First kiss

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* The First Kiss. *

Paxton didn't expect Tennessee to kiss him. For a single beat of his heart, he was so shocked that he stayed frozen in place. This was like a dream or a fantasy. Even though Paxton knew he should push the other man away, he didn't.

At first, Tennessee's lips were dry and warm and only pressed to Paxton's closed mouth. Then suddenly, Tennessee let out a frustrated deep growl, and everything changed. Jerking Paxton forward, Tennessee's firm sensuous lips captured Paxton's surprised breath. A blazing heat descended on him and over him in an onslaught that his mind wouldn't or couldn't comprehend. His brain took a vacation—every ounce of the longing he'd been holding back burst forward in an explosion of yearning.

This single kiss was heaven.

As if his entire body ached to be devoured, Paxton softened into Tennessee's strong embrace. They melded together, and Tennessee was pressed so close that Paxton could feel every inch of that perfectly formed body. Each muscle on Tennessee was built from the hiking and then lifting parts at the garage, and Paxton got to feel them all. Paxton ran his hands over Tennessee's naked chest to his shoulders and then around his waist. Tennessee was so incredible that Paxton wanted to savor the man entirely. If he only got this one kiss, Paxton wanted a minute to drink in this singular moment.

He promised himself that he would walk away. He could do that. Paxton had to do that to preserve their friendship.

When Tennessee's lips parted and slanted over his, Paxton searched out the other man's tongue. Tennessee kissed like he could possess Paxton. The man could own his soul. The desperation of the days of holding back was a volcano that had been waiting under the surface. Now it all erupted into fire. Paxton gave into the desire and was quickly lost in the mating of lips and the intertwining tongues. The scent of Tennessee's soap and musk that was simply his hot skin surrounded Paxton. All of the sensations drew Paxton in and sank their teeth into him until the pain became a pleasure.

One gasp, one kiss, and Paxton's entire speech on why he was not with Tennessee vanished like a cloud on a windy day.

Moaning low, Tennessee began to stroke Paxton's shoulders and then moved to his arms and then to his chest. The man traced Paxton's muscles over his shirt and then under the fabric. All the while his fingers teased and played, Tennessee kept his lips locked on his. Paxton found himself doing the same thing. His fingertips followed every curve on Tennessee until he circled the man's nipples. He stroked over the man's chest and down his muscular back. The move was as if Paxton could know all of Tennessee by simply touch alone.

"Cowboy," Tennessee groaned, and the word tasted like fresh drops of dew on Paxton's lips. He took the word and absorbed the sweetness of Tennessee's need. They kissed until Paxton recalled nothing other than the contours of Tennessee's frame and the incredible warmth of his sexy mouth. He now knew nothing other than the sheer rush of this man, and Paxton was dizzy with insatiable craving.

Clutching harder to Tennessee's frame, Paxton was yanked downward as Tennessee sat on the bed. In the blink of an eye, Paxton found himself straddling Tennessee's lap. He didn't know how he got there or how they ended up on the bed, but what he did know was that he didn't want to be anywhere else.

Using big hands, hands that Paxton had watched cook super and fix a carbonator, Tennessee clutched around his waist, and then...he was falling.

Tennessee tossed Paxton off his lap and threw him into the middle of the mattress. His almost naked frame blanketed Paxton before he could take his next breath. Between their bodies, Paxton felt every inch of Tennessee's hard cock as the length tried to free itself from the towel and rub Paxton's jean-clad thigh. A square of terry cloth was not enough to capture a member as prominent as Tennessee's, and Paxton's hand went to the begging flesh. He caressed the hardness on the outside of the cloth all the time wondering what it would feel like to grip Tennessee the way he wanted to... using his mouth.

A groan escaped Tennessee right as their lips met again. Paxton bit down on that full lower lip just like he always wanted. He didn't know how much he wanted or needed to be kissed by Tennessee until it happened again. The kiss stitched him, in and out, with warmth and connection and something more profound than he couldn't explain. Maybe he could never explain this because he'd never felt like this with anyone before.

Grinding their lower bodies together, Paxton drank in the man on top of him. He wished his clothes were gone. Hell, he wished there was nothing between them, and that included Tennessee's towel and the air.

Charged energy grew and multiplied as their kiss rocked through Paxton and went on and on. Each thrust of Tennessee's tongue had Paxton's body coming alive. Tennessee teased and slid past his teeth, and with each intimate suggestion of his mouth, their bodies moved together just as suggestively. The raw power of Tennessee, the way he pinned Paxton to the blanket, had a jolt going through his core. One more second of this crazy, wild, grinding, and Paxton might come in his pants like a teenager having his first experience.

When Tennessee's arms locked tightly around Paxton's waist, Paxton's muscles went lax. He melted for the second time. He rolled in the luxurious feeling of the building desire that he'd been ignoring since the minute he had met Tennessee in that parking lot. God, now that he was in Tennessee's arms, he had no idea why he hadn't given in to this sooner.

"Cowboy." Tennessee pulled his mouth away and licked his lips. "Ya tie me in knots."

"Me too."

When Paxton moved to kiss him again, Tennessee leaned back. Suddenly, the man rose from the bed. Paxton sat up and then stood and reached for Tennessee. This couldn't be over yet. One more kiss.

Just one.

Tennessee backed away, and Paxton wrapped his arms around himself as the icy fingers of rejection started to cool his dick. Paxton swayed still dizzy and hot, and his cock was an iron pole in his pants. But even with the desire ridding him hard, he saw the way Tennessee shook his head. Paxton knew that look.

"Ya called me Keyon." Tennessee blinked slowly as if he were waking from a dream.

"Tennessee, please understand that—"

"No." Tennessee cut him off. "Get out." Tennessee jerked his head at the door. "I mean it. Out. Now. I ain't doin' this. I ain't some low-down snake."

The refusal momently struck Paxton. Even if he understood Tennessee's reaction, it still hurt. Slowly he nodded as the words sunk in. Tennessee didn't want this at all. He wasn't doing this. Paxton had insulted him and called him Keyon, and beyond Paxton's dumb decision to do that, he also knew damn well that he shouldn't have had this conversation with Tennessee while he was drunk.

Paxton was an idiot, and now he probably did the kind of damage to their friendship that he'd tried so hard not to do.

Taking in Tennessee's bloodshot gray eyes, Paxton thought he could see his lust, but maybe that was wishful thinking. Tennessee said out, and he was drunk, and this was no time for either conversation or sex.

Paxton swallowed hard. Damn, but he wanted sex right now. Paxton wanted sex like he wanted air to breathe.

"Out." Tennessee pointed to the door. "Now."

Paxton nodded and hurried out of the room. His head was still spinning as the door shut behind him.

*** Thanks for reading!

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