So close

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* So close. *

When Tennessee leaned back in his chair and wiped his mouth, Paxton grinned.

"Welp-now, cowboy, yer becomin' a mighty fine cook."

"You're just saying that." Paxton warmed at the compliment as he rose and then stacked the empty plates on the counter and moved the silverware to the sink.

"No, I ain't." Tennessee's eyes gleamed a soft gray in the candlelight. "This here is one of the best birthday dinners I've ever had. Rusty and Gunner were tryin' to get me to go out with them tonight, but I said ta-hell with that. I'm gonna be here with my boyfriend. In fact, I like sayin' the word boyfriend."

Paxton nodded and then returned to his seat. After Gunner, Rusty, and Cletus left, they had all called him to remind him that he had to get Tennessee to the garage. He sighed. It wasn't like he was going to forget.

"I didn't get you a whole cake because I know you're not into sweets, but...." Paxton rose again and grabbed the cupcake he had purchased from the bakery this morning. He set the dessert down in front of Tennessee and then reached into his pocket for the small pack of candles that he had bought at the corner store. Now he realized it was good he didn't buy a whole cake since later Tennessee would be eating more with his friends.

"Did ya make this too?" Tennessee asked as he swiped at the icing. "Looks good."

"No." Paxton stuck a single candle in the center of the cupcake. "Ginger made it for me. You know she works part-time at the bakery now. You can get her peach cobbler anytime you want."

"She makes good stuff. I miss her bringin' peach cobbler to the garage." Tennessee pulled the cupcake closer to him like a child who couldn't wait. "Yer gonna share this with me, right?"

"Sure." Paxton grabbed his lighter, and as he pulled his hand out of his pocket, the small present he got for Tennessee tumbled out onto the floor.

"Is this fer me?" Tennessee set the cupcake to the side and bent down to pick up the tiny, decorated box.

"Well... it's... yeah." Paxton shrugged. How could he say no? He didn't have an explanation for why he would have a small, gift-wrapped box in his hoodie. Shaking his head at how stupid he felt, he lit the candle on the cupcake. "It's something stupid I got for you."

"Don't ya be a-sayin' that now." Tennessee set the box next to his cupcake and then caught Paxton's hands. He pulled him into his lap and wrapped his muscular arms around Paxton like bands of iron. "Hey." Tennessee used one hand to grip Paxton's chin. Their eyes met. "None of this is stupid. I mean it when I say this is the best damn birthday I've had in a long time, Paxton."

"I've never told you this, but... I don't like it when you call me Paxton."


"I like it better when you call me cowboy or Pax like we've known each other for a long time. Like we're close."

"Welp, now." Tennessee grinned. "I can work with that, cowboy." Tennessee kissed his lips softly, but Paxton pulled out of his arms before he could deepen the kiss. He handed him the box. He couldn't let them get too hot and heavy since he was expecting a phone call any minute now.

"I know this isn't what you wanted for your birthday, but I got it for you anyway." Paxton moved the candles to the counter and then leaned against the table and crossed his arms over his chest.

"I'm sure I'll love whatever it is." Tennessee began to unwrap the box. "Is it an engagement ring?"

"No." Paxton laughed. "Always trying to marry me," he teased.

In The Mountains (Tennessee and Paxton)Where stories live. Discover now