Tomori x Yuu [Charlotte]

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Sure. That's pretty much my reaction in a nutshell. Sure.

Or maybe it was just my rocky relationship with the main character, Yuu. Looking back on it, never really liked him, but at the same time I saw where he was coming from and probably would've helped him reach his goals. I appreciated that he wanted to protect his sister. The fact that he was very emotional in the show I actually really appreciated. I tend to be drawn towards people who actually show emotion, for some odd reason. (But if this is true then why do I care about Levi Ackerman so much?)

As for Tomori, well, I liked her a lot. She's smart. She's strong. She's got a good head on her shoulders. Her reaction to Yuu's love confession was P R I C E L E S S and was just me 100%.

"You mean like romance?"

"Yeah, romance."

I woulda just been like Shooooooot you lyin'.

The thing is, I kind of dislike Yuu just in general no matter how righteous his goals may be, and that's why: sure. Personally, I think Tomori can do better but whatevs.

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