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(Flashback when Zaib had gone to the pub with Alyssa )

Zaib went to the car and drove to Alyssa's house. He picked up Alyssa from there and drove to the pub. They both got inside and danced together, Zaib was looking very happy dancing with Alyssa. She was the love of his life.

Zaib- Aly, I love you so much...

Alyssa smiled and kissed his cheek.

Alyssa- I love you too Zaib.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him and danced. After sometime of dancing they went to the bar and grabbed themselves some drinks and sat on the couch in the corner.

They both were a little bit tipsy.

Alyssa- Zaib, you want another drink?

Zaib- No babe, I had enough...

Alyssa- Then I am going to grab one more.

Zaib nodded and Alyssa headed to the bar. It's been half an hour but she wasn't back which was making Zaib a little worried. So he went to the bar in search of Alyssa.

Zaib went to the bar but Alyssa wasn't there. He checked nearby area but didn't found her, he took out his phone and called her but she didn't picked up. He was getting worried thinking that something happened to her.

Zaib- Damn it! I should not have let her go alone...

He said to himself and searched everywhere but Alyssa was nowhere to be seen. He rushed to the VIP area of the bar and looked for her.

He was passing by a room, when he heard Alyssa's voice. He opened the door but the sight made his heart broke. Alyssa was kissing another man, she looked at him and her eyes widened.

She quickly pulled apart from the man and went to Zaib.

Alyssa- Zaib... Zaib listen-

Zaib stopped her with a deadly glare. She stopped in her tracks.

Zaib- Don't try to fool me with your act Alyssa. We loved each other so much and you did this!

Alyssa sighed heavily.

Alyssa- Correction! U loved me so much... I never loved you Zaib. I always loved your money and nothing else.

Her words made his heart broke into pieces but he didn't showed his vulnerable side. He raised his hand to slap her but stopped and sighed and left from there.

He went out of the bar and cried hard, he was broken. He cried and sat on the ground seeking comfort. He missed Sia so much, not only because of her comfort, he missed her love and care.

He wanted to be in her arms and to cry because she was the only one who will never judge him.

He somehow got up and went to his house, to his comfort zone, to that person who will always love him and will never betray him, his bestfriend Sia....

So another chapter here! 💙✨
Hope you will like this... Do vote please..

Stay tuned and happy...
I purple you 💜✨

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