Party planning

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* Party Planning. *

Today was Tennessee's birthday, and after one of the best weeks of his life, Paxton was determined to make the day memorable for his savior, lover, and new boyfriend.

As Paxton paced in the living room, the dogs watched him from the couch. Both animals had long since moved out of his way with his restless strolling. They now simply watched him pass back in forth from where they reclined on the cushions.

About three hours ago, Paxton had dipped out of work. He planned to cook Tennessee a birthday dinner, and he had told Cletus that he needed the time off to make everything. Now that the food was staying warm in the oven and the romantic candles were in place on the kitchen table, Paxton had started to doubt his birthday present.

The problem was, he had no idea what to get for the man he cared about more than anyone in this world. Paxton felt he owed his life to Tennessee, and he was Paxton's first real boyfriend. And even beyond all that, there was something deeper. There was something more than caring about him. Paxton wanted the best for him, and as he thought about the baked ham and the baked potato, he had a surge of inadequacy. This wasn't enough. Nothing he could get for Tennessee would ever be enough.

Paxton opened the front door and peeked out at the driveway. No Tennessee yet, but Paxton had showered and done all the things he could think of to pass the time. Signing, he reached into his hoodie pocket and pulled out the small, gift-wrapped box. He had bought a pin online. The tiny cowboy hat was made with black hills gold, and the simple design was supposed to be classic.

As he stared down at the little decorative box, once again, doubt plagued him. Tennessee would think this tiny gold pin was silly and useless. What was he even doing? Getting this for Tennessee was like he was marking him like Keyon had marked Paxton. He should abandon this dumb idea.

Paxton shoved the box back into his pocket with a growl of frustration. He should scrap everything he planned, and they should go out for dinner.

Right as he turned to slam the door shut, two trucks barreled up the road and toward the house. Paxton paused and stepped out onto the porch when he recognized one of the trucks as Cletus's old pickup. The other truck had Rusty and Gunner in the front seats. The dogs barked and ran out to the gravel as Rusty parked and jumped out of the truck. Gunner leaped from his seat and swaggered toward the front steps. Cletus parked and then followed them at a much slower pace.

"We gotta talk to ya," Gunner spoke first as he approached the porch. "Now."

"Yup," Cletus agreed as he came to stand near the wooden stairs. The man leaned on the railing and produced a piece of chewing gum.

"Is something wrong?" Paxton asked.

"Kinda," Rusty grumbled. "We ain't account fer Tennessee to get hisself a boyfriend who planned dinner fer him on his birthday."

"Yeah, dinner." Gunner chuckled like the word was funny.

"I don't understand." Paxton looked from one man to the other.

"Ya see," Gunner started to explain. "We all planned a surprise birthday party fer Tennessee. We all pretended that we couldn't meet up with him on his birthday 'coz we were busy."

"We said we'd go out to the Red Owl," Rusty added. "Ya remember?"

"And the party is at the garage," Cletus added and chewed his gum.

"And then ya showed up," Rusty glared as if Paxton had insulted him. "Now Tennessee is blowin' us off fer ya."

"Ya can't be blamin' Tennessee fer that." Gunner chucked. "Paxton is probably givin' Tennessee what all men want fer their birthday."

"A new gun?" Cletus asked and spat on the ground. "I already got him a new one." Cletus looked to Paxton and scowled. "Ya ain't get him a new gun, did ya?"

"No, I..." Paxton looked to Cletus and frowned. He was at a loss for words. He tried to figure out what they wanted from him. He wasn't sure if they wanted an apology that Tennessee was blowing them off or for him making dinner.

"We ain't talkin' about a gun. We're talkin' 'bout sex." Gunner rolled his eyes at the old man. "We ain't able to compete with that. Ya get it?"

"Ain't that right. No present I got is gonna beat a good ol' roll in the hay." Rusty scrubbed a hand over his face. "Not when Tennessee wants to pop his cherry so bad. So ya gotta not do it, okay?"

Paxton blinked as all those words settled into his brain. They thought his dinner was a way to have sex with Tennessee. He didn't even think of that as a present for the man. Now, however, he couldn't shake off that idea. The fact was, Paxton knew they were correct. Tennessee wanted to lose his virginity very badly.

"I um..." Paxton scratched his head. "What do you want me to do?"

"It's like this," Gunner explained. "Yer gonna have to hold off on what yer plannin' with Tennessee."

"Yup," Cletus agreed. "Ya gotta get him to the garage tonight. No hanky-panky."

"We will call and say there's an emergency at the garage, and ya have-ta make sure Tennessee gets his ass to the party." Gunner laughed. "And that's all ya get to do with his ass. Got it?"

"It wouldn't be a surprise birthday party without him," Cletus chuckled. "We kinda need him to show up."

"I get it." Paxton nodded. "I'll just have dinner with him, and that's all," he muttered the words thinking about the fact that was what he'd planned to do in the first place.

"Great. Get him gussied up, and then head on over."

As the three men turned to leave, Paxton started to think about all this time he had spent with Tennessee. Since his first blowjob on the porch, the two of them had made out and sucked each other off, but at no time did Tennessee ever say anything about doing more or going further.

Paxton pictured the man secretly wanting Paxton and losing his virginity, but he never spoke up. Paxton cringed. The last time Tennessee shared something intimate and personal with Paxton, he'd asked if he was joking. No wonder Tennessee wasn't saying a damn word.

Yelling for Smith and Wesson, Paxton called the dogs back into the house and then checked on the food. He lit the tall candles on the table and made sure everything was in place. As he stared at the plates and silverware, he figured that he would have to pretend that he knew nothing about the party. Sure, he could do that, but he couldn't pretend to ignore what Gunner and Rusty had said about the sex. If Tennessee was ready, then Paxton was all for moving forward. He decided he would go to the bathroom and get his ass ready.

Maybe after the birthday party, they could have a party of their own. 

*** Thanks for reading!

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