Dear Shippers

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(Originally, this was titled "Dear Some LeviHan shippers" and was aimed at that group of people specifically, but in the end it changed into different shippers than just that.)

LeviHan shippers, I just wanted to say first that I really like you guys -- you're all usually very cool people because Hanji is a cool person -- and in fact I'm one, too, so I've got nothing against this ship . . . but sometimes you guys annoy the frick out of me.

If you keep on the path you are now I'll eventually dislike this almost as much as I tend to dislike Ereri. You're probably going, "Wait, what did they do to be considered so evil?" and I shall tell you.

Every time I see a LeviHan shipper now, if there was even the smallest mention of Rivetra, they start hating on Petra and that ship.

I just-- stop. Stop it. I love you guys, but what the fuck. Stop it.

Plus, who the hell cares if someone ships Rivetra anyways? It's not like it gets in the way of any ships because Petra's effing dead. DEAD. D-E-A-D. DEAD. It's an indulgence that's usually cute and what I go to whenever I feel like reading angsty stuff because RIVETRA IS NOTHING BUT ANGST ALMOST 100% OF THE TIME.

Most Rivetra fanfics are of Petra dying and Levi crying over that. That's it. At least, the ones on WattPad. I have a favorite Rivetra writer on that's absolutely fantastic but I wish she'd finish the stories she starts! (xD)

I'm on YouTube, right, and I'm watching these Rivetra vids and I'm going "Awwww :3" and then I decide to look in da comment section for some funny comments and there's almost immediately a very long comment about how Rivetra sucks and how Petra's a bitch for not liking Auruo back (which y'know I'll explain in a bit) and I'm thinkin, then why the fuck did you click on this video.


IF YOU DON'T SHIP SOMETHING, THEN THAT'S FINE COOL YOU'VE GOT YOUR OPINION, BUT DON'T BE A DOUCHE BAG AND GO ON OTHER VIDEOS AND HATE ON YOUR NOTP. Nobody asked you to click on this. You just ruined someone's viewing experience with your disgusting and pointless hate. Why.

*Goes on a funny EreMika vid*

*looks in comment*

*tons of Ereri shippers hating on EreMika*

*sigh* I'm not surprised. But you know, those were Ereri shippers and my general consensus of them is that they're not very nice but I didn't really expect that from LeviHan shippers I suppose.

No, but for real, don't do that. It's very annoying and rude.

Dear LeviHan shippers,

Petra is dead. Stop hating on her. Why the hell are you getting upset over a dead fictional character that doesn't affect your happiness. Why. Stop being effing stupid.

Rose B



If you don't ship something, don't go hating on it xD Holy shit it's a fictional pairing. If someone insults your OTP, don't tell them to kill themselves. (A great example of stupidity is by looking in the comment section under a book called "RivaMika is Shit" here on WattPad. I just can't believe how rude those people are even if it was kind of funny at first. There's the title and you'd think that nobody who ships RivaMika would click on it because it literally insults their OTP in the title but no. Some people are stupid anyways.) I mean, I strongly dislike Ereri but that doesn't mean I go on Ereri videos and effing hate on it directly.

I don't even fricking hate that ship anymore (it's more of a strong disapproval and I'm pretty creeped out by it). I hate its god dang shippers. Ereri shippers generally suck. EreMika shippers, why do you hate on Jean so often? WHY? He had a crush on somebody who didn't like him back like you do and suddenly, "Oh, no, Jean, I hope he dies," but bitch no. Shut up. I like Jean, thank you very much. SURPRISE. I'M AN EREMIKA SHIPPER! Blasphemy! Lots of EreMika shippers generally suck. LeviHan shippers, as stated, why do you hate Petra so much? She's dead! Rivetra is an effing harmless ship! Why? Stop it.

Okay, to address how rude you think Petra is just because she didn't like Auruo back, let me begin with this short blurb. Do you know what it feels like to have a guy like you but you've already told him to back off and he hasn't? Do you? Because I don't think you do. Plus, Auruo is kind of a rude jerk who's blatantly arrogant. He talks about how great he is almost all the time and makes misogynistic comments towards Petra being his little trophy housewife which she isn't. I don't see how anyone can support that. I feel for him because having the person you love not love you back really sucks, but then I look at his actions and seriously don't blame Petra for not liking him back. (Never mind his attitude but his appearance xD He's younger than her for Pete's sake.) So, y'know, go ahead and support his behavior if you wish but I don't see why you would.

I'll just be over here with the other Rivetra shippers who want Petra to be happy before she gets smashed up against a tree.

I have legitimately never seen a Rivetra shipper act rude for no reason -- they had to be provoked directly. They're now the nice ones. If you've seen a rude Rivetra shipper that was under a video titled something that was not Rivetra (Ex. a video titled "LeviHan happiness"), then please take a picture and show me. I would love to see it.

The nice ones used to be JeanMarco shippers before I started seeing TONS of Jeamin hate and I was just like, "Whyyyyyy. I actually believed in you." Thanks, that dude on the internet. You've ruined it for everyone.

Then there's Eruri shippers and I haven't seen them hate on specific characters but more like Ereri which I can understand. And then there are those Ereri/Eruri people who ship both so. Those are pretty common.




I don't hate ships, I hate shippers. Shippers suck. I hate all of them.

Q: So, what ships do you want to become canon in Attack on Titan?

Me: Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I want everyone to have platonic relationships. Everyone. I want Erwin and Levi and Hanji to be those veterans and parents that take care of the 104 corps. I want Armin, Mikasa, and Eren explore the world and see the ocean as friends. I want Sasha and Connie to be the bets potato friendship in the world and show people that people of different sex can still be friends and not date (they're also almost the exact replica of my friend and I). And I--

Oh wait.

I was about to mention something about Historia and Ymir and then I was like


Only that ship will be canon. Sorry.

Excuse me because I'm a hypocrite.

Answer: Ymir/Historia and that's it.


So overall, people and shippers alike, don't be stupid. Just don't. You can all read. If the title is of a ship you don't particularly like, don't click on it. That's it. How effing hard is that to understand? Stop telling people to kill themselves over TWO FICTIONAL PEOPLE THAT ARE FICTIONAL -- NOT REAL -- and don't affect your overall enjoyment of life.

Okay well it's late and I should start sleeping.

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If you feel like sharing your opinion on this, I welcome it. I love to be argued with. Remember, if something's too offensive, tell me. I'm always willing to cooperate.

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