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Title: Blank
Genre: Psychological horror
Ship: N/A (Jeongin Centric)

TW: Blood, school shooting, suicide

Lee Minyu sat at her desk tapping her pencil on her lap repeatedly.

She turned away from her teacher and stared at the world beyond the window.

The trees rustled and bent from the gust of wind. Orange and brown leaves fell from them as tears might do.

As she was thinking, she heard her teacher shouting and immediately averted her eyes to see what was happening.

All her classmates were crouching under their desks. Some were shaking in fear and a few were crying.

Their teacher was quietly sobbing under her desk.

Minyu tried to make sense of the situation. What in the name of ducks was going on?

As if answering her question, the door was slammed open.

A student?
Weren't guns an obvious "off limits to bring to school"?

She squinted at the school uniform that he had on and tried to read his name tag.

It read Yang Jeongin.

She had no idea who Yang Jeongin was, but as of now, she didn't want to know.

"Sit silently without unnecessary movements."

His expressionless eyes swept the room and landed on Minyu whose hand was high up in the air.

"Kill me first." She said coolly.

Yang Jeongin stopped in his tracks.

"What?" He asked in disbelief.

"Kill me first. I was thinking of doing it later today, so this would save a lot of time." She said simply.

"Are you fucking crazy?" He asked nervously.

"There's a possibility." She said with a grin.

He shook his head and pointed the gun at her forehead.

"Any last words?"

"Erm, I'm not sure, I think I'll go with waffles. Yep, waffles." She said with a large grin.

Jeongin's fingers trembled slightly but regardless, he pulled the trigger and a shot fired out.

Minyu's head hit the window and her body slowly slumped down leaving a trail of blood on the window.

Jeongin wished she'd closed her eyes before it hit her. It seemed as though she was staring straight at him. Mocking and blaming him silently.

He turned his head swiftly. His eyes were brimming with tears.

He turned around to look at the other students, but they weren't there. Nothing was there.

All that lay before him was a white ground, then nothingness.

He turned around to look in the other direction, but rather that just white, he saw that Minyu's body was in here with him. Complete with her blood.

"Hello Yang Jeongin." A voice called out from behind him.

He looked behind him, and saw what looked like a blob of complete darkness.

"Um, hi? Who are you? Are you stuck in here too?" He asked uncertainly.

"You may call me Elena." It said in a graceful tone of voice.

"And no, I am not 'stuck in here'. You are. This void is my mind."

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