The birthday party

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* The Birthday Party. *

Standing next to the wooden table in the garage corner, Paxton sipped on a cold beer and half-heartedly watched Huck's band play their most popular sone In The Mountains. As the country music switched to softer guitar solos, Paxton lifted the glass bottle to his lips. He watched Tennessee chat with his friends, eat cake, and laugh. By Paxton's estimation, half the town had shown up for his birthday, and that just reinforced that Paxton had done the right thing. He couldn't have taken Tennessee to the bedroom and let all these people down.

But damn, was his cock sad about his good decision.

Sighing, he gave a slight nod to Gunner as the man handed Tennessee a gift bag. Tennessee laughed at whatever Gunner was saying, and his boyfriend's joy was so light and bright that it made him smile. Tennessee was so handsome that a fresh wave of longing shot through Paxton. If only he had figured out sooner that Tennessee wanted sex. He was an escort for heaven-sakes. How could he have been so blind?

For the next few hours, Paxton tried his best to enjoy Tennessee's birthday party. It was difficult, but after a while, his cock finally calmed down. Sitting next to gift bags that had piled up on the table, Paxton talked with Mary-Jo and Rusty. Even Ginger came over and offered him a piece of cake.

"Havin' fun?" Gunner asked as he strolled up to the table and handed Paxton Tennessee's gift bag from earlier.

"Yeah." Paxton nodded.

"But not the kind of fun ya wanna be havin'." Gunner winked at him. "Look in that bag." Gunner grinned. "It's kinda a present fer both of ya."

Paxton peeked into the frilly gift bag, and his eyes widened. The bag was filled with condoms. He chuckled as his eyes met Gunner's.

"Don't use them all in one night." Gunner strolled away.

"How's it going, Paxton?" Mary-Jo plopped into the chair next to him and peeked into one of the gift bags on the table.

"Good." Paxton held on to the present from Gunner to make sure Mary-Jo didn't look inside. All the time she talked, he thought about when he could use at least one of the condoms in the bag. As soon as he had a chance, he was going to take it.

"It's nice to see Tennessee so happy. I think that's 'coz of ya," Mary-Jo nodded and then moved another gift bag to the side. "I lost my cell phone. If ya see it, will ya tell me?"

"Sure." Paxton nodded as she rose and then headed across the room to talk to Huck.

The band was just packing up when Tennessee approached him with Gunner and Cletus by his side.

"Thanks fer keepin' Tennessee busy fer us while we got the party set up." Gunner slapped him on the shoulder. "It turned out mighty good."

"Yep, and gettin' him here fer us." Cletus nodded at Tennessee. "It wouldn't have been no kind of party without ya."

"Thanks fer the new gun, Cletus." Tennessee gave a tight smile. "I can't wait to shoot it."

"I'm comin' over to try it out. I'll bring extra ammo." Cletus slapped Tennessee's broad shoulder. "I wanna see if I should get me-self one."

"I figured." Tennessee scanned Paxton holding the gift bag from Gunner, and his eyes narrowed. Paxton wasn't a hundred percent sure what that look was all about, but he would ask as soon as he could. From here on out, Paxton wasn't going to let any more miscommunications happen between them.

"Welp, yer gonna love my present more, but don't be openin' it until I leave." Gunner checked his cell phone and then glanced at the band. "And that's 'bout now. I gotta get goin'. Happy birthday." Gunner called as he headed out the door.

"Happy birthday!" Mary-Jo called and then waved to the exit. "Gunner is my ride. Have a good night, boys."

Tennessee called goodbye to Mary-Jo and then Rusty. It took another ten minutes while his boyfriend said bye to Huck and his drummer. After Cletus got into his truck and drove off, finally, the garage was empty. When the room was silent, Tennessee threw a few red solo cups in the trash before he wandered over to where Paxton still sat at the table.

"So, ah..." He threw out a half-eaten piece of cake. "Is that all it was?"

"What?" Paxton rose from his seat and picked up a few presents.

"A distraction? All that we were doin' was that 'coz of this here surprise birthday party?" Tennessee wouldn't look at him. He fiddled with one of the bags and fingered a silver ribbon.

Paxton's brow wrinkled as he tried to figure out what the man was asking him.

"I'm not really sure..." Paxton tipped his head to the side. "What are you talking about? What distraction?"

"Ya said we would..." Tennessee heaved a huge sigh. "Ya said ya would...." Their eyes met, and Tennessee licked his lips. "All that stuff about me not bein' a virgin any longer, was that a distraction fer the party?"

"What?" Paxton's eyes went wide, and he set the presents on a chair. "Hell no. I still want to do that. Unless you're tired after all this, or you changed your—"

Tennessee leaned in and kissed him. Paxton was once again pressed back to a table with his huge boyfriend on top of him. The wooden legs squeaked under their combined weight as presents and gift bags tumbled to the floor. Just like at the house, Paxton was pressed flat with Tennessee making his knees weak. Paxton had no idea how Tennessee could get him so hard so fast. In a matter of seconds, he was dizzy with lust.

Distantly Paxton heard more presents fall to the floor and a chair being knocked on its side. As Tennessee's mouth devoured his, Paxton decided he didn't care about whatever they broke. All he needed right now was Tennessee and that bag from Gunner. At this point, he didn't even care if he had no lube.

He grabbed onto Tennessee's broad shoulders and wouldn't let go. They kissed for what could have been hours or minutes, but whatever it was it didn't matter. Paxton simply basked in the heat of this man's mouth as Tennessee ground his lower body against him.

"I want you so damn bad, cowboy." Tennessee ground out and began to lift Paxton's shirt. He dipped his head and sucked Paxton's right nipple into his mouth. Moaning, Paxton reached for Tennessee's zipper.

"Have ya'll seen Mary-Jo's cell?"

Both Tennessee and Paxton froze. With as much dignity as he could muster, Paxton pushed away from where he was spread on the table and yanked down his shirt. Tennessee swiveled his head to glance over his shoulder at the exit door. Gunner was grinning at him, and he held up his cell and waved it.

"I was callin' Mary-Jo's phone. She lost it."

"I think it is ringin' over yonder." Tennessee used his thumb to point at the office. "Thought I saw it in there."

"Thanks." Gunner vanished into the office with a chuckle.

"We need to go home and lock the door," Tennessee muttered as he straightened his shirt and checked to see if his zipper was still up.

"And turn off our phones." Paxton grabbed a few of the gift bags off the floor and motioned to some of the other presents. "Let's get out of here, and you can have me naked in your bed."

"Happy birthday to me." Tennessee's eyes darkened, and he groaned. "You know it's not safe to drive at top speed here in the mountains, but I'm just 'bout fixin' to do that."

"Saddle up." Paxton laughed as Gunner appeared out of the office.

"Found it." He waved a second phone. "I'll see ya later. I hope ya have a real happy birthday. I'm sure yer boy here will see to it." Gunner winked and then laughed as he sailed out the door.

"Come on, Tennessee." Paxton picked up the last of the presents and made sure he had Gunner's gift bag. "Let's get back to your place and let me make this the best damn birthday you've ever had."

*** Thanks for reading!

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