More (p.t 2)

180 4 18

Title: More
Genre: Angst
Ship: Seungsung

Sequel to "More"
Not proofread, if you spot any mistakes, please tell me.

"Bye Seungmin! Are you staying over by the way?" Jisung asked just as he was about leave.

"Maybe, maybe not. It's likely that I'll be passed out on your bed again, so be prepared." Seungmin said with a fake grin.

"Ok, looking forward to it," He chuckled. "See you soon!" He yelled before closing the door.

Seungmin peeked round the corner to see if he'd left for good before pulling his phone out and searching for Hyunjin's number.

"Oh, hey Hyunjin, Jisung has a bit of a fever and he told me to tell you that he's not gonna make it to the restaurant."

"He'll be ok, don't worry about it."

"See you soon, byeee." Seungmin said before hanging up the phone. He couldn't believe that he'd actually done it. It was wrong, sure, but it was the only way.


Jisung couldn't keep still throughout the whole taxi ride.

He kept rehearsing what he was gonna say (it must have been funny for the cab driver) before giving up and looking out of the window.

The worst thing he could do was reject him, right? It'd be fine.

As the restaurant finally came into view, Jisung sat up a bit in his seat and got ready to exit the car.

When the cab finally stopped, Jisung paid the driver and quickly hopped out.

He looked through the restaurant window to see if Hyunjin had arrived yet, but luckily he hadn't.

Jisung took a deep breath and walked into the restaurant. He picked a corner table and sat down sighing in relief.

Everything was going to go fine. He was sure of it.



Hyunjin's focus immediately switched back to Jihyeon who was looking at him confused.

"I can turn the movie off if you're not paying attention." She grumbled.

"No, no, I am." He said quickly before planting a kiss on her forehead.

She perked up immediately and snuggled more into his chest.

"What's on your mind?" She asked sleepily.

"Nothing." Hyunjin said halfheartedly. He was still bit confused about the phone call he'd gotten from Seungmin an hour ago. It wasn't really like Jisung to make plans then cancel them suddenly.

He did feel bit relieved though. And a bit guilty.

He was going to call Jisung to cancel anyway. Jihyeon wanted to come over for a movie, and how could he say no?

He looked down at her sleeping face and smiled.

He wouldn't have wanted it any other way.

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