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                             first reaction is a definite negative. And then I was like, well why not? Don't knock it till ya try it bro.

So I went and looked it up and I was expecting more. I mean, here on WattPad there are so little EreJean books and things meaning it's not that popular. Apparently people find this ship abusive, and though I've never actually seen a comment, I'd like to speak of that.

I can see where people are getting it from. Eren and Jean fight all the time and people will translate that into their relationship. Though, do you think they're gonna clash all the time if they ended up actually falling in love with each other? If they actually love each other, then they won't hurt each other. Therefore, I don't think this is abusive.

Also, I only ever see a mutual and unspoken respect between the two. They get much better later on and Jean only made Eren realize just how much his friends were counting on him. I don't really see them as being lovers, but more friends. They might not be the best of friends, but perhaps they'd be good fighting partners. So in a way, Jean is pretty important to Eren and Eren is pretty important to Jean.

Their personalities are extremely similar. They both dislike being on the bottom, but Jean is more worried about self preservation and Eren thinks more of the people he's protecting. Overall, Eren just wants to protect everyone. Jean, wants to help make Marco proud and protect everyone. Their motives are extremely similar. If they ever actually opened up to each other, perhaps they could have a better relationship.

So overall I don't really ship it, but it's not like I feel frustrated with it on a regular basis like I do other ships sometimes.

Plus, I have yet to see an EreJean shipper who has hated on other ships. So to me they have kept their niceness factor.

Recently, I actually found rude JeanMarco shippers -_- like come on don't ruin it for all the other people. They were ship shaming Jearmin and  saying it sucked. But guys, Marco died.

It's not gonna happen.

There are two options here. (1) Jean can just stay single for the rest of his life and be heartbroken forever. (2) He can find somebody else and be happy.

I wanna have these characters happy.

So if being around Eren makes Jean happy, then go for it. And vice versa. If being around Jean makes Eren happy, then I'm not gonna stop him.

MY SHIPS (SmartRose14)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ