.
I nodd my head before turning back around to see another lady maybe in her mid 20s with shoulder length hair.
"Hey you ana? " the lady says.
Yea and you are?
"I'm Maggie, nice to meet you" Maggie says with a slight smile.
Nice to meet you to. I smile at her as I walk away waving back at her and go to the gate where I have to take a shift and watch the gate making sure no walkers come our way or anyone unless they need help.
I sit up there for awhile as I hear someone walk up and sit next to me. I look and see carl as he smiles at me.
"So I'm guessing it's your shift now" carl says.
"Well it's not that bad at all, u just gotta sit here and make sure nothing happens pretty much" carl explains while still looking at me.
I nodd my head and stare off into distance.
"Are you sure you are fine with doing this whole thing and coming up with a plan" carl asks concerned.
I turn my body to look at him.
Yes carl, if it can help us and everyone else then I'm fine with it.
Carl smiles a little before pulling me into another hug which is probably the 3rd one out of the entire day.
He let's go and gets up giving me a little nodd telling me to come down with him so I do. I follow him down and see him walk to Daryl.
"Yo kid" Daryl says to me.
Hey what's up.
"So um I found this piece of shit out there and was wondering if u wanted it so u don't have to ride mine" Daryl says pulling a cover off of the motorcycle smiling at me.
Holy shit Daryl.
"Yea well I could fix it up for you and everything since I have nothing to do right now" Daryl explains.
I smile and hug Daryl tight as he wraps an arm around me then I let go and hop around.  I turn around hearing something or someone.
What's that noise?
"What noise" carl asks confused.
All of a sudden there's a gunshot in the distance that sounds very close so I grab Katana and being it to my hands as carl takes his gun out and Daryl his crossbow.
I run over to the gate and climb up the ladder to check the view and notice Negan and his crew is here again.
I walk back down and run over to the boys.
Negan and his crew are back again.
"Alright so do you have a plan" carl says.
"Wait hold up what plan are you kids talking about" Daryl says.
I have a plan but just play along with it and Daryl it's a long story but just play along.
All of a sudden the gate opens and Negan walks in with just a few of his people.
"2 times in a day? " rick asks negan.
"Yea why not, I just wanted to come see how my people are doing" Negan says.
I walk over to Rick and stand next to him with my Katana still in my hands and I whisper to Rick without Negan realising.
Just play along.
Rick turns to me with a confused face but nods his head.
"Oh so now the child speaks" Negan exclaims with an annoyed look.
You have got to help me please.
"Why? "
I walk over to him and pull him aside.
They hurt us..
"What do you mean"
They put there hands on us well me but please don't make me stay here..
Negan turns his head in concern.
But please don't hurt them cause I don't want to cause more problems.
"Fine but then your coming with us" Negan says.
Thank you so much..
I put my Katana in my place holder before just getting pulled by my hand by Negan to follow him outside of the gate. I turn to all of them and nodd my head for them to trust me and just keep going along.

Carl Grimes x Ana HathwayWhere stories live. Discover now