Bath time

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⚠️ smut⚠️

Kojiro felt stunned by the way the fox turned on him. The look in those deep golden eyes darkened. He felt something twist in his gut as the Kitsune pushed him back into the soapy water. The long slim fingers gripped his chest with steel like strength. He gasped as the fox slipped into his lap.

"My turn." Kaoru purred in Kojiro's ear.

The Fu dog shivered. His large arm was held in delicate fingers. When did this fox become so strong? The smirk on his face wasn't the typical one Kojiro recalled seeing there. This one had an under tone to it. Like the fox was up to something more.

The hands upon Kojiro's chest slide over his muscles. They squeezed his pecs as soap was dripped from a cloth, the bubbles ran between the mountains of his pecs. Kaoru pushed them together as he rubbed the soap between them. He was kneading Kojiro's chest! The fox began to purr.

He washed Kojiro as thoroughly as the Fu dog had washed the fox spirit. Thick muscled arms were washed as the narrow hands felt each bump along them. Kojiro's back was polished with the scrubby, soap and water as Kaoru worked deep into the muscles. It was a bath as well as a massage. Kojiro didn't realize he needed something like this. He had never had someone care for him this way.

"Looks like I'm not the only one enjoying myself." The Kitsune's voice pulled Kojiro from the half dream state he had been in.

"You are very beautiful." Kojiro gripped the thin waist.

He drew the fox down on to his lap. The fox's eyes sprang to the reddish brown ones eyeing him. Kojiro wanted nothing more that to kiss the sweet tender lips before him.

"Are you, have you ever been with a man before?" he asked.

"Not in a long time. I've been fighting for my life for nearly a century." Kaoru pointed out. Kojiro stroked the soft pink hair. He pressed it behind one ear.

"Would you..." Kaoru paused. A deep pink flashed across his cheeks.

"I'm interested if you are. I don't want to force you." Kojiro purred.

He kissed the chiseled jaw bone of the fox. Trailed his lips over the soft delicate neck. The purring intensified. Kojiro's lips grazed the thin collar bone. The fox let out a satisfying yip. The Fu dog paused.

"Know you don't have to do anything you don't want to. This won't change the fact that you can stay here." Kojiro insisted as he pulled back.

In response the Kitsune pressed their groins together. He rocked back and forth making the water slosh around them. The warmth of his body heated up the Fu dog's desire.

"I could have you begging for my affections. For all you know, your doing this all yourself. I could have created an illusion around you." Kaoru pressed.

"But you didn't." Kojiro insisted.

"How do you know?" the Kitsune teased.

Kojiro dipped his hand under the water. He found the thick member poking up from between the Kitsune's thighs. Gently he curled his large thick fingers around it. He squeezed. The Kitsune let out a moaning growl. Water dripped from his face as he arched backward.

"Because you are enjoying this as much as I am." Kojiro purred.

"Yes." The Kitsune gave his permission.

Kojiro rose, slightly, up out of the tub. He turned the slim fox around. Pressing the pale hard chest into the side of the ceramic tub, Kojiro wetted his hands in the water. He used the soap as he pressed a finger inside the tight chasm of the Kitsune.

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