Chapter 1 Page 2

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Emptiness is just an emotion that shouldn't exist

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Emptiness is just an emotion that shouldn't exist. That is what the ebony black and red hedgehog had thought love and longing was also an emotion he never seemed to have or desired to have. However he felt something missing, he had felt it for a while now, ever since he felt something wrong. He answered his servants to check to see if anyone had stolen anything, he didn't even want a single tableware uncounted for. Of course, everyone obeyed his command, because he was the king. Many called it hell, while he called it home.

His name was Shadow, King of Saitia Kingdom. The citizens of Saitia loved and feared him, he was the most suitable for being king, yet he was the most powerful and fearsome one. He could kill you in one move if you had gotten on his bad side. He would even torture his enemies for days, making his enemies pled for death. However, he had a few close allies that annoyed him constantly. He hasn't killed any one of them, yet.

Just as he was thinking of calling in one of his servants, one had slowly opened the golden double doors, reddish-orange Phoenix's were carved and painted onto the golden door that shined almost as bright the sun. Sparkling with such cleanliness, the door had led into the great braziers that enclosed each of the six travertine columns light up the lower levels of the throne hall and their light wraps the hall in a warm radiance. The marble stone of the bowed ceiling dance in the flickering light while sculptures look down upon the wooden floor of this majestic hall.

An orchid rug runs in a circle around the room, with two paths at the throne and the main entrance while embattled banners with ornate crowns swing gently from the walls. Between each banner sits a shrine-like ornament covered in candles, none but a few have been lit and in turn illuminate the artistic portrayals of the late kings below them.
Immense, stained glass windows of heavenly mosaics are hidden by draperies colored the same orchid as the banners. The curtains have been adorned with gold leaves and intricate embroidery.

A stately throne of gold sits beneath an impressively decorated baldachin (canopy) and is adjoined by two equally lavish seats for the king and his Queen, only one remained empty.
The throne is covered in hallowed inscriptions and fixed on the backside is an abstract ship. The modest pillows were a light orchid and these too have been adorned with adorned fringes.

A purple bunny who was dressed as a maid came into the throne room and bowed her head, ever so gracefully. "Speak.." The king spoke as his seemingly terrifying red crimson bloodshot eyes stared at her with an intense glare. "Your Grace, all of the kingdom items were accounted for, I have everything listed here" she spoke holding a book worth of papers in her hands. Shadow only stared at her for a moment, taking a look at her appearance. "Raise your head" he commanded, this made the female bunny flinch in surprise however, she did what she was commanded to do. He stared at her so he could remember her, just in case she was lying to him. However, the maid took it as a sign that he fancied her appearance. Her cheeks slightly began to burn as she stared into those blood-red eyes. It was making her feel hot and oddly uncomfortable yet she wouldn't have minded if he had pushed her down and wanted to take her right on the throne room floor.

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