A surprising conversation

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* A surprising conversation. *

Sitting in a chair by Keyon's swimming pool Paxton thought he might vomit. His eyes jumped to Tennessee who he could tell had a gun under his jacket. The man looked pissed. His eyes then flipped to Uncle Cletus. Cletus looked relaxed as if he was on his porch swing watching the birds.

These men were so in over their head. Didn't they know that Paxton wasn't worth saving? They had to get out of here before Keyon killed them, but Paxton had no idea what to do or what to say. If they were alone, that would be different. Paxton could tell them not to die for him, but he had Keyon as an audience.

"Paxton." Keyon's voice sounded mild but that made Paxton all the wearier. "These men were just telling me where you have been. You left them out of your story."

"I don't know them," Paxton muttered to his hands. Good God what was he supposed to say? How could he fix this?

"Bullshit." Tennessee snapped. "Ya say that again Pax and I'm gonna—"

"Now don't ya pitch a hissy fit, Tennessee." Cletus stood slowly like the old man didn't have a care in the world. "Tennessee can get mighty grouchy when he has a burr under his saddle. Don't mind him." Cletus shuffled to the table and poured himself a drink from the crystal decanter in the center. "Now then Keyon. I came here to make a deal with ya."

"So you said." Keyon stood next to Paxton and motion for Uncle Cletus to pour him a drink as well.

"Give me Paxton and I'll give ya somethin' ya want." Cletus handed Keyon a drink and then reached into his breast pocket. "It's a trade."

All the guards pulled small pistols, but Cletus ignored them. Keyon waved his glass at the men, and they lowered their weapons. Tennessee simply glared. Tennessee once said he had a temper and Paxton was seeing it for the first time.

Holding his breath, Paxton gripped the cushion on his seat so hard he heard his knuckles crack. When he glanced at Tennessee, the man was staring at him like he might just kill him. Tennessee looked handsome and furious.

"Here." Cletus tossed Paxton's bracelet toward Keyon. The jewelry clattered when the item hit the glass top. "Like I said before, I ain't gettin' back into this work. It's still yers. I may not like how-in yer runnin' it these days, but I ain't here fer anythin' other than Paxton."

"Interesting." Keyon reached for the key and then flipped the gold band through his fingers. "Paxton said he lost this."

"I took it from him. He was so beat up and out of it he didn't know which way was up." Cletus took a swig of the amber liquid in his glass and then set the drink on the tabletop.

"My mentor told me never to trust anyone." Keyon slipped the key into his pocket. "Even my friends."

"I did say that." Cletus laughed darkly. "But how 'bout I give ya a peace offerin'. How 'bout that? Consider it a gift."

Once again Uncle Cletus reached into his pocket and again the guards reacted by pointing their guns at the old man. Cletus paid them zero attention.

"What gift?" Keyon shook his head at the men, and they lowered their guns. Paxton held his breath a second time. He had about a million question right now, but he didn't dare interrupt anything that was going on here.

"Here." Cletus produced a small piece of paper. "At this here address, ya'll find a garage with a car parked in the back."

"And why would I want that?" Keyon asked what Paxton was thinking.

"Inside the trunk of that car ya'll find Mr. Bentley. Tennessee roughed him up a bit, but he's still alive enough to get information on yer missin' keys. No doubt ya'll recover all yer stolen property." Cletus laughed. "I thought I trained ya better than that. That man would've destroyed yer business with his antics. Deal with it and do it fast."

"I'm handling it, C-Ray. I am." Keyon whined, and for the first time ever Paxton saw his boss lose his composure. Paxton thought Keyon sounded like a young child trying to prove himself to a parent. "What Mr. Bentley did has never happened before."

"Like I said, I'm not here fer anythin' other than Pax. The city is all yers. Ya can handle this, Keyon."

"You know how hard this is for me to believe?" Keyon looked down at Paxton for a moment and then poured himself a second drink. "You want me to believe that the great Cletus Raymond is only back in town because your guard is in love with one of my escorts? This a little farfetched. What's your real angle here?" Keyon's eyes scanned Tennessee and then Paxton. In a way he could see what Keyon way saying right now. Tennessee looked about as in love with him as a Pitbull ready to attack.

As the silence around the table starched on, Paxton dug deep for courage. He promised himself that if he ever saw Tennessee again, he would tell the man he loved him. Well, this was his chance and if he got shot, well at least he wouldn't die with regrets.

"I love Tennessee." Paxton took a deep breath and then caught Tennessee's eyes. "I regretted not saying that to you when I had the chance. No matter what happens, I will always love you."

Tennessee took a deep breath and finally stopped glaring at him. A small smile tipped up one side of his lips.

"Ya tie me in knots, cowboy."

"I'm sorry I left."

"Ya could've called me or Cletus. I was goin' crazy frettin' over ya."

"Keyon didn't let me..." Paxton realized they were having his conversation with all the guards staring at him and Keyon's eyebrows raised.

"Please continue." Keyon waved his drink. "What did I do?"

"Nothing," Paxton muttered and sank in his chair. "We will talk about it later."

"Damn right we will." Tennessee did his annoyed sigh.

"Maybe I'll just leave Tennessee here with ya," Cletus grumbled. "Ya can listen to them squabble."

"Alright." Keyon smirked. "If this is real, fine. I will trade my key for Paxton. That is as long as I find out everything is still there." Keyon handed the key to one of his men. "If I find out it's all gone, you will all be dead."

"I told ya, boy. I'm out. I got out the day Dean and Mel died. When ya killed their attackers, I handed everything to ya, and I've never looked back. This is just a special situation. I'm takin' Paxton and I'll be out of town by tomorrow."

"Out of town by eight tomorrow morning." Keyon scanned Paxton and Tennessee. "And I'll be watching all of you the entire time. I don't believe that you're in love as you say. This is ridiculous."

"One night in the hotel and then we'll be back in the mountains, and ya can run yer city as ya like." Cletus motioned to Tennessee and Paxton to stand. "Get in the limo, boys."

Tennessee stood and grabbed Paxton's elbow. He tucked Paxton under his arm and headed toward the exit. His boyfriend still seemed mad, but he held him like he loved him and would never let go. Paxton leaned into the touch as if he couldn't help himself.

Just as they got to the edge of the pool Tennessee stopped and looked down at Paxton's wrist. He spotted the gold chain and his lips pressed into a grim line.

Turning to Paxton, Tennessee grabbed the gold bracelet on Paxton's wrist and released the clasp. He dropped it to the ground. Without speaking Tennessee unclipped the little gold cowboy hat from his lapel and pinned it on Paxton's tie.

"Better?" Paxton smiled at Tennessee.

"Better." Tennessee nodded. "Let's go home, cowboy."

*** Thanks for reading! ~authorcmmoore.com~

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