Keyon's return

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* Keyon's return. *

The next morning Paxton rolled over in bed and found himself alone. He opened his eyes to the bright light of Tennessee's bedroom and grinned. Last night wasn't a dream. He inhaled and caught the scent of Tennessee on the pillows. As he sat up, another smell teased him.


Getting up, Paxton found his jeans on the floor and slid them on and up. He zipped them as he opened the door and headed down the hall.

Tennessee was in the kitchen also dressed in nothing but his jeans from last night. He whistled a tune to himself as he bent over the open oven to take out a batch of biscuits.

"The first time I saw you bend over the oven, I started to drool, and it had nothing to do with the food."

Tennessee spun around and smiled when their eyes met. "Really?"

"I could write a poem about how hot your ass is."

Laughing, Tennessee set his cookie sheet aside and then pounced on Paxton. His boyfriend had him against the wall and his mouth was licking before Paxton could say another word.

"Your gravy is going to burn." Paxton pulled his mouth away from the fiery kisses.

"Can't be havin' that." Tennessee laughed and the let him go. "I gotta feed my boyfriend. I gave him a workout last night."

"Yeah, you did." Paxton chuckled at how pleased Tennessee sounded with himself as he took a seat at the table. "So, what are you doing today?" Paxton poured himself a cup of coffee and then leaned back in his chair.

"Welp, Cletus wanted to come over to shoot my new gun, but at the last minute he said he had to meet someone in town. I think the guy is an old business partner and Cletus said it was important." Tennessee set the biscuits in the center of the table and then grabbed the gravy. "So-in I guess Rusty and Gunner invited themselves over to shoot instead."

"Oh." Paxton sipped on his mug and hid his disappointment. He refrained from commented that yet again it appeared like they had a chaperone.

"But then ya know Ginger asked me to stop by the bakery 'coz she baked me a peach cobbler fer my birthday. She fergot to bring it last night. I said I'd pick that up."

"Right." Paxton kept his tone neutral to hide the fact that he was slightly annoyed that this list so far didn't include the two of them and the bed. He supposed he should give Tennessee's ass some time to recover... that and his bottom lip. "Is that it for the day?"

"Welp, I was thinkin' that...." Tennessee stirred the gravy and licked his bottom lip as if he was recalling last night. "I'd shoot with the boys a little and ya could run to town fer me to get the cobbler."

"Sure." Paxton smiled and reached for a biscuit.

"Then I was hopin' I could eat peach cobbler off yer ass."

Paxton's hand stilled midway reaching for the gravy. His eyes flipped to Tennessee. The man took a seat at the table. He squirmed like he was trying to get comfortable, but he kept his eyes on Paxton. When Paxton didn't speak right away, Tennessee cleared his throat.

"Or maybe not," Tennessee muttered. "I was just thinkin'..."

"We will make a real mess of that peach cobbler." Paxton picked up his fork.

"I guess." Tennessee sounded disappointed and Paxton hid his grin. Tennessee dropped his eyes to his plate.

"After I'm covered in sticky peaches, you'll have to take a bath with me. I want to try out your tub. I think it can fit two people."

In The Mountains (Tennessee and Paxton)Where stories live. Discover now