Petra x Hange (PetraHan)

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Eh I don't really see it, but I guess it wouldn't be that hard to write about. Petra is known to admire freedom-bound people who are loyal and if that isn't Hange then no one is xD

I chose to put this couple into my fanfic because I was putting Erwin and Levi together and usually those two girls would go with those two guys so I was like well then I'll just put 'em together! It'll work out! And I think it's working lol (I mean hopefully I'm writing then as a good relationship heh)

Plus I mean, both of these characters need more love -- probably Petra more than Hange because I have yet to see any Hange hate ever yet for some reason people like to call Petra a bitch and a whore which . . . I'm still very confused about and I can't even think of an argument if I were to advocate for that heh heh so . . . all opinions welcome I guess as long as you explain your opinion. Basically just tell me why you hate Petra xD (and tell me why you hate Mikasa or ... EreMika or Eremin or LeviHan or Rivetra or Eruri or y'know what anything really but also tell me what you like about certain things. Idk why but when people tell me "hey I love your story!" I just really want to know exactly what you liked so I can keep doing that! If somebody just told me "YOUR STORY SUCKS BECAUSE YOUR CHARACTERS ARE UNRELATABLE (that's totally a word) AND TWO-DIMENSIONAL AND DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON YOUR PLOT BECAUSE IT DOESN'T EVEN EXIST IN THE FIRST PLACE!!"  I honestly wouldn't mind because they just told me why. Well, it'd hurt my pride a bit but I'd take it in stride to get better.)

So before I start ranting about people, I shall finish by saying that if we look at their personalities, I think it would work out and it would be adorable but I can't see them together but yet I'm still writing about them haha funny how the brain works

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