USUK [Hetalia]

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I knew about this ship before I knew what the show even was; ain't that an accomplishment!

Hahaha nope

No thanks

Like, it doesn't detest me as long as people admit that it's incest or something like it, haha

The family tree of Hetalia is super messed up and they're all countries anyways so what's the harm, right? -- You might be thinking.

There isn't any harm :D as long as you realize that fucking your big bro is not okay :D

But I have to commend this ship for being fuckin' interesting. The revolutionary war has been turned into some angsty shit. I'll never look at a history book the same way. I especially love scenes where England shouts, "I could never shoot you, dammit!" because ain't that just nice?

Interesting dynamic. Interesting indeed, but for me, I like to see Arthur as a more ... sentimental father-like figure to all of his colonies so I legit ship him with no one, haha.

I think the image of England pulling child!America up into his arms and asking, "How was your day, poppet? Did your colonists treat you well?" would be a thousand times more appealing than him whispering, "Fuck me, daddy," because nooooooooo



Do you like reading about Arthur and Alfred with a father-son dynamic?

Do you wish the show spent more time with Arthur's magic and the occult?

Would you like to see America interacting with his 50 siblings (his states) - more specifically Texas?

Then you should read Wendigo on by AnAppleOfDiscord! Yaaayyyyy! :DD

I got obsessed really fast and now I'm almost caught up with its sequel and want a book of one shots of just America and Texas living in the Wild West, dear god send help. Arthur acts so mushy it's great xDD

Anyways, overall opinion: eh

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