In the hotel

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* In the hotel. *

After Tennessee let Paxton into the hotel suite, his boyfriend tossed off his jacket and shoes before he wandered around the expensive rooms with lavish furniture and grand decorations.

Paxton took off his coat, tie, and vest before he dumped his shoes next to Tennessee's items. He didn't say anything and decided to let Tennessee alone for a moment. Instead of intruding on Tennessee pensiveness, Paxton stood out on the balcony. Almost blindly, he watched the flickering lights of the city as darkness descended.

"Ya like the view?" Tennessee's words interrupted Paxton's silence and he turned to find the man stood in the doorway of the hotel suite.

"In the mountains it's prettier." Paxton turned around and then walked up to Tennessee. He stood in front of the man and simply stared. At one point he thought he would never see him again and he couldn't help the wave of love and lust that washed through him.

"Ya wanna know what I think is the best view in the world?" Tennessee asked him.


"Lookin' at ya all safe and sound." Tennessee yanked Paxton into his arms and pressed his cheek to Paxton's neck.

They stood there holding each other for a long moment until finally Tennessee spoke again.

"I love you." Tennessee pulled back enough to stare into Paxton's eyes and all he could see was a raw openness. As Tennessee's thick strong fingers stroked across Paxton's jaw, the man cradled his face.

"I love you too." Paxton whispered and then their lips were meeting like long lost friends.

The feel of Tennessee's kiss said it all. In one gasp, in one sharp inhale, Tennessee was offering himself up. There was no mistaking the fire of Tennessee's mouth or the heat of their bodies moving closer. The pressure and the desire never lied and once again that powerful need was built between them with a desperation that could only be sedated in one way. They needed to be naked and coming.

Paxton felt as if he were begging. He kissed Tennessee and slanted his hot eager mouth against the other man's lips. Every moment that their lips crashed together was as if he was saying he needed Tennessee. Paxton wanted this man to know that he was going to surrender completely. If Tennessee wanted him, Paxton would never return to the city.

Guiding him inside and away from the balcony, Tennessee got Paxton to the living room with their lips still locked together. Once inside, Paxton unbuttoned his shirt and then stripped out of the fabric. Paxton was only too willing to be swept up into that insistent hungry throb of sensations that made his pulse quicken and the dark rhythm of desire burn in his soul.

Still kissing, Tennessee and Paxton stumbled to the doorway of the bedroom where they finally separated. Tennessee had one hand on the doorknob and his other hand on his shirt. He stripped topless while he tossed open the door to the bedroom. Paxton took that moment to take off his pants and socks.

As soon as Paxton and Tennessee had their eyes on the bed, Tennessee returned to pressing his mouth to Paxton's. Charged with electric current, they kissed until Paxton body came live to every touch, and every growl that came from Tennessee's throat. Stroking with his tongue, Tennessee slid into his mouth with intimate suggestion. Each time their bodies moved together it was as if they were beckoning to that caged heat. The fire of want was simply waiting to burn out of control. As the tangle of their bodies grew, Paxton let himself be pushed back onto the mattress. The cool sheets were too soft and his hardon was too swollen. Everything was overwhelming as Tennessee blanketed him.

In The Mountains (Tennessee and Paxton)Where stories live. Discover now