AmeriPan (America x Japan) [Hetalia]

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Dis my OTP of Hetalia ships.

As long as they portray Alfred's character right, all should be well. Also, whenever I mention this, it seems all people can remember is WWII and the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Have people not read about Japan-United States relations before and after that, though? We've always been good friends, except for when we weren't, and afterwards, we helped rebuild their country and we're very close economically now.

In my weird Hetalia-fangirl head, I like to this America apologized and said that even if Japan hated him, he was going to help out.

(I also see America in a board room deciding if they want to threaten the atomic bomb and him thinking, 'Surely Kiku wouldn't ... ' So he decides to threaten it, expecting Japan to surrender, but he doesn't and America's boss wants to use the bomb but America starts losing his nerve a little bit because he doesn't really want to bomb civilians and hurt his friend so much. They end up bombing Japan and now America can't forgive himself.)

History decided to give this ship some roundness to it, some nice dynamic, so why not?

Besides, you could always just think of it as a BROTP because their characters, whether romantically or platonically, just kind of go together.

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