AruAni (Armin x Annie)

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The following is my initial reaction to AruAni.

Hm... Annie actually being happy with someone? Haha, nope. 

My judgement still stands on Annie, so I don't want her being with anyone. I guess she could be with either Reiner or Bertholdt, because I don't like them either. 

I ship Armin with someone else. Plus, he deserves better. I know that Annie has a particularly sad backstory (apparently; I've never read the manga), but boo-hoo that doesn't mean I can forgive her for murdering people! If a murderer in real life had a sad backstory, would you forgive him? Nope. I don't see how people can like Annie. It just . . . perplexes my brain.

That being said, if you do like Annie, then tell me why in the comments because I'm interested to know why! Don't be shy to share your opinions people, this is a no judging area. 

This is my reaction after actually taking a closer look at the anime and TONS of pictures online. 

*scrolls through picture* okay all I need is one AruAni thing and I can post the chapter (the one above). *continues to scroll through pictures* okay . . . but . . . okay that's cute. *ends up scrolling until the pictures run out* welp . . . why am I so emotionally confused?? NOPE. NO I CAN'T. I cannot start shipping this! 

*reads picture* huh . . . I guess I never thought of it that way. Wow, I completely FORGOT that scene in that one episode . . . well god dang it now there's actual cannon! How am I supposed to argue with cannon? I can't. I don't wanna be an Ereri shipper ;~; so I'm not gonna go against what the actual show is.


I guess . . . if Annie for some reason starts to magically fight on the human side then maybe . . . I'll reconsider the permanent banishment sentence I gave her. But the thing is, I don't like it when [my] characters are upset, so I just don't want Armin to be all upset about this! If he does have feelings, then he's probably really fricking heartbroken already!

Wow, he actually believed that she was a good person and he still had the guts to say it was her. Dare I say a little more guts than Eren. I mean, at least he wasn't totally against the idea that Annie was the Female Titan, and Eren obviously had lots of trouble processing it. 

I still don't like Annie (my opinion can't change THAT quickly), but if she magically becomes the good guy and starts dating Armin (one of my favorite characters), then I guess I'll be forced to reconcile with her! 

She better have a really fricking good explanation for murdering people -_-

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