Chapter 29//Lets move (again)

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The cold winter wind blew loudly making my hair even more messier then it already was. Me and Josh never went back to school, they said it was too dangerous to go back to school. I can't even see Niamh, I can't even tell her where I am. It's been four months and I miss my old home. Only two of us can go to the shops it's usually Dan and Phil. I decided to take a walk in the woods by myself, I needed some fresh air. I'm not allowed wander too far from the house. I spend most of my time in these woods with Bailey. The trees are so tall and there's big stones and fallen tree logs on the ground. I'm still not getting answers that I want, how did Michael know I could read people's minds? And they knew they were going to adopt me, but where did they get the information?
These questions go through my mind at a daily basis. They've stopped tweeting and updating fans. They've banned me from every social media and changed my password. Did they forget about rule two?

"Hey Lucy wait up!" I turned around to see Josh running after me nearly tripping on every branch and stone he runs over.
He was wearing his long black winter coat, his cheeks red from the frosty air.

"Oh hi Josh." I smiled shoving my hands deeper into my pockets, to keep them warm.
"I thought you were washing Bailey." Our neighbours looked after Bailey for a long time until we started to miss her, so they drove up and gave her back.

"Yeah, but I'm finished. You've been out here for two hours." He shivered.

"Do you think we'll ever go home?" I asked, the wind draining out my voice.

"I think this is our home now." He whispered.

I hugged him and I started to cry.
He held me close.
We walked back to the house talking about nothing but whatever.

"Are you guys hungry?" Phil asks us when we reach the house.

"I'm starving!" Josh laughed.

"No, not really but thanks." I try to smile.

"Dan, Lucy won't have any of the Christmas biscuits but Josh will!" Phil told Dan who was in the kitchen decorating oddly shaped biscuits.

Dan and Phil were nice, they are YouTubers which is so cool! Because I've always wanted to be a YouTuber, they told me I could feature in one of their videos when this all blows over. I asked them "When what blows over?" Of course they just shrugged it off.
They took a trip to Japan a couple of weeks ago, they brought back so much stuff! They even brought us back some presents. The house we live in is pretty big there's a medium sized garden which Phil told me that all of the flowers bloom in spring.
I never really see Calum, Ashton, Michael and Luke anymore. They head off really early in the morning and only get back, really late at night. They say they're working really hard in the studio. But that's not what their thoughts are telling me.
Me and Josh stay together in the house all day exploring this house, until we've figured it out. There's more rooms in the basement that we haven't explored yet.

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It was the middle of the night. Luke grabbed me placing his hand over my mouth so I wouldn't scream. We were on the ground behind the bed.

"They're in the house." He whispered his voice shaking slightly.

I looked into his eyes I could see he was scared. I saw in his hand a gun I gasped.

"For protection Lucy." He whispered.


I flinched.

"Shh, it's okay Lucy that was Calum's gun." He soothed, listening to the voices downstairs.

How did they find us?

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