The rib cook-off

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* The Rib Cook-off. *

Paxton stood in front of the calendar he'd mounted in the office three weeks ago. He flipped a pen through his fingers as he read the notes on the invoices and took off old unnecessary messages from the corkboard next to it. After checking the dates, he jotted down when the parts would be in and when they were ordered. This system seemed to work the best for Cletus. Paxton hated when the man tossed open the office door and trashed the filing cabinets looking for when a part was supposed to be here. The old man had no sense of time.

Paxton liked the way Tennessee asked about the auto parts. The sexy mountain man would cook with him, and then over warm cozy dinners together, Tennessee would gaze lovingly into Paxton's eyes before he stammered out the question of when a part was supposed to show up.

Just thinking about all the nights longing for Tennessee had Paxton sighing like a love-sick teen. He shook himself. He had to get over Tennessee, but every day the attraction seemed to be getting worse, not better.

Deciding that work would keep his mind off the sexy mechanic in the other room, Paxton finished his notes and then dusted off his neatly organized desk. After he turned down the country music on the radio, he threw old papers in the trash. When that was done, he vacuumed and then sat at the computer.

Paxton had just finished an email to Cindy at Guy's Auto Parts when the door to the office opened with a bang. For the first time in weeks, Paxton didn't jump. He must be getting used to Cletus.

"Whoo-ee boy, this office is the cleanest place in the whole garage." The old man threw himself into the second chair across from the desk. "We should get ya a nameplate on the door."

"I don't need a nameplate." Paxton spun in his office chair and grinned. The office was neat as a pin, but a nameplate was the last thing the garage needed. "If you want to buy something for this place, then let me order that new sign for the garage. That spray-painted one isn't professional. Did you look at the quote I gave you?"

"Fine." Cletus rolled his eyes and popped a piece of gum in his mouth. "But I'm takin' it out of yer pay."

"You can do that." Paxton laughed. "But I hate to break it to you. You don't pay me."

"We should." Cletus paused from throwing his gum wrapper on the floor. His eyes met Paxton's before he leaned over and tossed the paper in the trash can.

"I wanna go home early." Tennessee marched into the office and then tossed his big frame into the wooden chair in the corner of the room. His sigh was strong enough to knock the desk over and mess up the office that Paxton had painstakingly cleaned.

"You're the boss." Paxton grinned and then noted Tennessee's sour expression. The man had been grumpy all day, but Paxton had no idea why. They had breakfast this morning like usual, and Paxton helped with the dishes. In fact, this morning, Paxton had told Tennessee how happy he was working here and how happy he was that Tennessee was his friend. He frowned. After they talked, they walked to work, and then Tennessee started on a Chevy right away. The man didn't say much over lunch, even when Ginger brought a peach cobbler. Whatever was up with Tennessee, Paxton didn't see anything that stood out today as being off. They were getting along well... at least that's what Paxton thought.

"Yeah, I'm yer boss," Tennessee grumbled. "And yer friend."

Before Paxton could ask what that meant, Tennessee's phone started to ring, and he yanked the cell out of his pocket. Frowning at the screen, Tennessee pressed the button to make the phone go silent and shoved it back in his pocket.

"You ready to go?" Tennessee snapped.

His sharp words even had Cletus standing and turning to look at him.

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