A place called home

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A Fu dog. Kaoru sat on the mat hidden behind the dryer. He had smacked Kojiro, before running away. Somehow he had found himself here, hiding from the owner and protector of the house.

Now he touched his lips. A Fu dog had kissed him, why? He couldn't think of a reason. Did the Fu dog want his powers? That made little since.

The power between a Fu dog and Kitsune were vastly different. The Fu dog, while inside the property he guarded, was far more powerful than a Kitsune in a fight. But outside of here... could Kojiro be looking for power to get him away from home? He appeared to love his home, his family.

Kojiro hadn't come after him. He had shouted something but the Kitsune was too upset to recall what it had been. Since hiding, Kaoru was beginning to smell something delicious cooking. He wanted to stay where he was, but that smell.. it reminded him of home. He closed his eyes.

In his mind he could see it. Their open door shrine. The outside kitchen, his mother standing over the stove, a smile on her lips as she cooked the Tofu, cheese and tomatoes. It was his favorite.

His little sister would spear them on to sticks, then their mother would cook them. It was Karou's job to set the table while their father poured drinks. Sister would toss together a salad. Those were the days he loved. Sitting in the sunshine by his shrine his family around him...

"Kaoru!" a gruff voice called out.

"Where did you go?" Kaoru whimpered cuddling down to the warmth of that sunny day. He didn't want to wake just yet.

"Kaoru? Please come out. I made a snack." Kojiro called again as he wondered around the house.

Kaoru shifted. Kojiro. He sat up so fast his head smacked into the pipe coming out of the washing machine. The sound was loud in the sudden silence as was the wailing cry of pain he let out. A frowning face appeared above him.

"What are you doing back there?" Kojiro asked. Concern creased his face.

"I felt safer here." Kaoru muttered rubbing his head.

"I'm sorry I upset you." Kojiro plucked at a fuzz on a blanket folded on the dryer. Kaoru looked up at him.

"Why did you kiss me? Do you want my power too?" he couldn't describe the feeling in his chest as he spoke those words.

It was as if all the air in the world was suddenly sucked into a vacuum. He couldn't breath. His chest tightened, his heart hammered hard. He gasped trying to draw air into his lungs, but nothing was working.

A large hand grabbed the scruff of his neck. Kaoru was drawn out of his warm safe hiding spot. His body shook violently. He mewed as he tried, in vain, to swipe at the hand holding him.

"You're having a panic attack, just calm down, breathe!" Kojiro's arms encircled his chest. His voice was low as he spoke in his ear.

"Come on, match me, breath in..." Kojiro demonstrated the action.

Kaoru tried. He was able to get some air. Then Kojiro was instructing him to breathe out again. They did this for what felt like an eternity to Kaoru. Slowly though his chest relaxed. He was able to breathe even as he clung to the strong hard shoulder of his savior.

"Henry gets panic attacks all the time." Kojiro cooed as he stroked the soft pink hair.

"I never..." Kaoru whispered.

He balled his fists up as he buried his head in Kojiro's neck. The tears came then. The dream had been so real. He had lived it for so long. Never had he felt safe enough to cry over his missing family. His body was picked up, cradled against the strong hard chest of the Fu dog. He didn't know where they were going. Kaoru cried u til his eyes ran dry. He lifted his head.

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