Tennessee's claim

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* Tennessee's claim. *

After Tennessee's begging that Paxton never leave again, hi boyfriend poured another thick steam of lube onto his fingers. A drop landed on Paxton's cock and a hiss escaped his lips. Just that tiny lick of sensation was too much. The cool bead sent a shock that punched through his core to land like delicious need in his belly.

Before any more words could be spoken, thick flingers were slipping between his butt cheeks and seeking his hole. They dipped along the cleft of his ass as Tennessee settled himself between Paxton's thighs.

Tennessee pressed one lube covered finger against his opening as their eyes met. The light brush of the callused skin against his sensitive entrance had Paxton moaning. It had been a long time since anyone did this and even longer since he wanted someone to do this. In fact, right now he couldn't even remember a time when he wanted a man inside of him.

Holding himself above Paxton so only their chest grazed slightly, Tennessee kept his slight pressure on Paxton's hole. One probing finger entered him with a slide so gentle that it surprised him. The intimacy of being opened and stared at and studied had Paxton whimpering. He felt so vulnerable and naked, and it wasn't his body. It was his heart. Paxton nearly screamed when Tennessee added a second finger to stretch him and glide against his inner walls.

In and out, Tennessee began to open him more and more. While Tennessee lubed his anus, his boyfriend pushed Paxton's legs wider.

Fingers crawled along Paxton's inner thighs like a massage. When his boyfriend other hand reached Paxton's balls, Tennessee leaned over and took his mouth into a light kiss. The sweet caress had him discovering that Tennessee's lips trembled.

Tennessee might appear confident, but in this moment, his virgin side showed. His boyfriend had probably never done this before.

"It's good. I like what you're doing." Paxton tried to reassure Tennessee, but he was so lost in the sensations that getting words out was difficult. Tennessee kissed him again and then suddenly his lips were gone. Instead, hands glided to Paxton's waiting erection. When Tennessee's fingers brushed the tip, Paxton whispered nonsense words. One hand worked his cock while two finger gently pushed into his ass. Paxton gasped at the deeper penetration. He buried his face into the side of the pillow.

"Still, okay?" Tennessee asked and the tone was a vibration near his inner thigh as his boyfriend started soft licks to the area under his balls. The sweet caress of the sensitive skin had Paxton's breath catching.

"Yes." Paxton hissed.

"Do ya want me to keep goin'?" Tennessee murmured as his fingers pulled out slightly. "Cowboy?"

"Yes." The word came out as a moan. The thick fingers entering him, the light licks, his cock masturbated, all of the movements killed his ability to say more than that.

Two digits moved in and out as Tennessee began to work him. Choking on the moment, Paxton gasped and then shuddered at the stretching of his hole. Tennessee's mouth moved up his shaft, causing him to curse. How would he survive this much pleasure and not shatter? Thank God he was with Tennessee. The man had more patience than anyone Paxton had ever met. He moved like the mountains that he so loved. Slow and steady he kept prepping Paxton.

Paxton tried to tell his boyfriend that he was doing everything right, but he couldn't speak. All he could do was concentrate on the thick fingers moving in and out of his body. The touch was an intimacy that Paxton was glad he gave Tennessee. The only person he wanted to do this to him was his boyfriend and that would be until he died.

"Should I add more lube?" Tennessee's question was breathed over his sensitive cock.

"Yes, sure." Paxton's back curled. "Always more lube."

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