˜"*°•.˜"*°• A reunion, A betrayal, and An Unforgettable Fight •°*"˜.•°*"˜

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Howdy Howdy, My lovely pack! Here's the next chapter! The League Vs. The 'Heroes'. The fight of their lives. Enjoy~ *Giggles evilly* 
The league trained day and night, went on supply runs, and used the zombies as their training dummies pretending they were the heroes until the day had arrived for them to fight the heroes. 
On the day of the biggest mission of their lives they prepared and armored up before heading out and met the heroes in the middle of the city. 

Siren took a deep breath and walked slowly to his dad and papa. "I have two questions for you two....One...Why? Why did you hurt me? You knew that trying to erase my singing quirk would hurt me and take a bit to heal. So why..? Why did you betray me?" He asked trying so hard to keep his emotions in check. He looked into his dad's eyes and his papa's eyes before clicking his tongue not getting a verbal answer. "I knew I was just a pawn to you...You made me believe that you loved me...You made me believe that I was doing good and you said you were proud of me...You used me...You never loved me! I looked up to you! You were my idols! You were my rocks! Y-You said you loved me...You called me your son! Was that all a lie?! I poured all my heart, soul, and love into everything we did together! To make you proud! I loved you all! and this is what you do?! You hurt you're own flesh and blood?! Was I only made to be a pawn in your schemes?! Did all those times we spent together mean nothing to you?! I thought you were my family!! YOU NEVER MY FAMILY! I WAS NEVER YOUR SON! I'M JUST A SPAWN FROM YOUR SEED! I HATE YOU! YOU HEAR ME?! I HATE YOU!!!!!"
Siren's voice echoed across the city. as tears ran down his cheeks and his eyes were permanently a rainbow color. 
Present Mic stepped forward with a scoff. "You were never our son. You were just a mistake..." He said with venom in his tone. The words made Eraserhead and Siren Flinch. 
Ash's world shattered. 
Eraserhead stepped and carried Eri walking to Siren's side standing behind him. "Siren is MY son...You disappoint me, Mic and Mind-Games." He hissed out as he and Eri hugged Siren.
Siren soon calmed down and his eyes changed to pure black matching his dad's eyes. 
He, along with Eri and Eraserhead, stepped back behind Onslaught. "And my name is Silencer...Eraserhead the hero is dead." He barked out.  

Silencer glared as Mina walked back to the heroes stating her name as Pinky. A hero. 

And thus, The fight begins.

Siren ran at Mic with Silencer at his side while the others went for their own targets. 
Overload was fighting pinky.
Hang was fighting Mind-Games.
Detonator and Onslaught were fighting a few heroes.
Everyone was fighting. 
The Villains against the heroes and the zombies. 

The fight went on until dusk. 
A took a while but the heroes were down and had fled the battlefield. all that was left were the undead beasts scattered throughout the streets. 
Some were injured and others were surprisingly unscathed. 
Siren and Silencer helped the injured before heading back to the base. There was only one casualty though.

The battle is done but the war has only begun... 
Okay! That was a bit difficult to write but I did my best. Hope y'all enjoyed! Let me know how it was in the comments below! Remember: Hate comments will only be deleted~ 

So, Until next time, my lovelies! 


Teehee~! *Winks and disappears into thin air*

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