Chapter 4 Page 16: The Past

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{Viewer Discretion Is Advised! This chapter contains self harm. You have been warned}

That day seemed like any other day

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That day seemed like any other day. It didn't feel any different until it was already too late. If she knew things would end this way, if only she knew that Amy wasn't invited again she wouldn't have gone. If only she knew Amy went looking for her she would have stayed home that day to be with her. That day Cream was invited to a pary on Chaos Island. Tails had invited her, the party was to celebrate Knuckles and Rouge's engagement. Knuckles was planning to propose to rouge at the party. He had been planning for a couple of months now and almost everyone had helped to set everything up. Everything seemed to be going well until she had that feeling. The feeling that something was wrong, a bad feeling settled in her heart as Knuckles grabbed everyone's attention to make his proposal to Rouge. It wasn't until right after Rouge had said yes that she realized what it was. She looked around at the clapping and cheering crowd of people only to meet with disappointment when she realized Amy wasn't around. Her fists were balled up with anger as she turned to tails who never left her side. "Tails..." She called out his name causing him to look at her. Tails saw the angry yet hurt expression on her face. This made him drop his smile before she asked "Where's Miss Amy..?" Cream asked. However tails couldn't answer since he had no idea. He knew that she wasn't invited but was afraid to tell her, his mouth opened to speak but no words could escape his lips. "Wasn't Miss Amy invited?!" She questioned upset as tails tried to pull her to the side by laying a hand on her arm. However she wasn't having it as she didn't move from her spot. Tails frowned before he opened his mouth to speak once more.

"No...She wasn't" Cream turned around to look behind her as Tails also turned to the person who just spoke. Sonic had spoken with an annoyed expression on his face. Cream could only stare at him with disappointment. "Mr. Sonic..." This was the fifth time they hadn't invited Amy to the gathers they held. Cream didn't realize at first what was going on. They always made excuses for Amy not coming to the events. Cream was starting to become suspicious so after a little investigating she learned Amy was never sick or had emergencies. She was just never invited, she confronted everyone about this time and time again. She didn't want Amy to learn of the hard truth because she was the only one who knew that Amy had become suicidal at some point in the past. The thought of that day scared her til this day, she remembered going to Amy's house to deliver the apple pie her mother has made for them to eat together. Cream could sense something was wrong as soon as she knocked on the door. Amy didn't answer which was worrying her. She used Amy's spare key that was under a fake rock beside a flower pot that was close by her flower bed in front of her house. They had made the flower pot together when they were younger, every time she saw the pot it always put a smile on her face as she recalled the happy memory. She noticed the flowers that were usually growing beautifully in the pot were dried up and wilted. All the flowers Amy had taken care of were in a poor state. This concerned her as she realized she hadn't seen Amy for quite some time now. "Miss Amy?" Cream's soft voice rang out into the seemingly empty home. As always Amy's home looked clean and well kept. "Miss Amy I brought some apple-" Cream went straight towards her room, it was the most logical place to look first since Cream didn't think too much of the house that was dim due to none of the curtains being open in the house. However what the closed door revealed when she opened the door, scarred her mind as her eyes widened in shock. She immediately dropped the pie causing the delicious treat to splat on the ground as she screamed and rushed towards Amy's hanging body. She was barely hanging to her life as her hands were on the rope as if she was trying to get it off. Amy's face lost some color as she struggled, kicking her legs in desperation. Cream flew up to quickly hold Amy's body up by her legs as best as she could. "Miss Amy!" She cried out loudly as tears were in her eyes. They soon managed to get the rope around Amy's neck off. Amy's coughing and gasping for air only filled the room. Cream couldn't understand why Amy had wanted to hurt herself . Cream wanted to ask yet no words were spoken until after they both cried their eyes out. Cream remembered it so vividly, the way Amy held her so desperately as they sat there on the floor crying heavily. Or how her room was turned upside down as if a struggle occurred. It was the only part of her house that was a complete mess, pictures of their happy lives scattered on the ground beneath them as they hugged each other tightly. Cream wanted to be there for her friend, so she gathered her courage and asked her what led her to try to commit something like this. The answer she got, wasn't pleasant to hear. Cream listened to Amy to the very end. Amy had started with her love for Sonic, to her belittling herself due to everyone's view of her. Cream stopped her by expressing how sorry she was. She couldn't see Amy's pain, she didn't see one of her closest friends in so much pain. Cream could only comfort her as she quickly wanted to get it through Amy's head that she was important. She wanted to make Amy know that she was loved, Amy explained to Cream that how she almost died was just an accident. Amy did confess that she was thinking about doing the deed when Cream's knock startled her. She had quickly tried to get down from her chair when she lost her footing causing Cream to find her in the situation she was in. Never the less Cream didn't want to relive that moment yet she couldn't forget it. If she did then she would only be turning a blind eye to Amy's suffering. That day changed everything for Amy and Cream. Cream visited Amy almost everyday and talked about anything they wanted to. Cream had gotten closer to Amy on a deeper level. Amy told her everything, how lonely she felt. How hurt each word felt hearing others talk about her. How stupid she felt while chasing Sonic yet it was the only thing that seemed to make him notice her. Watching Amy break down over and over again made Cream heart ache for her dear friend. Cream did everything she could to help Amy. Cream became her support and she didn't mind it at all. She enjoyed being with Amy and it made her happy to see Amy smile when she cheered her up. It felt great to be depended on.

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