Ereri- Part Two

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Here comes Ereri again . . .

So . . . you see that Ereri in the title? Haha, well that's a long story. Well, not really I just like drawing things out.

So, since lots of dare books seem to contain lots of Ereri (though I don't know why, you've just made tons of people unable to enjoy the hilariousness of the dares -_-) and that means that WattPad started to think that I liked Ereri. It definitely ticked me off for a while to see smutty pictures of Eren and Levi on my home screen for a long time. It still does. I still don't like them together. BUT WAIT ladies and gentleman, because there is some life changing information in this little section.

I eventually clicked on one, because stories can be friendly shipping people too, and then I read it. The only reason I didn't absolutely despise it in the first five seconds is because they made Mikasa and Petra good characters, so they didn't commit the sin that many do. Eren and Levi also had very complicated lives. Sadly though, it was an AU.

If you've read my rant on AUs, then you should already know that I basically feel like they're a waste of potential. If you have that good of an idea, then you should make your own characters and make it your own story! All you've done by making it into a fanfiction is limiting your creativity and making it unpublishable. Every moment I spent reading this fanfiction made me feel bad inside because I felt like I was just looking at potential fall into a black pit, never to be seen again. It was so different, that all I had to do to make myself feel comfortable reading it, was imagine that these people looked completely different and that they just happened to be named after Eren and Levi. That helped.

They were actually friends in that one, but their romantic relationship seemed kind of off to me, but isn't it like that with all fanfiction? They usually don't develop the characters' feelings enough so that it actually feels right when they get together with another character. Chasing Ghosts (Levi x OC) is an exception because the author actually built up their relationship and by the time Levi and Alya actually got together I was totally rooting for their relationship. Anyways, so the relationship and feelings seemed kind of off.

Man, but people in that comment section just hated Mikasa. Eren had split personalities and Mikasa obviously looked out for him, but that's just because she had to! She's constantly checking up on him because she has to! Unless of course she wants to be a total butthole sister. Eren isn't aware of what he's doing when he's Jake! So why the heck would you pick on Mikasa for caring for Eren? Gosh, just because she interferes with your OTP doesn't mean she's automatically bad.

You know this one time, I saw an Ereri shipper call Petra a whore and I just was super upset to see people that actually agreed with her. Why do you consider her a whore (or a slut, I forget which word they used)? Is it just because Petra interferes with your OTP? Basically everyone in the Scouting Regiment is a good person so seriously go rewatch the show, or reread the manga. The Military Police is the one filled with the buttholes people, wrong regiment. 

Anyways, so overall I think that experience has made me a little bit more accepting of Ereri and so now I understand the ship a bit more, but sometimes its fans will still tick me off (*cough* above *cough*) with their on-and-off stupidity -_- . 

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