Trapped at Keyon's mansion

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* Trapped at Keyon's mansion. *

Keyon's mansion was the same as he remembered from the first time he set foot in the place. The building was still beautiful, and the grounds were immaculate. But... it was still a prison no matter what the building looked like.

As soon as Paxton got out of the limo, he was ushered inside. The whole time he was there, he was watched by the guards like a criminal. Everything that happened next was almost exactly like he recalled from the first time he entered in the mansion and fell under Keyon's control. Paxton's entire body was shaved, and his ass and dick made to look perfect. Next, he saw the doctor, and they tested him. After his haircut, he was given a new bracelet. Once his manicure and pedicure were over, Paxton even had to go through his asshole being bleached. Just like before he was now property. Everything he went through made him feel like he was being prepped for a show dog. All the primping reenforced how much he hated this place.

Two days passed with Paxton trapped in his room and not eating or sleeping. They tried to give him his normal smoothies with Kale, but he couldn't stomach that or anything else. He longed for Tennessee's biscuits, but right now unless Tennessee was serving them, he wasn't even sure he could eat that. His sadness stole his appetite and his ability to rest.

On the third day of his imprisonment, a knock sounded on his door. Paxton braced himself for whatever punishment Keyon had decided on. Paxton didn't believe for one moment that his escape was going to be forgotten. He also assumed that losing his key was unforgivable.

When Paxton opened the door to his bedroom, a guard, a burly man by the name of Dan stood at the entrance.

"Here." Dan entered his room and handed Paxton a suit on a cedar hanger, a pair of shiny black shoes, and a bag of expensive underwear. "Keyon wants you dressed."

Paxton nodded, and then juggled the clothes, shoes, and the bag. He then headed to his bathroom.

As he donned his expensive three-piece suit, his eyes stayed unfocused on the stranger in the mirror. He didn't even want to recognize the man reflected back at him. That guy was now someone he didn't know —someone who left Tennessee. Although he thought he was protecting him, he wasn't sure if he'd made the right choice. He longed for his ratty jeans and to return to the mountains. Straightening his suit cuffs Paxton tried to come up with how to leave.

Stepping out of the bathroom, Paxton stopped at the full-length mirror. He clasped his new gold bracelet around his wrist as his eyes flipped to the guard sitting in the chair in the corner. The man was playing on his phone and though Dan looked like he wasn't paying attention, Paxton was certain he was watching Paxton. If he made a run for the door he would be tackled without a doubt.

A second knock pulled him out of his thoughts of escape as a second guard entered and began to talk in low tones to Dan. The fact was, although Paxton wanted to go back to the cabin in the mountains, he couldn't return to Tennessee because Keyon might kill him. Paxton knew that with certainty so instead Paxton would have to run on his own. Maybe when he was free, and it was safe for him to come back, then maybe he could find Tennessee and be with him again. This time he would tell the man that he loved him before he ran out of time. He wouldn't say it in his head during sex. If he got the chance, Paxton would say it out loud.

Smoothing his tie, his hands started to shake. Tears sprung to his eyes. Who was he kidding? Tennessee would move on with his life. He wasn't a virgin anymore and he would want sex again. Paxton couldn't expect the man to wait for him. Tennessee would go out in the world and then he would meet someone and fall in love and Paxton would become a distance memory.

"What's your problem?" The second guard standing next to Dan frowned at him. Their eyes met in the mirror.

"Dust in my eyes," Paxton muttered and then wiped at his lashes. He took one last glance at the man in the mirror. Paxton looked perfect. There was not even a hair out of place. The only thing wrong with him was his eyes. Paxton couldn't fix or change the sadness or the dark circles from not sleeping.

"I got a text." Dan stood next to his chair and then motioned to the bedroom door. "Let's go."

"There are new clients and Keyon is requesting you meet them down at the pool." The second guard waved to the door impatiently. The word "requesting" made Paxton want to laugh. It was a demand, and they all knew it.

Paxton nodded as his stomach turned. He hated new clients. He would have to sleep with someone new and now he wished he had gotten the chance for Tennessee to take him. He wished he had the memory of Tennessee coming inside of him so he could use the recollection to blot out all the men he would have to take in the future. Maybe if he closed his eyes, he could picture Tennessee and their moments together.

Paxton followed the guard out of his bedroom and down the hall to the stairs. While they walked through the mansion, Paxton tried to tell himself this wouldn't be that bad. He could make it through a few clients, and as soon as he got the opportunity, he would figure a way out of here. One day he would return to the mountains, Uncle Cletus, Smith, and Wesson and of course... Tennessee.

The swimming pool was surrounded by tables, chairs, and drink carts. Men and women were naked and oiled, and they were sprinkled among the furniture. Most were tanning and a few read or chatted. Paxton gave them only a glance and then his eyes zeroed in on Keyon. His boss sat at a far table under a huge green umbrella with guards on either side of him. Both guards were armed but they had not drawn their weapons. Two men in suits had their backs to Paxton and neither turned their head as he approached. One was old with short gray hair. Typical client.

"Paxton." Keyon stood up from his seat and then gestured to a chair. "Sit."

Paxton nodded and came around the table to sit in the chair Keyon had recently vacated.

As he turned, he stopped dead. Paxton could not have been more shocked if a unicorn had been seated across from him.


in a black three-piece suit sat Tennessee with Uncle Cletus at his side. Both men were dressed in expensive suits and looked somber and formal. Paxton prayed to God this wouldn't be the outfit these men would be buried in... especially since Keyon just might kill them.

*** Thanks for reading!

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