Yatone (Yato x Yukine)

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I don't know why I'm surprised...but I'm surprised. Seeing as how Yatori is so hugely canon and basically the side-plot going on in the background, I did find it kind of hard to believe that something like this was happening in the background. However, it is so I must address it before it grows out of control.

Okay Imma cut in here to say YES WATTPAD UPDATED AND NOW EVERYTHING LOOKS BEAUTIFUL! Okay, sorry. Just now realized that they started putting spacing back in for the paragraphs! *Happy* ooo it looks cool too...

I can see where it comes from, but I've always thought of them as a sort of friendship of Shinki and Master. Yukine, being his hafuri now, has to  be aware of Yato and what's best for him. However, I think Yukine's main reason for helping is because Yato gave him a home and a place to belong, since Yukine was a new spirit who needed guidance. I think Yukine is trying to give back to the great "guidance" that Yato has given him. Though, I don't know just how much Yato was responsible for it and how much Yukine figured out for himself. Hiyori also played a major role in Yukine's development.

Basically, I don't ship this; I see it as a friendship. 

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