Not what I thought

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* That's not what I thought. *

As soon as they entered Tennessee's cabin, Paxton set the presents he carried on the kitchen table. Tennessee set the cake on the counter and held only the gift bag with the condoms in it.

"Ya still wanna...." Tennessee glanced down at the party hat on the bag.

"Hell yeah." Paxton grinned and then leaned in for a soft kiss. Their lips met in heat and fire, and in seconds the softness switched to desperate grinding. Paxton grabbed at Tennessee's shoulders and let the lush and swollen desire between them grow and grow until he forgot about everything but being together. At this point, his erection was painful, and he couldn't stand one more night of sleeping alone.

Before they could get their heads clear enough to move to the bedroom, the dogs got up from their sleepy perch and whined at the door. Reluctantly Paxton pulled away, and after a quick kiss, he ushered the dogs outside. They stood side by side for a moment on the porch watching the dogs get eaten up by the dark of the night.

"I was thinkin' I'd have a quick shower," Tennessee paused. "I wanna get ready fer ya. Could ya...?" He trailed off and then gave a small smile.

"You head to your room, and I'll wait for the dogs and be there in a second."

"That's great, cowboy. I'll turn off our cell phones." Tennessee kissed him sweetly and then disappeared down the hall.

Staring up at the stars, Paxton stood out on the porch and waited for the animals. As he gazed at the full moon, a deep sense of significance came over him. He'd never felt like sex was a big deal until now. But tonight, this moment with Tennessee felt important, and in a way, it was his first time too. This was his first time to be with someone he loved. He knew he loved Tennessee. He was scared to say the words aloud, but he could show the man with his body. Paxton wouldn't use words tonight. He would say 'I love you' in the way he touched and kissed and offered himself. Paxton wanted to open his body to Tennessee and let him have everything

Paxton wasn't sure how long he stared at the glittering stars above him, but finally, the dogs were at his feet. They whined to go back in, and Paxton was only too happy to accommodate Smith and Wesson. He couldn't wait to get inside and in Tennessee's bed.

After Paxton got the dogs settled on the sofa, he stopped in the bathroom. Paxton washed up and then headed down the hall.

When Paxton reached Tennessee's bedroom, the door was left open like Tennessee was inviting him in. Paxton entered and noted that the bathroom door was shut. Water was running, and Paxton guessed that Tennessee might be in the shower. Right as he was about to yank off his shirt and climb onto the bed, he spotted the nightstand. The bottom drawer was open, and a tipped-over lube bottle was dripping into the half-open drawer.

"He must've been in a hurry," Paxton muttered to himself as he crossed to the nightstand. "I understand that."

Paxton crouched next to the small table, and after righting the bottle and snapping the lid closed, he pulled the drawer open to survey what was covered in the clear liquid. Nothing appeared damaged. Everything was simply wet.

Pulling out an old, crinkled magazine, Paxton lifted the front of his shirt and began to wipe the excess liquid off the picture. The health periodical was folded open to a specific page. A young swimmer in a tiny suit smiled at him with a quote about winning some race. After scanning the image, Paxton caught sight of a second bottle of lube. The smaller container was next to an item that had his eyebrows rising.

Tennessee had a purple dildo.

Paxton held in his surprise and grin as he picked up the now covered in lubrication purple silicone dick.

As Paxton stared down at the sex toy, a completely foreign thought entered his head. Tennessee might want anal sex and not what Paxton had imagined. He'd not been with someone who wanted his dick in their ass in years. That thought had never even crossed his mind before.

"What're ya doin'?"

Paxton stood up still holding the sex toy. He faced Tennessee with his eyes wide.

"I was going to—"

"It's not what it looks like." Tennessee crossed the room, and he wore only a tattered pair of ripped jeans. When his boyfriend's eyes caught the fact that Paxton held his dildo, the man paled. Both their eyes flipped to what might have been Tennessee's porn of choice. At that thought, Paxton almost smiled.


"It's not what it looks like?" Paxton asked when Tennessee reached his side. "This isn't your toy? Whose is it?"

"That's not what I mean." Tennessee snatched the two items out of Paxton's hands. He tossed the toy and magazine back into the drawer and then used his foot to snap the nightstand closed. "What're ya doin'?" Tennessee repeated.

"Your lube spilled everywhere." Paxton motioned to his shirt, now covered in a pool of moisture. "It must have tipped over when you took it out."

"Oh." Tennessee eyed the bottle still sitting on the top of the nightstand and then Paxton's shirt. "Just ferget 'bout that, alright?"

Tennessee was about to lean in for a kiss, but Paxton moved until the back of his knees hit the side of the bed.

"Hold on." Paxton held out his hand to stop Tennessee's advancement.

"Ya ain't wanna have sex with me now?" Tennessee looked downright hurt.

"No. I still want to have sex with you." His palm met the firm flesh of Tennessee's naked chest, and he slid over the skin. "But I want to know what you mean when you say that it's not what it looks like. What are you saying?"

"It ain't nothin'. Come here." Tennessee stepped forward again, crowding Paxton's space.

"You don't like that dildo up your ass? Do you like it somewhere else?" Paxton refused to let this situation get confused. There was no way he would let Tennessee kiss him and move his brain into his dick before he got an answer. He had to know what Tennessee wanted. "We are going to talk about this."


"Because." Paxton dodged Tennessee's attempt at kissing him again. "I want to know what you like."

"Yer not someone that I hired fer the night. Pax. Ya ain't gotta be pleasin' me."

"I want to get to know you, Tennessee. All of you. I want to know what my boyfriend likes and dislikes both in the bedroom and out of it. I want to please you and not because you pay me. I care about you so let's start with this." Paxton yanked off his wet shirt and tossed the top to the side. Tennessee eyes roamed over his naked flesh, and he sighed. "Whose dildo is it?"

"Alrighty, cowboy. Yer as bad as a dog after a coon," Tennessee muttered. "Yeah, I that's my toy and I use it in my ass. I ain't been livin' like no monk, and that-there Olympic swimmer is hot." Tennessee took a small step toward him, and this time Paxton let the man take him into his arms. "But yer hotter," Tennessee whispered in his ear. "And I ain't interested in any of that tonight or maybe ever again. I want ya in my bed, and I'm fixin' to get it that way."

"Got it." Paxton grinned as he let his hands slip down the front of Tennessee's muscled abs to the jeans hugging his waist. "Tennessee, I'm going to make you moan and come for me." To his surprise, Paxton was about to do something he had also never done before. Paxton would have to take a man's virginity and not in the way he expected.

"I can work with that." Tennessee grinned.

***Thanks for reading!

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