Chapter 18//Luke's tweets

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Today is my first day of school! I can't wait to meet all of my new friends but they are probably all friends with each other by now. Yesterday my family attempted to give me 'the talk' about primary school and making new friends but I already knew about all those things they told us that in the orphanage.

*flash back*

"Now Lucy it would be great if we could sit down and talk about you starting school." Michael said pretty seriously sitting down on the couch opposite with the rest.

"Lucy we know your a great kid and all but you have to respect everyone." Luke continued being very serious, they all ha serious faces on.

"They already gave us this talk at the orphanage." I broke the silence.

"Oh Phew! I thought we'd have to go through every single thing AGAIN." Michael gave a massive sigh of relief and then we all laughed with the awkwardness.

So I went shopping with Liz for my uniform and it was fun! She made me calculate the cost of my uniform altogether though.I was tying my laces of my all black converse when Luke knocked on my door.

"Can I come in?" He smiled and walked in. "Aww look at my little boo looking all grown up in her school uniform." I watched as a tear rolled down his cheek.He gave me a hug and kissed my forehead.

Then we were interrupted by an overly excited Michael.

"It's Lucy's first day of school!" He ran into my bedroom tried to lift me and Luke but ended up pushing Luke out of the way onto the bed and spinning me around.

"Stop Michael I'm gonna be sick" I laughed while he still spun me around.

"Fine then." He let me down and gave me a hug.

"I made Lucy's Lunch!" Calum shouted as we walked down the stairs.Which consisted of Vegemite on toast cut into squares and a piece of leftover pizza from last night wrapped in foil.At least he tried.

"Thanks." I beamed and gave Calum a hug.

Ashton was driving me to school while the others stayed at home to write some songs.

"Hello Lucy." Ashton beamed excitedly with a smile on his face. "Are you ready for your first day at your new school?"

"Yeah I'm so excited."

"Did Calum make your lunch?"

"Well he tried." I laughed showing him the lunch Calum made.

"Well if it doesn't work out here take this." He smiled handing me a a giant chocolate chip cookie. "I knew his lunch would be a fail so I drove down to the shops and got you a freshly baked GIANT cookie!" He smiled still impressed with the size of the cookie.(that's what she said)

Ashton dropped me of at the school, said goodbye and drove off.I was excited but also very nervous.

It was a big school I walked to the principals office she showed me were my classroom was.

"Good morning students!" She beamed "this is our new student who we are happily to greet Lucy Quinn!" She said happily. Our teacher a grumpy looking man told me where to sit and introduced himself as Mr. O'Mahony.

I sat down beside a friendly looking girl. She had brown long hair, she smiled at me. "Hey I'm Niamh! Welcome to St. Carmichael's!" She greeted me with a smile.

"Hi Niamh nice to meet you." I whispered and the lesson continued.

Niamh showed me around the school and we ate lunch together.

After school I said goodbye to Niamh and Calum picked me up from school.

"Hey cookie!" He smiled and gave me a hug.

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