A day of shopping

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The Fu dog, Kojiro, had found him a pair of pants that fit around his wait. They were a bit on the short side. Kaoru had longer legs than Henry, apparently. The stupid ape brained idiot kept chuckling whenever he looked over at the Kitsune.

"Its not like I had time to shop while running from a demon!" Kaoru pouted as he tugged on the over sized tee shirt he still wore.

It still hung low over his butt, but he had tied it up on the side. One shoulder kept slipping off. At first he would pull it back in place, then it just became too annoying so he left it.

They had just stepped off of the bus, when he felt a feather light touch to his shoulder. His face reddened when he saw Kojiro gently pull the shoulder back into place. The Fu dog wasn't looking at him as he did this. Kaoru was slightly satisfied to see a dusting of color on the others cheeks.

"Alright!" The Fu dog cried clapping his hands together.

"Clothes don't spoil, so let's do that first!" He turned to walk straight ahead. A tall man had just moved out of his way. As Kaoru watched the guardian spirit walked right into a pole.

The burst of laughter that escaped the Kitsune's lips was spontaneous. The Fu dog turned his head, rubbing at a red spot right between, and a bit above, his eyes. The expression on his face made Kaoru laugh even more. Tears formed in his eyes as he bent over. A hand slipped around his waist. He was about to jerk away but he saw the sandals that Kojiro was wearing.

The Fu dog was strong as he carefully pulled Kaoru out of the way of the other pedestrian traffic. Once he was able to regain his composure, Kaoru looked up at Kojiro. The open friendly face was split with a cute, quirky smile. The way it lightened his tan face, brought a dancing light to his red eyes, was almost breathtaking.

"I'm sorry. I don't know when I laughed that hard before." Kaoru fixed his shirt once again.

"Don't worry about. You looked cute." Kojiro said as he used his thumb to brush away a stray tear from Kaoru's cheek.

"I'm not cute!" Kaoru pouted as he began to walk away.

Kojiro grabbed his arm, turning him toward a fashion store.

"Then what are you? Your pink hair your pretty eyes, that face you make when you think I said something stupid! It's all too cute!" Kaoru watched the tall muscular man beside him as he spoke. He didn't turn his head to look at Kaoru once.

"I'm a Kitsune. A powerful supernatural deity of the Fox clan." He hurumphed.

If Kaoru was to be honest with himself, he loved how easily the Fu dog laughed. He also really enjoyed the warm timber to the sound.

Inching a bit closer to him, Kaoru felt the vibrations of the chuckle as he placed his fingers against the Fu dogs back.

"So strong." He muttered.

"Well, I do work out." Kojiro said as he opened a door. The whoosh of cool air blasted Kaoru's face.

He stepped into the dim interior of the store. A woman with heels that looked like she may break her ankles in them, tapped her way up to greet them. Kaoru was surprised when she spoke to Kojiro by name.

"Yes, my friend here had a misfortune. All of his stuff was lost in a disaster. Could you assist him with getting a new wardrobe?" Kojiro inquired.

"We certainly can. Shall we put it on your tab?" She asked tapping long red painted nails against a tablet in her hand.

"Yes, thank you. I'll sit over here." Kojiro pointed to a bench.

"Oh we did get in some of those Hawaiian shirts you like..." She pointed with a painted nail to a far corner of the store.

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